Tfw i know many blacks in medschool ,pharmschool,no affirmative action

There's no affirmative action for admission in the stem field in canada except for Native americans (You're a pathetic idiot if you get mad at that). At least that's how it is in my province

In the recent years i see more and more blacks (mostly west-africans) and arabs getting into medschool and pharm school and excelling.

But sheltered autists in their hate-filled lunatic echo-chamber keep masturbating to their "totally scientific" charts about how the smartest nigger has an I.Q of 30 and how niggers r all dumb and their confirmation bias news. Ignore articles about disgusting white crimes (0-10 reply max) and circlejerk around "dindu" crimes (100-300 replies)

I'll be honest,i hate goons of any race. But most black people i am exposed to are smarter than most of you,it's hilarious and pathetic to see the mental gymnastic you lunatics have to do to cope with that

Anyway i've seen enough lunatic banter here for 2017 and it hasn't even started yet. Keep circlejerking

Other urls found in this thread:

>You're a pathetic idiot if you get mad at that
if you think you're good enough, prove it


Perhaps they were smart enough as you say to do it on their own. The problem with Affirmative Action is there is no such thing as "no such thing as Affirmative Action". By the government's perspective, if you're black you NEEDED that help or you'd have been a crack addled nigger. I just want to go by individual character.


>There's no affirmative action for admission in the stem field in canada except for Native americans




Oh god, this 100% has to be a joke thread.

None of us deny the bell curve. Because of the bell curve distributions, there are also some gorillas with high IQs in the 90s. Doesn't mean that gorillas should be members of your society.

a bell curve is a bell curve
Theres a black pharmacist at my local walmart where my friend used to work and shes fine.
She doesnt act like a nigger and is generally pleasant to be around.

That doesnt disqualify the 300 other niggers in places they dont belong though

>Canadian Nigs =/= American Nigs



Problem is, they fucking are and OP is full of shit.

Most of the crime in Toronto and most of the violent crime in Montreal is fucking Niggers, and they're like 3% of the population up here.

there are also a lot of muslims in my engineering technician class, but they get a grade 4-point-something (german grade, 1 to 6, 1 is best) with a lot of effort in learning

are you an idiot?(yes you are since you're on Sup Forums)There's nothing to identify you as a minority (except for native americans) when applying for medschool,dental school etc.

They judge your gpa, you pass the tests and you're in,nothing else

you're an idiot. At least that's how it is in my province, if it's different somewhere else then tell me know cause there's probably people with a loiwer gpa who would fucking love to know where they can apply and get in medschool just by being arab or black


lol i swear lunatic autists are like parrots from the same cult

I had a black doctor when I was younger and he was the most incompetent mother fucker iv ever seen.

Mis diagnosed my kidney stones for months and wouldn't send me for a scan at the hospital.

Wound up in the emergency room so sick one night and finally was told what was wrong with me.

Stupid black cunt then tells me a few weeks later "Oh I had no idea it would be kidney stones" when literally every symptom I had was pointing exactly to it.

Even if that was 100% true (no affirmative action) that doesn't disprove the Bell Curve. It just means that you met the blacks in the right end of the curve (way above their average of 85) or that the Africans that went to study in college are among the best in Africa (again, right end of bell curve), and they are not the average african, but among the top students there.

>if it's different somewhere else then tell me

Alright: Ontario, Quebec and B.C., which make up just shy of 70% of the country's population.

If you're from one of these three provinces and pretend there isn't affirmative action in place, you're either ignorant or knowingly full of shit.

You must really hate your self.

New Zealand has niggers?

m8 it's Christmas, give the shitposting a break.

Reply fast, i know black people applying for medschool this year, they are gonna get in but with your help (by telling me in which province or uninversity they cn benefit from affirmative action, they'll get it for sure,) shit, how come no fucking minority knows of that? They'll thank you
>I met a white doctor who was imcompetant as fuck,thus whites shouldnn't be doctors tehehehe,the juwwws kekkkk,i am very smart kekkk,muh bell curve,muh superiority,poo in looo,ekkk

Canadians are sheltered autistic babies.

Buy a ticket to Africa.

I'm an MD, you can't really misdiagnose kidney pain, it's emergency medicine 101. What a stupid fucking nigger.

I'm in fucking quebec, you are fucking full of shit. HOLY SHIT ahahahahahha

Try to apply for medschool right now and show me where it talks about affirmative action, screenshot it. you are sooooo full of shit my god

>mostly west-africans) and arabs
There's what, 1.5 billion of them?

Assuming an average IQ of med students to be 125(fairly conservative) and the average IQ of the subhuman horde to be 80(extremely generous) gives us a nice round difference of 3 standard deviations. That gives us a frequency of 0.135% and a total amount of almost exactly 2 million prospective med students. Compared to 137.5 million had they the same average IQ as US whites.

Unfortunately it also gives us a probability of 100% that you are irredeemably fucking stupid since you didn't realize immigrants who get accepted are a biased sample and not representative of their population.

TLDR: I am stupid for replying to a fucking leaf.

Why do you post this shitty bait threads? Do you get a fucking hardon from constantly going
>No you XDDD

>From Quebec
>Actually believes there isn't affirmative action here

Ok now you're either a full on troll or just straight up retarded. Like, "it's a legitimate surprise you've typed as well as you have" level retarded.

>shit tier countries with millions of inhabitants have by sheer chance rich and intelligent people they can send off to study in non-shit countries
>they are somehow representative

i only read the TLDR, you are stupid for being a regular user here, at least you acknowledge that
I'm waiting for the screenshot lunatic autist. Sure there's affirmative action FOR EMPLOYMENT in a company but not for the fucking admissions in med school

no wonder you're a regular user here, you live in an alternate fantasy world in the which the white man is the most oppressed person . Lunaatic autist lol

Well this thread confirmed it. Just autists out of touch with reality,keep circlejerking

>no wonder you're a regular user here
What, you some type of newfag or something? I mean you're retarded enough to think affirmative action isn't a think in this province.

Average IQ 85. It is what it is. Affirmative Action exists in the subversion of the Western mind, to help them succeed because not enough of them do. Not just in govt programs.

stop replying, please, he's just baiting

Yeah probably. Quebec shitposters are the worst Leafs. I know, I am one.

That's from The Shield not the wire

+ it's also funny how i spent so much time around admission forums for medschool etc and the only place i ever heard about it was in places with people salty about affirmative action in the u.s.a . But you live in an echochamber anyway
ok confirmed retard
Ehhh, you can't prove there's affirmative action for admission in the stemfield and not just for employment in a company? Ehh,stop replying,he's baiting!

you pathetic fucks haha

You lack basic understanding on how the bell curve works, you stupid nigger.

Yes there WILL BE OUTLIERS, that how statistics works, however being the exception to the rule doesn't mean the entirety of the nigger population is equal to whites in intelligence.

Riiiiiiight. Because niggers have always been on the cutting edge of bio-medical technology and research.
Nice try, Jamal.

Oh shit.


a bell curve is a bell curve, and your at the bottom of most of yours

canadians really do a range ban. nothing but garbage from these fucking faggots. 90% of the shit on Sup Forums comes from fucking canadians

It's not that people deny there are some smart ones it's that people are not in the mood to deal with the host of problems their fellow minorities bring along with them.
Also they can be great educated people and still not have respect for the values of the nation or the main culture present, so that also is something that you just don't want in great numbers.

### Stop replying to the obvious baiting ###

stop bumping the thread you pale nigger slav fuck

Even poor trailer trash whites are more intelligent on average than filthy rich blacks

I swear you're gonna make thousands of people learn crucial shit if you tell me exactly where it talks about affirmative action on the university site. Where do they have to see which ethnicity they are? Please tell and screenshot.

fucking pathetic, you are fucking parrots, are you unable of generating original thoughts?


Nice grammar. Did your dog teach you English?

You can't huh? No fucking shit you can't, you keep masturbating to "EHH,I'M TOTALLY A LOSER BECAUSE OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION BOOGEYMAN" when there's no fucking affirmative action

Go back to spending your days circlejerking about your so called "superiority" you pathetic lowlife haha

White supremacists are a fucking pathetic bunch

Why don't you cite numbers? Why don't you cite facts? Why don't you cite statistics? Knowing many people means nothing. They could be the only good people out of thousands. They appear to be many from your restricted point of view but it confirmation bias. If you want to be neutral and objective you need to cite numbers, facts and statistics. There is only one reason why someone would prefer to to not cite numbers, facts and statistics: because it destroys their own argument.

Trump supporters are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted Hillary.



Highly educated nigerian immigrants escaping their lost cause of a country to metropolitan first world cities. Can't blame them, they need to fix the shit their dumbass counterparts at home left behind.
ur dumb

i don't have a porn folder filled with biased shit,charts from sketchy sources and other stuff you lunatics keep jerking off on

But i do see more and more blacks in these programs. the more time passes,the more there is. It's like they see they can make it and start working hard towards that going. I know a family of 3 brothers and 1 sos. After the first one got in,the rest knew they could and also go in

but you need charts from "NiggerAreInferior"

Dallas university in Nova scotia province offer affirmatice action for medschool. That's new, thanks for providing a link

My point were for provinces where 70% of canada's population live tho, there's no affirmative action there. Thus everyone i'm talking about got in without affirmative action,it doesn't change that

I don't know anybody in Nova Scotia but i guess some people would want to go that fucking far for affirmative action tho

>still about averages
>still cherrypicked
totally useless, sorry brainlet. All you can do is make generalizations to make you feel better about your worthlessness as an individual

>There's no affirmative action for admission in the stem field in canada
retard detected


I need to cite evidence for you to believe not every black person is the same? Are you fucking retarded?

Honestly it would be dumb to go that far in order to get in with affirmative action lol, what tells you that you'll be able to handle the work load?
Some lost faraway province called Nova Scotia in canada offer affirmative action. Don't know anyone willing to go that far

Now if you can find an university in quebec or ontario or N.B (makes up for 70% of canada population) which offers affirmative action for medschool, send the link

You disappeared? why? show me which quebec university offer affirmative action for medschool!

Don't tell me you just made it up just like everything lunatic autists here do? That's shocking of you! I never thought a lowlife white supremacist would make false claims to invalidate achievements of minorities!

you need to cite statistical evidence to discuss the statistical tendencies of ethnic groups

>to discuss the statistical tendencies of ethnic groups
I can't imagine the type of person that would want to do this, but I assume they must have had a rough childhood


>Ethnic group

You think it's all about ethnicity huh? and not just the upbringing?

You know ben carson,who's a world famous neurosurgeon and the first neurosurgeon to separate conjointed twins.. if his mother did not force him to stay at the library every day and read books non-stop, he would have been one of these people you call "low I.Q dindu nigger" when in reality ,he's way smarter than anyone you know and anyone from your peasant ancestry. You're fucking pathetic
I know you people are inbred and can't read anything as well as the positive pregnancy test your sister took few weeks after you had sex with her but i said QUEBEC. Nova scotia is faraway place. Unless you can find affirmative action in the provinces which 70% of the canadian population lives then you're not making a point

All these cases of blacks in medschool were in QUEBEC, no affirmative action here.

>You think it's all about ethnicity huh? and not just the upbringing?
Statistical evidence proves that there are differences between ethnic groups which remain static regardless of upbringing. You would know this if you actually looked at evidence. Try googling.

Mate,we forgot the rules:

Reminder for all humans observing this zoo of subhuman filth for entertainment purposes

Posting this reminder because i see many of you interacting with the fauna, DON'T do that.

Remember that you're dealing with exceptionally low I.Q specimens with a superiority fantasy (which temporarily makes them forget about their shitty aimless depressing life but it's just escapism in the end)

Sup Forums is full of low I.Q specimens and you should not disturb them by showing signs of intellect. Just look at them while smiling and maybe pet their retarded head just like you'd do when pitying a retarded dog

Then push them away with your feet when you get tired of faking your pity for subhuman filth

Once again: Don't bother interacting with the fauna ,just enjoy the zoo with your eyes.

I live in Québec and there is affirmative action here.

>Remember that you're dealing with exceptionally low I.Q specimens with a superiority fantasy
So you're talking about the statistical tendency of a group of people? I can't imagine the type of person that would want to do this.

go ahead and send me to link to affirmative action in an university in medschool application ,plenty of people i know would benefit from that

While you're at it, if you can't find anything for medschool (Since there's nothing to be found) show me for pharm school, optometry, dental school

Show me how blacks only get in with the helop of the "affirmative action" boogeyman

Whites get accepted even less once you realize that over half of the "white" bar in this are Jews that get a free pass.

Pretty sure he's talking about the individuals in this thread, such as yourself

just to be clear: Quebec, not the faraway Nova Scotia lost place

So he's talking about the statistical tendency of the individuals in this thread? I can't imagine the type of person that would want to do this.

Why do you keep calling people Lunatic Autists? It's such a weird thing to say

"at least thats how it is in my provence"

can you even smell your own shitpost? like seriously. get the fuck off my internet

>You're a pathetic idiot if you get mad at that
>muh experiential bias thus you must be out of touch with reality

tfw i just want you stupid niggers to fuck off and die in Africa and no argument will convince me of your worth.

that's what i thought, go back to circlejerking to your "100% legit" charts from a "100% totally legit reputable scientific journal" and not just ""

why are you changing your i.p, you're a canadian, wish your cousin a merry christmas

I'm not about to burn more braincells by staying here longer,getting out of this shithole now. Enjoy your echochamber of lunatic autism

You are funny silly little Canuck cuck.

I kill you last.

>oh shit I never realized by shit-eating collectivism was the same as Sup Forums's shit-eating collectivism, only unsourced
Pls just go back to waving the rainbow flag, it's your native element

You can do it, dodge reality and trust your feels

No please stay and explain how the bell curve doesn't exist because you know some cool black guys at school.


>we don't have aa in cucknadia, get used to letting niggers benefit from aa in your country Americans

Yea fuck right off, meritocracy now faggot. Aa keeps niggers down just as much as the welfare/police state by offhand acknowledging that they wouldn't be allowed in said university without social programs that specifically benefit their race.

When willl we rake the fucking leaves

there is OBVIOUS afformative cucking in play here.

don't tell me, pl, that "but teh (libtardish, marxist) stats are totally totally official, and thus MUST be true ! 8 left potiticians / a left system NEEEEVER lies!"

I find it ironic that you bitch and moan about confirmation bias, when by the virtue of medical school you will only interact with the intellectually elite.

>In the recent years i see more and more blacks (mostly west-africans) and arabs getting into medschool and pharm school and excelling.

Do you think these Africans represent the average African? Clearly the Africans you deal with are the highest tier of Africans, and are wealthy enough to afford a western education. If you use these interactions to claim that all blacks are fine, you are just as guilty as the Sup Forumsacks you condemn for confirmation bias.