What do you think of this image?
What do you think of this image?
Cuck jewish and shitskin. This man is a fot version of pol
Who wears the pants in this family?
>twf no rifleman gf
Would make Jewish babies with the girl.
I have lived in Israel, so nothing. Reservists have to take their guns with them if they are on call. This happens all the time everywhere in Israel for good reason.
>believing the 483x960 pixel jew
She is nice and based. He is running after pokemons.
I'd love to race mix with that kike.
stupid jew bitch is carrying around a unloaded weapon with empty magazines taped to the handguard
>no foreskin
Shitty gunsafety
obviously israel needs more (((gun control)))
>armed jews made strong and vigilant by the eternal sand niggers
>non racemixed young couple in their ethnic homeland
this is great, why can't all hebs be like this? why the fuck do half of them have to live in our countries writing articles about toxic whiteness?
sand niggers come to mind.
>Getting into a gunfight in sandals
I think that the Jewish people have traditions and culture far older and ancient then any of us Caucasian men.
while niggas hate globalist Jewish elites. these average joes are just to survive against shitty left hand (literally) Allah Akbar muthafuckahs... I'm part Coptic. I fucking hate Muslims. I say shower them with lead
I hope that they remove several kebab each in their lifetimes.
fugly noses
I see someone carrying an unloaded Carbine because handguns are strictly regulated.
Average young Jewish couple of Israel.
>never heard about the roman empire
ok, it goes like this:
every kike toddler who reaches age 18 and gets a gun to carry around feels very adult and "kewl" so they take the gun with them everywhere even if they don't have to, just because they think it makes them cool.
also, there's a status game at play here: the cooler the gun, in this case a short barrel m16 with a non-standard grip, the more "kravi" (i.e combat-worthy/warrior/alpha) the person carrying it is.
basically, they are all fags who take pride in beating dumb mudslimes over and over with 1st world US weapons and money.
israel stronk, can into independent
yah they've "remove" them alright
IE - ship them to your country and call you racist if you don't like it
hmmm I guess you guys want more muslims
She looks like she has aids
That is a good explanation.
IDGAF What anyone says, Israeli chicks are HOT
What's wrong with that?
Will shoes stop a bullet better than sandals?
>short barrel m16
isn't that just a M4 then?
It's not even loaded
The magazine is ejected and there's probably not even a round in the chamber and the safety is on.
Wtf is wrong with their gunsafety?
>he doesn't have tactical battle sandals
in Jewish culture its the woman
>tactical quads
You know how heavy two full mags would make the front of that rifle? Aiming it would be a total bitch and fuck up your recoil control. And how the fuck do you get a good tight grip on it with a fucking mag strapped to the handguard? It completely ducks up using any barrier as a mount, and means you either have to stretch to reach a new mag at a high reload or try to hold the rifle out while fumbling with the fucking mag. Worst tactical setup I've ever seen. And if your gunna have a chamber flag in, don't carry on a fucking sling.
we don't know shit about weapons. all we know is m16, uzi, negev and whatever gay names we give to standard weaponry...
our tanks are fitted with M2, but ask a tank commander what its called and they'll tell you: makak (acronym for heavy machine gun) "M2? never heard of it"
>t. goatfucked Abdul
If Jews have such a bad ass army why do they never fight Muslims?
Then go live back there you fucking kike !
nice feet
>american "education"
It even looks like there's an empty chamber indicator in there. (The red thing)
Safer than a bat at this point.
>implying the bitch would not panic and shit her pants anyway if faced with a real terror attack
M16 is gunna have a 20in. Government profile barrel, M4 is gunna have around a 16 inch. Both usually have 1/7 twist and 7lb triggers for standard models.
I fucking hate Jews.
>Then go live back there you fucking kike !
I will, m8. Some day.
My time in Tel Aviv was the best time in my life. Best country, best city, coolest, most aggressive girls.
You want Syria and Iran gone go do it yourself pussies
>Best country, best city, coolest, most aggressive girls.
none of that is true
She can clean my rifle barrel if you know what I mean.
No. Faggot. No.
No. We have our puppet states for that.
Youre nation is the Rothschild puppet state
Why did the Jew god make Jews look so fucking disgusting
lol what
Tel Aviv is a shithole, South Tel Aviv is the worst place in the country and full of niggers and North Tel Aviv is full of pretentious cucked leftists
YOUR buttmad is showing. Now, it gives the shekels or it gets the hose.
>Created in His own image.
Yes, mate, Tel Aviv is cool, despite what right wing idiots are saying. I am conservative, but I am not so stupid to be against higher minimum wages and more public investments into building apartments to drive down costs for the middle class.
no, the jew.s.a is israel's puppet state
Good luck extracting shekels. I have none.
Kike "heroism"
You silly fucking faggot, I spend most of my working day there and when I say it's a fucking shithole I fucking mean it.
>no parking
>no metro
>shit public transport
>500k euro for a 2-room cuckshed "apartment" at least
>80% humidity 9 months of the year
>stupid fucking city "events" that shut down the already overloaded center
And I can go on and on.
Why does this semitic Jew looks exactly like an arab? Really makes you think
Looks like you Jews could use some cultural enrichment
Based Jews defending their country against mudslimes.
Unlike certain other countries, we built our wall quite fast. With our expertise and all.
Now we just need to send these niggers back where they came from (read: sweden).
>no mag in the fucking gun
It's pointless. If someone targets her directly, which is likely, considering she's clearly armed, she can't respond quickly enough.
>>no parking
>>no metro
>>shit public transport
k euro for a 2-room cuckshed "apartment" at least
% humidity 9 months of the year
>>stupid fucking city "events" that shut down the already overloaded center
I loved all of this, except the negroes, which were a bit curious really - did not expect the number of them, not sure why you folks let them in. It is not like they work or do anything except dealing drugs.
You made your rats nest you filthy kike rot in it.
>Jews are the Chosen Ones meme
Nice try Chaim, but this isn't 1500
wtf, she's a 4/10 with saggy tits, mizrahi sub-human scum.
her gay bf looks objectively better than her, I bet he was her senior commander in the army or something, you know how it goes...
When your wall is finished can we fill it with water
Eh, whatever
It seems absurd to focus on Israel at a time when the entire surrounding region is dissolving into a chaotic hellscape
>What do you think of this image?
>Tfw il never walk around Tel aviv with my armed QT Jewish girlfriend.
Make all Jews return to their homeland than nuke it ten times over
are you a retard or something? if they are in the army currently they HAVE to have their weapons with them
you can see a lot of pics online with 10/10 jewifus in bars carrying huge weapons because they have to
>not sure why you folks let them in
Same reason you did.
>liking TLV
Fill it with leaves for all I care as long as it keeps the sandniggers in their little containment zones.
Oh god yes my Christmas wish
teimoniyyoth #1 mizrahi/safaradiyyoth/maghribiyyoth #2 ashkanaziyyoth zonoth not on the scale
>all Jews will survive the attacks
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish there lads.
lol why the fuck would we send Sudanese kushim to Sweden they belong in Africa not Europe and they'll fuck Sweden up even more than it is already
Where's she keeping the magazine?
It won't Jews inevitably get their shit pushed in. That's why there's so few of them.
>liking Eastern monkeys
You fags must really like browns.
>fuck Sweden up even more than it is already
Cannot be done.
That's kind of hot, I wish I was a jewish man getting dragged back to my house by my gun owner wife for a long passionate pegging session
Yall are turkroaches?
Thanks, I couldn't find the lyrics of your national anthem for some time.
>Survive radiation poisioning
The Mizrahis the Israeli gov microwaved sure didn't
We'll shut down the atoms, you idiot burger.
It's actually Sweden's national anthem, I'm a bit of a swedeaboo sorry
They've been working on a metro for a long time now they will get it done soon
I wish I was Jewish too.... so when I die there'd be one less of them.
No seriously nobody wants to be a filthy ugly jew
>cannon fodder no longer useful
Error 404 fucks not found.
We know the translation of the Swedish anthem, leaf.
implying jews are white and not brown you fucking khazar cuck. go back to ukraine and poland. your mother was probably a goya and your father stuck his little shmekle inside and now we have a ben zona on our heres shit posting on pol
Shut it down .jpeg
> tfw best ally supplies guns
Get a fucking SOPMOD, Jesus goddamn Christ. Those stocks piss me off so fucking bad.