Why would ISIS tell people they're sending their people disguised as refugees...

Why would ISIS tell people they're sending their people disguised as refugees? Isnt that just them giving their entire plan away? Are they just that retarded or is there something I'm not seeing here?

pic not related

>logic and reason

pick one senpai

ISIS isn't real

They don't want countries like the US to accept refugees because they want slaves, people to rule over, etc.

So they make up shit about sending terrorists over

I know but its literally like a villain giving their entire plan away in a superhero or spy movie. Its just hard to believe IRL.

It is a Terror Campaign. They have to frighten People. There arent many Terrorists from Isis here to do MAJOR carnage. Just a few but combined with the occasional attack here and there and them telling us that ist them creates an atmosphere of dread and defeatism. Thats their plan

To create some distrust to get more fighters on theyr side.

OH NO Christmas is ruined!

Because they want people to be afraid of them and think islam is mighty, so the infidels will convert. But it doesn't work as liberals are too stupid to connect the dots. Or the villain rants out his plan to the hero as usual

1. Strike fear in their enemies
2. Stop muslims from being cowards and running away from their problems and going on euro welfare
3. Remind muslims that Obama isn't a black jesus humanitarian and is drone striking children all over the world

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Do you know how many refugees come in every year?

2. Do you know where they are being relocated to?

3. Do you even know how they became refugees, or were even how they were selected to be relocated?

4. Do you know the organizations and representatives that actually manage the refugee programs?

If you can't answer any of these questions without conjecturing, then yes you should be concerned when a terrorists say they will come in disguised. You don't know how any of it works, what could you do to stop it?

Our willful ignorance about the real world, in order to keep and maintain our ideals, is thier greatest weapon. We get blown up because we're stupid, not because we did them wrong or are the evil western society, it's because we're stupid.

reasons stated but another possible reason is to intimidate """"moderates"""" and welfare migrants. Any """"radical"""" in the refugee camps now looks a lot more threatening and has more clout.

Also it allows ISIS to claim responsibility for more attacks potentially. And reputation is important.

They live by a creed in which you have to be informed of their Intent before it is carried out.
Look around and you will see it everywhere.
The only one being kept in the dark is you

To make western countries stop taking in more refugees which will make refugees angery at western countries so they join Isis to destroy western countries

If you haven't noticed, Middle Easterners are chaotic evil. They don't give a fuck.

I give you 200 eggs and tell you that one of them is bad.

Do you throw away the eggs?

It is terrorism. Hell. They might not even be sending them with refugees. Or at least not sending many. All they have to do is claim it and cause a panic. They know how to get under our skin and panic us. Us panicing about "rapefugees" just empowers ISIS more.

Nice job playing into their game Sup Forums.

no I just put them in water and throw away the one that floats

We already know that many of them are with isis we have seen the attacks by refugees so far. By telling us that some are with isis it creates inner conflict which leads to more hate and mistrust which will radicalise more and more muslims, thus more terrorist are created

The honest reason is because they want ALL moslems to come to them, to join the Islamic State, and to join in on jihad among the west. They're trying to drive refugees over to themselves. That's why so many of their propaganda videos aren't just killing, but showing off farms and festivities for civilians.

If only that would work. Germany is not even close to stop accepting sandniggers.

That's racist.

> implying racism is bad

>implying racism exists

You're right. We should put the Islamic colonists in water, and if they float we should throw them away.

agreed, did work out in the olden days, or did you ever see any witches around lately?

>What are those shouts from outside?

I believe they intend to club us like baby seals.


the same reason they leave ID in the trucks they use.

They want us to know they're coming.