ITT, countries that should not exist

Seriously, the world would have been better off without it.



Yes i agree with you leaf


No joke I always though Belgium was a province of Luxembourg

fuck off you subhuman

Canada needs to be annexed by the US

Here's ur reply leaf merry xmas

For obvious reasons


Also for obvious reasons


Belgium produced Jean Claude Van Damme, Waffles and Front 242. You fucking crazy

The world wouldn't have been any different without it.

They can stay, plus they make nice bédés and good chocolate. And the fries are always good

All of these ex-countries can go.

>Should not exist

>Implying Belgium exists to begin with

Are you fucking retarded? If it wasnt for leopold the 2nd of belgium we would have 60+million niggers after population growth.
God bless the belgies, flemish and walloons.



You're right, that shouldn't be what Greece looks like

Anatolia is Greek, Saracens not welcome

Halt dir mond, zahnpasta

The UK. It is all rightful English soil.

As soon as you free the Basques
t. 1/32 basque nigger

It was a mistake

over my dead body

thanks lad, if the british didn't bother us with their hypocritical moralism we would have finished the job

Fuck you Leaf. Canada shouldn't exist either, it should be part of the US

Also spa-francorchamps is best course

They make the best beer though.


And I always thought Malaysia was a province of Singapore, get the fuck out of here.

We can make that happen.
Thanks for doing the world a favor broeder

They're just Catholic Netherlands


Fuck off. Chile argentina and Uruguay are the only south american countries worth a shit

literally why does this country exist

U fugged up
Amerigan edjugation

You can blame the eternal Anglo for that one.

desu :(

>Defending Belgium


Slovenia and croatia are the only good former Yugoslavian countries
Wat da fugg

Flemish side is ok, Walloons are not ok, they can all die


it never existed pre-Yugoslavia though

It was literally always just a part of either Italy, Austria or Croatia since the dawn of European history. It's a made up country by Jews to balkanize and ruin the balkans

You can join our great Republic anytime :p Actually, make that Bavaria only.

and I don't care if we get it or argentina gets it
just get rid of it please

>be Brazilian
>invade Uruguay
>get rekt by Argies
lol cucked


Cede the Guyanas, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Bolivia to Brazil.Portuguese sounds way better than "El Espanjol ninjo"

this, this is ours


2/3 of the balkans was already ruined by the balkanites
Lol cucked

Because we got fucking ripped apart like a pinata and all of these little slavs dropped out

Blame the eternal anglo

Belgium isn't a shit country though, it just doesn't really have a reason to exist, it should be part of NL/France

You took more than enough of their clay already roach

While the second reich was fine, post-WWII germany is a goddamn abomination that shouldn't be allowed to exist in this form

Agreed. Literally the original russia. Didnt exist pre ww1 ever.


This desu


this so hard

Byellorussia too. Neither of those countries ever existed pre jew.

The fact that no one has posted this thus far makes me hate this board desu

do you really want canada to be part of murica?

Good day everyone.

>>implying belgians give a fuck about their country

t. Alberto Barbosa

Too obvious. And as has been realised, it makes a certain job easier if they're all in one place. One warhead, gnome saynnn?

yeah, but they shouldnt have a capitol for their world swindle

just inject all the matza and challah bread with sterilizing agents and problem solved :^)


This also

Faggots should have stayed here, nothing good has come from colonization

Belgium is responsible for millions of British deaths. If Wallonia was just part of France then Germany and France would have a long land border they could just spend all their time killing each other on rather than UK having to get involved because the krauts invaded a neutral power to get to France

We know you hide the worst in your basement doing pagan shit together..

It makes jack shit easier since the vast majority of jews aren't even in Israel

Hell there are more jews in the US than in Israel

For good reasons..

The Netherlands is Catholic too.



Only good answer

>says the leaf
why didnt we annex your gay shit

Slovenes are Slovenes
Croats are Croats

Flanders joining the Netherlands and leaving all the stinky Walloons and mudslime-infested Brussels behind?

Heres a pic of my great great grandfather i found.
Photo is in the late 19th century

>Belgium is responsible for millions of British deaths

Maybe they should have considered that before making the bufferstate called Belgium?

fucking kek
if anyone should've stolen that it should've been poland, my mapping OCD hates that.

Technically they just received their independence so they are Portuguese which is embarrassing.

Like this? I wonder if other countries would respect our borders.

Did you know that in Charleroi, for a population of about 500k people, there are only 400 families?

Belgium isn't responsible for jack shit

The only reason they exist in the first place is because the french scared the shit out of europe with napoleon so the great powers used them as a buffer state after their revolution

Nobody really gave a fuck about belgium until the brits pulled that treaty out of their ass in WWI for an easy CB; they joined because they saw an opportunity to cut down two opposing great powers, not because of their good will

Who needs respect when you command fear?

Maybe cut out a little bit more around Brussels, to make sure the tumour doesn't grow back.


>I wonder if other countries would respect our borders.

Not as long as the EU exists

They won't let you shift the borders around of the country where the EU headquarters is

Also isn't the south the poor region? Could it exist by itself without turning into greece?

Should probably be given to the frogs if they want it

coming from a leaf, it seems lack of self awareness, to say the least

but yes, you're right. belgium is an aberration.


eu4 is /ourgame/

Why the fuck it still exists



I agree with this Canadian. Leopold was evil and his crimes are even worse than hitler

yes pls, Brussel are all cucks

don't forget FN herstal, french fries and genocide™


ITT: Non-countries
