Brit/pol/ - Christmark Edition

Happy Christmas One and all!

>Watch: Theresa May sends exclusive Christmas message to the Armed Forces

>Jeremy Corbyn addresses homelessness in Christmas message

>May: Britain must unite after EU vote

>UK economic growth revised up to 0.6%

>'Don't stand in our way!' Ukip leader Paul Nuttall calls for faster Brexit in 2017

>CLOSE THE BORDERS: Europe’s migrant crisis puts UK at risk of Berlin-style terror attack

>Archbishop of Vienna: Migrant Crisis Has Gone Too Far, Better to Help Asylum Seekers In Their Home Countries

>European Lefties Plan to March on ISIS While Waving White Flags

>Unsung MPs quietly making Britain better

>The wartime origins of Carols from King’s

>Corbyn highlights 'shocking rise' of homelessness in Christmas message

Other urls found in this thread:


This is some super saiyan levels of smug


is that her cum face ?

Daily reminder that our civilization is dying.

she is Purrrfect


What are you drinking, lads?


Jack daniels lad

Yorkshire Tea

I would have to smash her on the side of her sexy head just to knock her eye str8 though obviously


Dayly reminder: Karen from kin-Iro Mosaic is our mascote, not bretish.

Non-alcoholic beverages.
Stop drinking the wicked fluids.

Why are you LARPing as a Russian LARPing as a person who belives Karen LARPs as a Russian?

>tfw you will never give Priti a dicking so hard that she becomes your willing slave
>tfw you will never use this position to influence policy

A lot

>Atchbisop of cuckbury giving a brexit speach on xmas

Why do we still give the dead kike on a stick cult a major platform?

oh's christmas..

Fuck off you atheist faggot

Been on the Aspall for most of the day, going to switch to lager shandy to wind down


>virgin reads too much hentai
>thinks he can subdue a woman with his dick

Do not thing that Karochka is Russian, No,
But we chooise her at war mascot.

You should fix that plug on your hair dryer luv.

Went for a walk round my town in de-industrialised Yorkshire. Less than one-in-twenty houses have visible Christmas lights. Fifteen years ago it was more than one-in-three.

Think I'll take a rope before the wave of brown hits a few years from now. Hope you loonies fare better. Merry Christmas.

I guess mate but would be fun trying ?
Brilliant , wine an whiskey , cattle prod an chocs
BWT Lads if anyone is struggling tonight Samaritans have a FREE Phone number now 116123 ok

Its a linear actuator. My desk is messy.

>Samaritans have a FREE Phone number now 116123 ok

>can't prove his story book
>calls me a faggot

lol it's so pathetic your retarded attempt to try and win debates.

>inb4 tips fadora

No stop. Just move to higher ground.
Like far North.

Using science to get drunk. God Bless.

>win debates
What debate are you talking about?
You come in here with your nonsensical fucking bullshit, based on stupid fucking liberal revisionism, you have the fucking audacity to think you shouldn't be thrown the fuck out with the open border fags

>tfw watching Jaws because there's fuck all on TV

tap water

So brits. Can you can you give away to us Karen?
When war is ending we give her again (maybe)

did a single one of you go to church?

Ti Kde v rossiya debil?

a u t i s m

disaronno with some fresh tap

Firstly i'm a white brit and as far as i know all my ancestors are.

Secondly basing your view of the world on facts and evidence isn't liberal revisionism, and it certain isn't stupid, you must be stupid to that it's stupid.

Thirdly your story book is full of bullshit. Prove it otherwise... oh wait...

You're sperging out... it really is quite funny..

Yesterday and twice today.
It was built in 1200 AD by Knight Templars.

Tebya ebet schtole?

>Netanyahu announced today that he would cancel a meeting with UK Prime Minister May
Huh, so much for Theresa May sucking up to Jews, eh? You mummy May doubters will be proven wrong.

>Firstly i'm a white brit and as far as i know all my ancestors are.
I didn't fucking ask

>Secondly basing your view of the world on facts and evidence isn't liberal revisionism, and it certain isn't stupid, you must be stupid to that it's stupid.


>You're sperging out... it really is quite funny..
Fuck you, you stupid fucking cunt.

You posted here to do one of two things
A) Piss of Christians
B) Make jokes about Christians

Fuck you

Du not give a fuck, Karochka here for russia?

So how was your Christmas, lads?

>Netanyahu’s office denies he’s canceling meeting with UK’s May following UN vote
>Spokesman says he was never scheduled to meet his British counterpart next month in Davos

Forgot pic

Make jokes about retarded people beliving in bronze age fair tales. I will.. but Ii actually posted because your faggot archbishop is crying about brexit..

I might be stupid, but you buddy, are more stupid..

I did. Small town and an even smaller (shrinking) congregation. Sad times ahead.

Can you just shut the fuck up with the atheist sale lines already you unlikeable faggot?

Went to Westminster Cathedral

I like this pic, typical virgin cuck christian sperg reply.

only you on here appears to not like me, i think everyone else has better sense than you desu.

>tfw apathetic masterrace

Nobody else cares about what you have to fucking say.
I'm pissed off at you for daring to come out of your fucking atheist subreddit circlejerk and think that people here want to join in with you in bashing Christians.

>He can't make a girl a cockhungry slut that lusts only for your dick

> Supervisor yesterday tells me I'm not allowed to wear a Christmas hat
> Inform him that it's part of my cultural history and he is prejudiced and he has no moral or legal ground to stand on

Hopefully I still have a job.

And this is exactly what I mean.
While brit/pol/ might not be full of Christians, it's certainly not full of fucking fedoras desperate to talk about how they're so much more skeptical

did you get much for the lead ?

>nobody else cares about what you say
likewise m8, likewise

>atheist subreddit circlejerk
Personally I could never get into reddit, don't like the comment structure, just not my thing, but obviously every atheist is from reddit... duuur i can i be so stupid???

>being this cock sure in these shit tier times

>Personally I could never get into reddit, don't like the comment structure, just not my thing, but obviously every atheist is from reddit... duuur i can i be so stupid???
Jesus Christ this fucking reply
Is it your first day on this website or something?

You're supposed to say "I've never even made an account", not give me a fucking user review

>being skeptical is a bad thing lol
Sorry I don't believe in any retarded conspiracy shite you gullible faggots here believe.

>fucking fedoras
I'll keep my fedora, you keep your virginity...

>Atheists virtue signalling near me

Wow, wait to earn the respect of your fellows

Can you just fuck off already?

My nigga. Did you get the gift set as well?

Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose.

The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.

All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.

All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.

I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered.

I communed with mine own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.

And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

I've made an account, don't use it though, and no i've been here a while thanks.

Kung food

Christmas telly gets worse and worse every single year.

Fireball & Cherry Coke


I actually did, yeah.

TV in general has been shit for ages

It really does.

Hundreds of channels on virgin and still fuck all on.

Good lad. Finishing the 4th now. Hits pretty hard.

most people here are retarded, there's a few with sense. Why should I leave because some little faggot can't handle it when called on his bullshit?

Been watching Oliver since 7 lad, but you're right there is fuck all on right now.

I got the Duvel one as well, recommended if you don't have it. The glass is another tulip but heavier duty, plus Duvel is gorgeous.

>Why should I leave because some little faggot can't handle it when called on his bullshit?
Gee I dunno, maybe for the same reason that you can't handle it?

>Spending Xmas with my family
>They all hate Trump
>They all hate Brexit

"B+B owners should have to serve gay people, thats the law"


Anyone else having a...'nice' Xmas?

Naa, more funny pissing off some little triggered faggot.

Have you ever fingered a bird?

Am I the only one that get's annoyed at my mother if she drinks too much during the family get together, she's not a chav, but she just starts acting like a smug, over confident idiot and it's annoying.

>admitting to having a reddit account
>Being a fedora fag

You need to be thrown into the Channel desu.

>Hundreds of channels on virgin


Sminoff vodka and orange juice.

I'm calm m8y

You're the one crying for me to leave.

When will you take the fucking hint?
You came here to bash Christians.

I'm not putting forward an argument and I'm certainly not debating a retard like you, I'm telling you to fuck off.

I live in Merseryside, maybe the river mersey will do?

Also I don't actually have a fedora.

I got the westmalle set. The trippel is good if you can find it.


I'm visiting parents for the Christmas season and first time I have watched TV in ages. It's all shit. At least the reruns on Dave are mildly amusing

>Also I don't actually have a fedora.


Mums tv m8. I don't have the electric Jew at home.

Great choice luv
show us your tits

This is a politics board, you bash whatever you want, religion, politics, jews, etc.

Lol you're just as bad as moaning feminists. This ism't a christian board because you say it is faggot, you fuck off..

>Gospel Christmas

>I live in Merseryside

So do I, enjoy the foghorns on newyear lad

>central Bonglanders will never know this feel