Take DNA test

>take DNA test
>find out im 2% subsaharan african


i'm so sorry

One drop rule m8, you're a nigger 'arry.
>tfw probably >10% jewish because of my mums side

Top kek, I'm Arab and I don't have an subsaharan blood.

S U B - H U M A N - N I G G E R

Take a DNA test and prove it.
The results WILL shock you!

You still have subhuman blood though.

RIP in peace

consider suicide

what a suprise

You don't have it bad, look at me: 91.7% North European and 0.4% Ashkenazi.


>TFW 100% nigger

Guess you can cash out when reparation go out

They always throw in 1-2% no matter how white you are.

Juden pls


But you're quintessentialy british

> they

so your own ancestory is a jewish conspiracy now?

this is coming from a person who deeply believes in jewish conspiracies btw

you're black....get over it

That's what, one great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather?

You can't be a sheep shagger and call someone else a sub-human

I'm royalty, my piss is more dignified than a island of aboriginal fuckers.

I don't want to turn into a jew!
Im gonna be a Duke and my family had high ranking Natsoc officials.

Do not reproduce

>we wuz kangz n sheit

Kuwait bringing the heat

>I'm royalty
So inbred and bastardised? Gotcha.

I can actually pinpoint why I have 0.4%: my noble side had to marry with a (((merchant))), to get some money back into the family.

Don't tell ur wife, she will use this to cuck u with a nigger and will claim the blackness comes from u and considering a test for fatherhood would mean u don't trust her...

U can only loose

Me too, I'm sure it's just noise h-hahahaha



Haven't you caught on you moron?

>aboriginal fuckers.
Fucks sake user, the amount of people who have fucked abos is probably the same as the amount of sailors who have fucked manatees
Probably for the same reason as well
[spoiler]They were drunk[/spoiler]

>sheep shagger
>not being able to tell the difference between the Australian flag and the new zealand

>take DNA test
>Find out I'm 100% European master race

>ancestors live in africa for 400 years
>23andme says i am 99.8 european

you are a nigger

I blame the forefathers for racemixing with slaves. Literally worse than niggers.


the 1% rule: you are not white

>implying you understand what is the DNA


Isnt being white in Britain a hatecrime nowadays?

>dna test
>99% North German

Where can I take those tests? I've been wanting to do one.

Why are you so afraid to do a genetic test, abdullah? You really think your parents are telling you the truth?

You are more German than I am Ashkenazi.

This is some top level abstract jewing

>take DNA test
>find out i'm 100% North-East Asian

We all know that all the sheep shaggers in New Zealand are under-cover quasi Australians who are using New Zealnders as a scape goat, to fuck goats.

I mean, I may be missing half a thumb, but I ain't no goat fucker.

Google 23andme

>take DNA test
>find out I'm almost half Native American

Dammit! no one gives a shit! I created you humans to be savage in the beginning people will race mix with niggers, and if your 2% nigger then your fucking lucky. Holy fuck I am sick of you human bastards, I created Aryans to be the master race BUT I DIDNT CREATE THEM TO BE SO PETTY ABOUT A LITTLE DROP OF FUCKING BLOOD!

How did it happen lol

>inbred arabs (aka arabs) aren't subhuman
Dirty pig. Dirty!

Ancestry is cheaper

>take DNA test
>99.9% European
>0.1% unassigned

what does it mean??


Why can't you retarded niggers just tell if someone is white by their skin color. *sigh* america during slavery got it right.

Your country is a breeding ground for refugees, you don't deserve to reply to my god like comments, you are dismissed you white flag waving faggot.

>take DNA test
>find out i'm 2% white


I want to take one of those tests but they cost like 250$ here, fuk

I wish I was part native. Then I could get free gibs from the government.

This lmao

Heres the real question. Can we be bros and lemme marry one of your cousins so I can be a kang too?
>tfw 2% levantine

100% false, sorry nigger

ironic, cuz it has the word "nazi" in it.

Not saying that someone isn't white just because of 2% Negro, im just interested in my ancestry.

>0.3% italian
you sneaky wop

It might mean that you have your own special gene inside you that was self created.

Background noise or random mutations. Apparently I'm also

Chernobyl mutant

Mix breeding is a good way to get the best of both worlds, embrace your african heritage brother

Your IQ = 60/70


But is it as accurate?

>0.6% Ashkenazi
Finally someone who's more Jewish than me.
Look at me: 0.4%

>Skin color
>skull shape
>brain development

>this is your average """white""" American

Anybody know if black people are normies?

you think that's bad?

i found out recently i'm like 1/32 or possibly 1/16th nigger from mom's side. also mom's side has irish(euronig) too. on top of the race-mixing, there was also a case of incest between 2nd or 3rd cousins from that side before mom too.

you may be stained, but i am the true genetic garbage dump

You are part ayy lmao

I know that trip fags are definitely normies and probably new as fuck

Merry Christmas user, you made me feel better about the rope.


It's easy to figure out what happened: His grandfather or great grandfather was a Nazi war criminal, probably worked in a concentration camp. At the end of the war, probably escaped to Israel to hide because he figured they wouldn't think to look there.

Hooked up with a Jewess while he was there to make it more convincing.

Illyrian master race here. Probably 99% white

But why cut the lobster not cooked?

Um, actually it's somewhere around the range of 160, which, in case you didn't know, is Eisenstein levels of genius.

I'm working on my unofficial sequel to Ulysses, I'm sure it's going to be a classic, you just wait you french pig.

Did I do it right, reddit?

Ten years ago, if you paid for a test from an American company, you would usually get a few percent Native American in your results even if you were sending a sample from Europe. This was so that burgers would be happy about their "Native-American ancestry" and recommend the company to other customers.

Nowadays you are likely to get some Sub-Saharan African. This is so that the company can refute claims of racism and follow the Jewish agenda.

Unless you're interested in direct family links, DNA tests are a con.

Was a jew 8 generations ago.

>why kill an animal before boiling it
I don't know user.

how come you have that kind of info in your puffy sweaty palms? what kind of trickery is that?

Soooooo can i be a kang too?

Where do you lads get this test again?


We already had that.

I mean doesnt that fuck up the meat?



>take DNA test
>find out I'm 3.9% shitskin



How closely related are your parents and grandparents?

>have distant Irish ancestors
>I fear a DNA test

Hold me Sup Forums. I'm a fraid.

Fuck off newfag, and take your heretical version of god out of here.