From the front page of reddit.
Apologize Sup Forums
From the front page of reddit.
Apologize Sup Forums
are you lyin?
Lying whore cunt. ALLAHU AKBAR
>a man pays for my house, food, and cats.
>i want to leave
>nobody else has volunteered to pay for me
You know what they say about a woman with three cats...
Fuck off.
What an embarrassment Sup Forums has become. Back in the day you would never see reddit threads.
it got burried from frontpage, cuz OP was a lyin cunt.
Lol women will fuck just about anything before fucking me apparently
>it's another "We pretend that Sup Forums isn't entirely comprised of reddit-cross users" episode
go roleplay elsewhere
it's a bogus post on leddit.
mentally ill person posted the story, and deleted recent post history asking how to get pregnant, about how the person has lived in 7 countries before, etc etc etc
You don't get type 1 from being fat you mong. kys.
fuck off redditor your kind is not welcome here
I hope those cats are ok
I'm sorry you fell for a borderlines projection
I only recently started trying to understand how reddit works, probally because i need new venues to shitpost in and 4skin is dying because it's being transformed to a hugbox.
At least she admits to being bipolar unlike 99% of the wackos on TwoX who make up lies about being abused.
It isn't. You have to go back.
I'm sorry that they're all so pathetic and we should do more to help them see the light.
>Get abused by husband
>Doesn't call the police
>complain about it in a shitty forum
To be fair, I cut off ALL ties to reddit.
>caring about users of a website
It's really easy to see who's a reddit-tier poster and who has fully assimilated.
It all ended when the kike apologists and nigger worshipers weren't ignored entirely
It's the influx of new visitors from reddit that can't help but "defend their new home" from these shitposts.
I'd really be interesting in hearing his side, exposing what a bullshit liar this bitch is
Same. Havnt been there in 3 years
She's obviously lying about the physical assaults. She could easily go to the police station and file a restraining order. The husband would have to leave the house. Then, she could start the divorce, forcing him to keep supporting her financially.
Bipolar + woman = run
Just turn around and start walking away from whatever situation you are in.
>everyone's doing it xD
Nah fuck off
Kek that filename
No one realises the troll
somebody didn't get what they wanted for Xmas
and tomorrow the bipolar will say he is really the greatest guy on earth
You have to go back