Merkal gets shot within 3 months !
France will have a bombing campaign in July !
Trump will be blown up in his state car !
Manlet Putin Does Nothing about his dead staff !
Brexit happens by summer an pakis/niggers/Polish deported !
your predictions ok
Your Predicted Happenings for 2017
russia will omb syria
>France will have a bombing campaign in July
Jesus will arrive on earth and fight KEK
Hillary will die before trump's inauguration
The partial or complete death of the Global Warming cult.
It's La Nina time!
I become a super hero of kek
Many anons lose their jobs and kill themselves due to depression
Holy get
>Trump assassinated by (((lone gunman)))
>China announces new gold-backed currency
>Saudi Arabia abandons USD
>US economy collapses
>Euro soon follows due to incompetent commie EU policies
>Race war finally kicks off
>You don't reply to this post
>Your mother dies in her sleep
Nukes are used in Syria
>Merkal gets shot within 3 months !
Merkel will probablyh be reëlected wtihin 2%.
>France will have a bombing campaign in July !
Terrorist attacks are likely but no bombing campaign. They will likely be more like the attacks we've seen earlier.
>Trump will be blown up in his state car !
>Manlet Putin Does Nothing about his dead staff !
>Brexit happens by summer an pakis/niggers/Polish deported !
>Never ever
>I lose my virginity and get a gf.
This year is the year. Pls kek let it be.
>Merkal gets shot within 3 months !
>France will have a bombing campaign in July !
>Trump will be blown up in his state car !
>Manlet Putin Does Nothing about his dead staff !
>Brexit happens by summer an pakis/niggers/Polish deported !
Not a hope in hell
>Merkal gets shot within 3 months !
there might be an (((attempt))) like with Reker. A 'rightwing' nutjob will be identified and this will be used to disarm Europeans or at least all native Germans.
Some sort of showdown with the blue states over sanctuary cities, possibly escalating until national guard is called in to deal with rioters.
BLM attempts another riot because some dindu gets shot while robbing a liquor store, this time the local authorities have full support from the state and feds so BLM gets rekt and all of their leaders go to prison.
China has an economic collapse because nobody puts up with their shit anymore
A shitload of Democrats go to jail as the FBI starts investigating 8 years of backlogged corruption cases.
This in the worst case.
Douche Bank fails, triggering a wave of bail-ins that collapse the European banking system. This then spreads contagion to the entire world, and the global economy crashes.
OPECs production cuts don't actually have any effect due to American production ramping up in response, and so oil prices almost reach $70 and then crash back down below $50. This eventually leads to an oil producing country collapsing, and I'm expecting Venezuela.
Turkey goes into full civil war as the YPG solidifies their territory and feels more confident in sending weapons and fighters back into Turkey. NATO throws in on one side, Russia/Iran throw in on another side, and within a few years Turkey looks like Syria.
A quasi-terrorist international leftist group forms in response to Trump and Brexit. Something like the Socialist Rifle Association, or the International Workers of the World or Black Lives Matter, gains a ton of membership and its members start intimidating people with armed marches. Crackdowns ensue after that, which triggers riots.
Someone important probably gets assassinated. I doubt it will be someone high up, like Trump or Merkel, but someone farther down the chain of command - a secretary or parliament member or party chair or something.
California becomes an obstructionist government, refusing to respect the federal government's authority and constantly clashing with the federal government in court. This might combine with the leftist terrorist group once the crackdowns begin, since California would never crackdown on them, and California starts looking like it might actually secede. Their economy crashes in response.
China and America get closer to full-out war in the South China Sea, and Russia acts as the mediator between the two. Expect China to start pouring money into its military next year, and making increasing its nuclear arsenal.
The arctic ice sheet fully collapses, triggering a wave of panic. It recovers the following winter.
>Merkel gets shot
By what? A squirtgun?
Trump negotiates peace between the Israelis and Palestinians
UN starts to fall apart as US guts funding
Obama publishes a book
Hillary gets sicker
Federal Government clashes with sanctuary cities; repeat of desegregation in the 50's
4th Reich.
Hey Patrick, is that a kek praise?
>Yes! Yes it is!
>dixie rises
>California sinks into the ocean
>Yellowstone explodes
>Trump annexes Mexico
>Trump begins invasion of South America to claim as "New United States"
>Draft called including women who start protesting that they have to fight too
>EU collapses
>Russia, Syria, and China come up with their own currency to BTFO the petrodollar
>Aliens reveal themselves and stop the wars
>Aliens expose the shadow government
>Aliens vaporize Trump who tries to declare war on them
>Earth is annexed into the New Galactic Empire
Devaluation of the US dollar by 20 to 50% within the next 3 months.
This confirms it. By the way, this wasn't spontaneous. I have insider information.
>Your mother dies in her sleep
Holy shit praise Kek for not granting you digits
The EU proposes a ban on dangerous assault trucks
Hollywood pedo scandal.
France will be great again
and oh Frexit
fuck you Antonio
fug :D
Chelsea Clinton will die of AIDS
Bill Clinton will die from syphilis.
John Podesta will be exposed as a pedophile
Leave my mom alone
Hillary died before the election was over.
*post is now replied to*
>>Aliens reveal themselves and stop the wars
>>Aliens expose the shadow government
>>Aliens vaporize Trump who tries to declare war on them
We can only hope.
>Trump gets shot.
Then Pence would be president. As much as I wish we could have the excitement of Trump being assassinated, the swamp that he has been building would still live on, without him.
Trump takes breath.
>Media: :Why is Trump breathing? He's stealing oxygen from beautiful black bodies! How dare he breath!"
Trump says "Hello!"
>Media: "Hello... is this the new greeting of White Surpremacists? He is sending a coded message that brown people should go to hell!"
Trump takes a step to the right, walking into the White House
>Media: "Obviously his right step indicates a move towards the evil, nationalist far right hate group movements!"
In 100th anniversary of October Revolution Putin will declare restoration of monarchy.
Evil fuck
It will be a new beginning for peace and prosperity.
Mirisim hercegovca.
Hillary will win the presidency
social unrest in western Europe
bursting of the economical bubble
terrorist attacks (hard to guess)
destruction of established governmental and cultural structures(cracks already seen, brexit, Trump etc) and planting new seeds
violence will become really present in everyday life and in consciousness of the people
a lot of destruction on many levels
government in many countries will become more centralized and authoritarian
If you thought 2016 was wild, 2017 will be the year of happenings that are hard to imagine.
Without a doubt
>he doesn't know the president is escorted in bomb proof cars
Brexit will happen and frogs will have to go back !
Not bad. I capped. I dunno if it will happen in a year though probably 3
fuck you goy
Here is your (you).
>not a leaf
Guess it's time to ban serb faggots too.
We'll have a better understanding of memetics. Witness me.
Trump will pull an epic turnaround in January and begin focusing almost solely on jobs and foreign diplomacy, and do well at it.
France will either vote in Le Pen or see massive unrest and the slow influx of more and more nativism and populism.
One or more younger democrats will begin to artificially rise up within the party, groomed and aided by bankers and corporations, but the public will not notice them much or will think their rise is natural and organic. The advent of social media may stop these dark horses from ever grabbing power. (Read; they will try to groom a second Obama.) This will continue through 2019.
The democrats will reorganize and probably fail, which will set the stage for a catastrophic midterm loss the subsequent year. If they do not fail they will lose 2020 instead.
Things will get messy in China, socially and economically.
Trumpism will begin to spread to other nations probably starting with Eastern Europe.
t. Styx
Rerolling because I forgot to praise Kek.
Check 'em.
Di-did they throw them at her house?
The truth behind pizza gate is blown wide open, the result is a massive red pill to normies everywhere.
This will mark the beginning of the end to SJW and the Democratic party.
I predict the (you) will get fucked
2017 will be even better than 2016 to the right all over the world.
>Davis Cup
Literally a combination of the worst scenarios imaginable. Short of a Planet X/Nibiru event actually being plausible.
Fycj u
If double 7s, Trump and Putin will stabilize the Middle East.
Isis destroyed
Praise Kek
Tried to respond to that juicy 55, fuck the spam filter and PRAISE KEK
Still thinks it's spam so I guess I'll slap a prediction on here. Supervolcano goes active, but it's a third one that's yet to be in the news cycles.
CNN huts a year end wall ratings wise, pushing it to be taken over by Casey Neistat who's entire mission will be to make leftists look cool and edgy again.
Major assassination billed as a shark attack in surprise comedic twist.
We collectively learn more about meme magic.
The New Left will have some small victory.
this. the meme magic of now is like the first computer. our power will grow exponentially in the coming years.
Trudeau officially becomes Canada's Queen after the Queen dies.
Praise Kek
>blown up in state car
Kek not even likely, that thing weighs 21,000 pounds
US will enter a new war in the middle East.
Trump will build a much smaller wall behind schedule
a lot of illegal imigrants will be deported.
a lot of gay rights protests for something like better pay
a lot of BLM protests for police shooting armed assailants
Turkey will cease to exist leaving behind a radioactive wasteland.
>Erdoğan will win the referandum
>President wont be a symbolic figure but he will have right to form the cabinet and dissolve legislative assembly
>There will be more bombings in Turkey than 2016
>Turkish Lira will continue to lost its value
>Government will be forced to increase intrest rates but it will fuck housing markets which is the only think that prevents Turkish economy to collapse
>There will be a moment that people wont be able to buy houses because of high interest rates (there are already signals of it), construction companies wont be able to pay their debts to banks (aside of many of them are already declaring their bankruptcy, there are many signals of it) and Turkish banks wont be able to pay the money they owe to foreign banks due to sunk credits
>Erdoğan will only bail his guys' companies out
>Economy will collapse
>Erdoğan will expant his powers not to lost his power
>Erdoğan will use lethal weapons against hungry protestors
>more death
>more unemployment
>more poverty
>more scandals
>more corruption
>more powerful Erdoğan
After all bad things, Turkish people will say, "Erdoğan is the only one who can save us. All this shit is happening because westerners envy our world leader and they dont want Ottoman Empire to be formed again."
Anyone who is against Erdoğan's catastrophic policies will be accused of being terrorist.
Republic of Turkey (1923-2015) has already died. We will see its funeral in 2017.
Trumps big spending agenda smashes bond markets, forcing interest rates up, RBA follows suit and jacks up interest rates in Australia. Everyone who borrowed millions to buy into
Sydney property market gets BTFO
If double 7s, the EU will have another loss.
Trump will negotiate some overall solid deals and make progress with the Israel situation, and ease relations with Russia while being harder on China. The economy will falter, but not collapse entirely. Obamacare will be neutered, but won't be fully repealed. SJW and BLM culture will be replaced with more left-wing extremism, because they will feel validated in the system being against them. Turkey will collapse. Queen Liz will probably die. Trump will probably appoint some neocon to the supreme curt.
>Earthquaky on California, 9000+ casualties
>More cities like Detroit become bankrupt
>Wilders elected, deporting and blocking shit with a wall
>Erdogan turns Turkey to extreme national fascism but can't stop terrorism
>Trump meets Kim Jong-un, promises to depart the U.S. military nearby and let South Korea/Japan pay denbts
>Putin becomes a global hero and redpills all it's enemies and critics with exposing that Jews and Anglo are evil
>India gets nuked after the biggest Kashmir escalation, poo flies everywhere, the nation is labeled as designated
>Swedistan will never uncuck itself and Ebola chan and liberalism will blanda upp together
>More terror attacks will let the far right win and kill off the multiculturalism pipe in Muslim infected European countries
>Africa and Saudi Arabia will remain in the stone age
Trump will be Emperor. What are you talking about?
thats not an iraqi woman thats a native american. she has one of those tattoos on her face.
Le Pen wins the French election.
>A VERY BIG happening. Pick one from
>>The Big One in California
>>Yellowstone eruption
>>Campi Flegrei eruption
>Russia and USA relations to a historical high to glass ISIS
>Major terrorist retailation in many big European cities
>someone tries to kill Trump (most likely some lefty retard)
>someone tries to kill Pope Francis (most likely someone islamist)
Fuggg dem dubuls
Terrorist attacks in Italy
Ah yeah, I forgot
>Merkel wins again but AfD will get, against any prediction, something near 25-30%
>LePen loses but the other Right wing guy wins, can't remember the name
This is really hard to tell desu. It's in their interest to keep Italy outside of this. Many, MANY people already hate niggers and islam (really, you can't imagine how many). A serious terrorist attack would really close our route to enter Europe for them. They don't gain favour from this, clearly. And I'm quite sure we're so made to be even ready to ask to leave the EU in case they sanction us again for keeping them out. A big enough terrorist attack in Italy could really make Europe collapse
I want off this ride