Merry Christmas Sup Forums.
Except white people, fuck them.
Merry Christmas Sup Forums.
Except white people, fuck them.
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yeah fuck white people!
I don't understand the mentality of people like you, who clearly go out to search for tweets to trigger you. What drives you?
Merry christmas to everyone except racist white people
let's celebrate a white holiday but let's pretend like it was ours, I'll never understand these retards
It showed up in my timeline.
Wow!! I hate white people now.
He's a closet homo and cuck w/ gf
you know whats not trending?
Just imagine being a nigger at Christmas and your dumb ass cousin wearing a We Wuz Pharaohs shirt is ranting about hating white people for existing. Those guys are the equivalent of Sup Forums autists who can't contain their redpills.
>searching for something and getting exactly what you searched for
>don't understand the mentality of people like you,
You have to understand. This is evidence of their culpability/hypocrisy/lies. if they post a comment on twitter or youtube.
It will be glorious when in 5 years from now someone is on TV and you just bring-up their tweets to smash it in their fucking faces.
i can't wait until white people fucking snap.
Yeah fuck white people, they all should be genocided!
>Except white people, fuck them.
>A black man has died after confrontation with police outside a gas station in Florida.
The cognitive dissonance of this is all the the murderous rampages that have taken place this year have been due to Muslim extremists and not white nationalists.
This is your brain on leftism.
Merry Christmas to White People only!
This stuff is great. Anti-white stuff is our best friend
Fuck you nigger
Name me one shooting this year by white nationalists in the US or Europe?
I am so glad our government funded news reports on only the most important and relevant stories to Canadians
He lives in Mexico. What would happen if someone paid $5 and a pack of gum to have him killed?
I love this actually, I want white people to feel alienated to the point that we can finally have our race war.
Racist get out
Why did he delete his post?
>Marxist intellectuals.
Least theyre open about their incentives these days.
Remember when Sup Forums used to say "liberals just LOOK for ways to be offended"
Kek, how the tables have turned.
Pol apparently started blackmailing him and contacting the place he work's, turns out hes a professor.
So I guess he was trying to deleting the evidence
what the fuck is wrong with these people, they want tolerance but are spreading hate at the same time. If they dont like it in a white country they should fuck off back to Africa.
>This stuff is great. Anti-white stuff is our best friend
Its trendy to openly declare your hatred of whites.
>Blaire White
And most of all: fuck drumpf!
I hate the sunlight and I hate the night.
I hate white people because they is white.
Their hair is wavy, their lips is thin,
But worse than white women, I hate white men.
Walking around with briefcase and money,
Bust they head open, my ain't that funny?
Not out of anger and not out of spite.
I just hate whitey because they is white.
W-I-T-E people
I'm OK with this because this means Trump is going to be two terms.
they're welcome to emigrate to non white countries,
like mine:)
that will only work if you archive them and the archive sites are not purged
All I can say is the internet never forgets. If you piss off someone long enough someone will start to personally archiving it.
Who gives a shit about identity pol? From the loony left and from the right.
Make jokes about blacks and make jokes about whites. It's 2016
very soon it will be 2017. And you will see some real shit.
Edifying to know who one's enemies are...
Better still, the one's to eliminate when the time comes.
Wow I care so much of this leftists on a stupid fake holiday
>finding things that make you feel like a victim
>not sjws
Sup Forums why?
Fuck chr*stmas and fuck white people
Christmas WOULD be better without white folks. We'd still be celebrating Christmas like they did in Africa before whitey ruined it!
You do know that thing has a dick right?
>you're fired
Someone who follows me retweeted it. Don't shoot the messenger, user.
For real
You're a pussy who literally goes around looking for things to be offended by.
i'm going to have to assume you're a retard. There really is no other explanation for your dumbshit post.
Need a safe space, faggot?