Is abortion wrong?

Is abortion wrong?

>is murdering innocent babies wrong

Nah. It's not like they feel it, they aren't even sentient until later stages of development. Kill em, but not too late.

If we consider that single mothers are the scum of society and you should never marry a single mother who isn't a widow it's right simply out of necessity.


If you had an abortion in Sweden between 1930-1973 you would be forced to undergo sterilization.

Only if they're not nigger babies.


>It's not like they feel it, they aren't even sentient until later stages of development

That's what science use to think about many animals 100 years ago. If I put you in a box and tear your limbs off you'll feel it.

>science was wrong about something a 100 years ago
>therefore it's wrong about something else now

No. It's the science that's preventing your country from going to shit.

Make abortion illegal, like we did, and your country turns into mine. Do you want that? No.

>EM drive

and mate

>abortion is good, goy! Believe me!

But jews are our friends user.

Not if I haven't developed a brain stem

No. Support abortion rather than see a kid grow up in a family that feels like the kid destroyed their lives and gives the kid shit for everything. Divorces and abortions skyrocketed when woman got more freedom. Why? Becuase before they got stuck with the first boy from school and if she got pregnant she was forced to marry that person or be shunned by others for being a tramp. Woman are more independant now and that's a good thing. Nazis might complain that woman older than 15 years old have more interests than complaining about niggers, skin color or jerking off to hitler. Sure it sucks a little but a happy girl is more fun than a sad train wreck. Pro lifers are often stupid as hell. The baby don't even know it exists before it's 2 years old or something

Good goy

Holy crap you are simple, IQ ~ 92?

Abortion should be legal but don't fund it through tax dollars

I see no difference between aborting a fetus that hasn't gained life yet and shooting off knuckle children while watching porn. So guess it's best to wait for science to define when a fetus is 'alive'

Only if you expect someone else to pay for it.

Only if you're white. I would of had 2 half Mexican kids and a half Ukrainian kid. Glad I made them get this abortions.

Only if you're a Christcuck.

Are they White? Yes.
Are they a nigger/other? No.

what happened to Valenzuela?

Today the country is overrun by shitskins more than ever. They have about 8 kids per mom since abortion is illegal, and from a very young age. White girls have money so they either bribe their doctors or travel to get abortions.

As a result the white population didn't grow much but the non-white one went through the roof. We were never a majority, but there certainly weren't nearly as many shitskins before. Everywhere you look there's non-whites.

And of course you know all the problems that come from having too many non-whites.

Also a lot of shitskin women die from illegal aboritons, but that's a silver lining.

Yes, because mainly wealthy whites do abortion while the poorer races cannot afford it. This undermines our own birth rate and undermines our goal of securing a future for white children. Abortion is mainly driven by Jewish propaganda in an effort to destroy our society.

>says would of
>kills his offspring
Sometimes 2 wrongs make a right

Oh guess science is wrong about everything then.

Pack it up boys, shut down the internet, electricity, space programs, modern development of medicines, weapons research, shut it all down, we're going back to the dark ages.
Science was right back then about everything! Right?
Or should we go back further?
When does science become right 100% of the time?

Oh wait, never that's when.

You watch way to much disney mate.

Why yes.


No because if my daughter burns coal, I don't want that monstrosity to live.

Only illegal for whites. Should be subsidized for shitskins.

>its bad to abort a fetus that cant survive on its own or move on its own
>we should flood america with niggers instead

This is wrong and you know it.
>An African-American woman is almost five times likelier to have an abortion than a white woman, and a Latina more than twice as likely, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Every single abortion statistic shows that minorities abort more than whites. Mostly because minorities are dumber and more likely to get pregnant by accident.


There is definitely something wrong with you if you can't answer the question right away.

I'm Dutch, I was mainly talking in context of our European situation, where immigrants and others seem to multiply like wildfire.

If it has a heartbeat, it is it's own being and it's murder.

yes but prohibition doesn't hinder anyone
I mean unless you want to ban coathangers and stairwells too
choose life is the correct stance

Is having a miscarriage involuntary manslaughter?

In this case the solution isn't to ban abortion, it's to make it so that even poor immigrants will be able to afford it. The number of whites you'd save still aren't enough to battle the hoards of immigrants. Not to mention wealthy whites will always find a way to have abortions even if it's illegal. All you do is lose.

Brain dead people have heartbeats too.

>Is abortion wrong?
not when niggers, kikes and non whites do it

Even a heart by itself has a heartbeat under certain conditions, does that mean what stopping the organ from beating is murder?

So it's fine to do it before the 5th week?

Only in a healthy homogeneous society.

Abortion AS CONTRACEPTION is wrong

Eugenic reasons only

I am neutral on the subject but I would not date a woman who had an abortion. I am very superstitious and would not stick my dick into haunted poon.


That's retarded. You should avoid them because they're clearly irresponsible and stupid, not because of some superstition.

abortions should only be allowed for minorities.

OP, it's Christmas...

it's promotion in "the media" is tantamount to eugenics
kind of like how left-leaning governments are pushing hard as a motherfucker to get everyone racemixing as much as possible
"they" have an idea of the perfect humanoid and want to see it propagated. has nothing to do with "so solly whi peopre reparation" or "being more Free & Equal"
their endgame is to have a large tax base of high-melanin individuals with manageable intelligence quotients


>nigger knocks up some chick and leaves
>she can't get abortion since she's white

Yes but gassing jews is not.

Nah, I mean it's fine to abort if the child will be terminally ill or and/or deformed and shit like that

I'm getting tired of you, sven.



abortion is wrong when the baby feels it
In the natural growth the baby doesn't feel anything until its sensory nerves are fully grown.
after that point the baby would feel the abortion and would be in extreme pain and would technicely be killed.
so i think the most reasonable set of rules would be that you can abort the fetus before it nerves system is grown and after that it can not happen

unless there is extreme case such as that the birth would kill the mother, if its rape or incest.
or if it has the negro disease which will forever cripple the child because the mother can't get child support.


I guess the only option then is to send them all to "integration" camp.