VATICAN YES: Pope Francis Outlines More Reforms

Pope Francis has outlined more reforms to the Roman Catholic Church, including elevating more women and lay people to leadership positions and focusing more on the multicultural nature of the modern church.

> More women
> Multicultural nature of modern church


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Don't worry. I'm sure the chinks will infiltrate and fix everything.

Is that shit behind him supposed to look satanic?

Convert to orthodox.

>reforming the word of God

>Burn down catholic and protestant churches
>Rebuild as orthodox
>Retake constantinopel

Its the resurrection

Ugh i'm very close to converting if he lets women into the priesthood im out

Orthodoxs are the least christians

Satan rules the world and you're asking if the Vatican worships him? Just look at everything this faggot pope has done.

Yea, the resurrection of Satan. Last time Hymn was cast down to hell was 2000+ years ago.

Jesus is coming soon

The papacy is a greedy and devilish heresy

Convert and resist. Pope Francis is like Shillary, so there must be a Catholic version of something like the Alt-Right.

We can win this together, family member.

Catholics are not Christians

Fucking hell lads. I don't even know anymore. Should I convert to Orthodoxy? I keep telling myself "hey, at least I'm not some faggot anglican or evangelical christian", but JESUS FUCK, man. Fuck the Pope.


there is literally nothing wrong with being an evangelical
>using the Lord's name in vain next to an expletive on Christmas

This. We need to take our church back. Deus Vult.

Convert and support (and redpill) your local Church. Orthodoxy is for LARPers (if you're not a russian or something), don't be a faggot.

You're right user. This pope is the antichrist

No hay una iglesia en todo el mundo donde vive Dios. Dios esta en tu corazon si tienes la palabra escrita en tu corazon.

en serio tho vatican = roman/greek/egyptian/babylonian mystery religions

This. My priest literally laughed at a girl when she suggested we allow female priests.
If this happens I'm done.

The Church has become a charade. I don't even care anymore, let God do whatever he wants with me.

Evangelicals always seemed a bit cultish to me. I went to a few of their masses and it just wasn't for me desu. I also don't like that they try to profit off their preachings to the point where they become a meme.

Amen brother. The Vatican and the Catholic church are meant to be the epitome of Evropean culture but everything seems to be getting bluepilled too fast.

Folks, I don't think we will have female priests anytime soon. This is a closed question.

What the Pope is saying mean probably that there will be more Altar girls (which is horrible and anti-Tradition, anyway) and things like that.

But that's enough to make a traditionalist literally shaking.

A prophecy is that till the day a woman sits on the throne of Him then the world will know suffering.

idk shit about panamanian evangelicalism
if it seemed cultish it was probably some charismatic pentacostal stuff

>Orthodoxy is for LARPers
It's never too late, even huehues can be saved.

I didn't go in Panama, it was back in Venezuela. Panamanian Orthodoxy is quite strong though.

The Pope is a satanist subversive.
No way that horrorshow behind him is just accidental

Don't be a faggot, Manoel. Look at your history.

can cathocucks impeach the pope or what?

Disregard the flag, I'm on vacation.

can cucktolics even do com pete

Yes, if the Pope commits heresy.

We will have to wait until this Amoris Laetitia case is closed.

> tfw Orthodox Church was right all along

Nope, the fundamental principle of Catholicism is that of Papal infallibility = everything the Pope says is true and correct and the word of God. So you can't impeach a pope.

It's called Protestantism

Francis is the anti-pope.
Ratzinger, deliver us from evil.

Greek bible best bible.

every other is fanfiction

>tfw he resigned for this shit

Iirc, the sculpture was supposed to represent souls ascending to heaven after a nuclear bomb went off... weird cold war era stuff.

Careful n that edge

You seeing satan in christian iconography says more about your autism than the art itself

>be a face of 'muh multisrulti'
>be a first pope to call quits

I mean, who could blame him, I wouldn't like tasting a dindu either

That's not what Papal Infallibility is.

You mean like the Lutheran "Church" of Sweden?

Ratzinger was very redpilled, he was aware of the dangers of Islam and relativism. Unfortunately, he's too old to do anything, but we must rediscover his writings.

>people that gave up on Catholicism not because of all the degeneracy but because they loved their gold too much

>there still are people claiming sedevacantism is wrong

If you a catholic but rejects sedevacantism, you are not a catholic.

>If you are a catholic.


The Church is fucked man, i went to mass today and i shit you not fucking refugees where filling up the church all of them on their iphones and shit. i nearly wanted to off myself disrespectful fucks

Sorry leaf, a good deal of christian iconography is creepy as fuck and could certainly be construed to be demonic/satanic.

Not even the people at FSSPX are Sedevacantists.

Or go Orthodox, but fuck that Heresy shit

The pope is already an heretic since he is the definition of catholicism . And right now he even spits on what remained from the traditions.

TFW gooks are better Catholics than catholics

donde vives mexibro


Nigga what?

On a whole Catholics love hell and purgatory so that's why it shows up so often.

The SSPX celebrates The Latin Mass using reforms from the 1962 missal. They are not catholic and are in communion with Francis.

Fuck this pope

The leaf is right on this you autist. While the iconography can be creepy, is by no means demonic/satanic or anything you burger brain make it to be.

I like and support FSSPX and I think they are right about the current crisis of the Church, but they are not un communion with Rome (we can't really blame them for that) and that's a big problem to every catholic.

What I think is that there must be a traditionalist impulse within the Church, not outside.

Filthy traitor!

Only if you have no idea what satanic means and you get your image of christianity from Hollywood movies.
Christian artists very often used dark aesthetics and themes because it's supposed to illustrate the amazing, but also terrifying power of god.

It's kinda cool imo. Looks like a Final Fantasy boss

What the fuck is with that symbolism, man.

Wasn't Jesus supposed to have freed you all from your by-birth debts to organized religion and the ruling class of priests with his death by annihilating the concept of original sin, which was the primary way to claim ownership on what people owe the belief system of the time by birth?

You literally have God give his only son to die for man to be free and the first thing most of you did was go right back to religious oppression under a church like that.

Not even religious either.

Tijuana bro i shit you not we have got a SHIT TON of them you see them on the street near libertad.

Need to raise an antipope and call him on his bullshit.

>dude christianity is redpilled atheists are so degenerate join christianity we are so based and conservative and nationalistic








wow so progressive

I do agree, but he must be officially recognized to be in such a state.

Haitians are better catholics than most european catholics, trust me.

Everybody knows what they do, pham. They are not in "communion" with the Church but they are slowly getting into it (not without some internal disputes).

They are in communion with Rome, you moron.

The Novus Ordo Missae and the Second Vatican Council are a whole new religion that is not even catholic. It is more lutheran than the lutheran church itself.

Many churches already do m80

how to into orthodoxy, and what does it entail?

When will the first female pope assume power?

>there must be a Catholic version of something like the Alt-Right
What is the Opus Dei....

So an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, benevolent, loving and forgiving god... is supposed to be terrifying. Nah fuck that shit, no thanks.

Looks like the cover artwork behind the title text. Shadilay

With Rome I meant the Pope and the Vatican (and therefore canonical status within the Church). I'm sorry if that was not clear enough.

>Haitians are better catholics than most european catholics, trust me

Your shitposting is going off the rails. It does not surprise me the fact that you are brazilian, nigger.

The Russians know exactly what the fuck is going on and are working overtime to put a stop to it worldwide.

>So an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, benevolent, loving and forgiving god... is supposed to be terrifying
Yes, exactly. If you think the concept of an omnipotent being judging your actions and possibly damning you to eternal suffering is not terryfing then something's wrong with you.

I like them. Since you're a spanishbro, tell me, are they really redpilled?

Jesus is mostly represented dying on the cross, and if you want to occupy his grave they will fuck you up.
They're hardcore.

Not gonna lie, former catholic Papist here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bergoglio crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this faggot lead Christendom!!!

I want to convert to Catholicism but I can't get over the obsession with the afterlife/paradise to come. I don't think the afterlife exists and I think religion is good because it makes life in the real world bearable.

What do?

I think you just need to get baptized in a Greek or Russian church

do I need a new language, etc?

There's a very simple fix to that : sterilisation of anyone that fears me.
In a mere ten generations, the majority would be from apathetic to joyful.

You can't have good without bad. It's a fundamental truth.

They have an irregular status but they still they reject and accept the Second Vatican Council because of the Pope.

There is no way the Second Vatican Council is a real council and there is no way the popes from 1958 until now are real popes. They are antipopes.

The gates of hell would have prevailed if those popes and the second vatican council are real.

I'm being serious. You can trust me, even though you're a fucking retard.

In the Greek churches here they do both English and Greek, but the hymns and things are all greek

Sup Forums wants Catholicism to be about hate, bitterness, killing no-christians and treating women like objects. Fuck off scum, most of you aren't even Catholic, specially the American posters.

I am not the one saying the guy who kisses immigrant feet and preaches heresy is a real pope. I guess the retard here is you, not me.

Don't believe in hell or heaven or an afterlife so none of it makes any fucking sense to me. I do see that religion does some good in the world and judge no-one who buys into it, or is raised on it.

Isn't life shitty enough without worrying about damnation and all that burning in the eternal firey pit of hell stuff?



There was, he was Pope Benedict the former Nazi, they didn't like him too much so they kicked him out of the Vatican. Notice how all the pedo stories suddenly became nonstories when Francis took over the papacy. The globalists and the MSM are firmly behind their chosen stooge Francis as he's the most liberal pope of the last past century or so. Expect even more of this bullshit over the next few decades.

You need to understand that behaviour is 100% genetic and the only way to make this world bearable is through mass slaughter of the ones making it unbearable.

The only thing a memetic framework enables you to do is to establish a selective pressure towards certain type of behaviour.
Islam : overdramatic, savage, inbreeding, low-IQ, bandwaggoning.
Christianism : cuckdom, mental gymnastics, xenophilia, ethnomasochism.
Judaism : backstabbing, rule lawyering, reluctant intense tribalism, amorality.