SJW libtard cringe/rage thread
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SJW libtard cringe/rage thread
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how about some rage to kick it off?
Gays want boys dressed as girls, Lesbians want their dykes to look like fat man children
i don't get the logic here, why not just be straight
How awful must his life be if he hates himself so much that he wants to kill everyone that even looks like himself. That's sad.
he's probably had it too good and thought he could get away with saying it
I once met a girl who wanted to be a boy, but she said she wanted to be a gay boy so she could still be with men. She was really offended when I said "why change genders in the first place?" for some reason.
because "yaaaas" is code for "fuck you dad"
It's the same for me, but only because my class's "student activities official" would keep saying it again and again.
Friendly reminder that college is a meme.
and now he's fired
meme magic
>intentionally tries to trigger Nazis
>Nazis give him attention
That was fast.
Is 8 somehow important to (((them))) like the six gorillion?
>it's a "liberal balding faggot says something incredibly stupid from which he would back-pedal if asked about" thread
Jfc, I'm a SPQRiboo and I'm still triggered.
That guy can only grow up to be a cuck.
>reading controlled opposition
They are the same people that employ or support milo, lauren southern, shapiro, and other kikes.
>is 4 and another 4
>4 means death in some cultures
>two fours is death and the rebirth
jews love having set numbers for somereason so yes
That things hair remind me of pic related
A I want for christmas is to break that smug faggot's face.
Its all about defying nature and control.
>White genocide is a white nationalist conspiracy theory that mass immigration, integration, miscegenation, low fertility rates and abortion are being promoted in predominantly white countries to deliberately turn them minority-white and hence cause white people to become extinct through forced assimilation.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
What did Wikipedia mean by this?
dunno lol
Come and get me then, cunt.
Yes. I'm sure this is completely real and not taken out of context or made up.
Fake fucking news.
haha i was in the thread where some user complained about this tweet by his uni professor and another user posted a pic where he tipped off breitbart news.
happened not even half a day ago, we are getting faster
I laugh every time they beg me for donations to "remain ad free." They're already bought and sold.
Is this the same faggot who writes for Marvel?
No wonder their comics turned into utter sjw shit
It's real, it happened.
>Sup Forumsmic fag
>intentionally tries to trigger Nazis
>Loses his job, his pension and his platform to brainwash kids
This isn't the UK bro, there's no safety net here. This guy is fucked for life. He's going to die on the street shivering and grinding his teeth as the only people dropping change in his bowl are white.
omg how fucking IRONIC you fucking cunt
I thought you had free speech?
They're getting faster too.
>Is this the same faggot who writes for Marvel?
im all out of SJW shit,some one takeover. maybe ill find more in the pile
>I'm sure this is completely real and not taken out of context or made up.
how can you take a baboon axing about neil armstrong on mars out of context? what sort of context can there be where she doesn't look like an ignorant monkey?
lol in germany he would be in jail now. that is Volksverhetzung
the government can't lock you up for what you say but your employer can and will throw you out for damaging their image
Fuck off Mike you Malaysian sperg
When you've practising for decades and the only thing you can draw properly are pepes
Free speech doesn't protect you from people not liking you after you say vile and hateful things.
how so
Is it blackmail if I'm just a disgruntled Drexel graduate that's upset by them tarnishing my degree with this shit?
Plenty of people will hire him for what he said though.
I'm jealous as fuck. I wished to be the fabulous girl, but never got to.
oh god I love jared, I remember reading that the first time
and it's for real, when I read it that bitch was defending herself like crazy, classic "woman who got caught and everyone else is at fault" behavior
You do. The government can't punish you for what you say but if you say something wildly offensive in a professional capacity you can use your job. It isn't a University's obligation to suffer a loss of business because you hate white people.
Imagine if a professor took out a megaphone and started singing Notorious KKK on campus, would he keep his job?
it is pretty nice
I'm sick of fucking snitches. We can't have fun anymore.
That faggot is talking shit to hickok45.
a its you, the malaysian beggar from yesterday again.
i like how you first posted something like "lets just give this guy like 500 bucks and he surely will stop exposing our raids" and then answered to your own comment (without changing proxy you idiot) "nah lets better give him about 2000 to be sure".
you are a pathetic bitch.
your efforts are futile.
>implying Caesar was bad
And just happen to be in the white house. DON'T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN, GOYIM!!!
I'm not a NAZI and I find this disturbing. You uhh, sure your "politically incorrect"? Labour Party much?
can somebody please post that fat chick with the "fuck white people" outfit, it always makes me laugh
just found the bread on plebbit, the comments are fucking delicious
She is the niggest. Just another unqualified she-boon they're trying to push on everyone else.
>this fucking shit again
Looks like that's a main pastime of that faggot.
That's what autism looks like.
From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Nice try Freud. Lotta yo guys around lately.
Dumping Sweden stuff, it's a must.
I swear thats the guy that let that girl comic artist know about Sup Forums changing all the comics to feature neo nazi ideals. He must watch this website all day and night.
Hope he never forgives her.
I should also add on to this she's on the NASA subcommittee.
I guesd user is talking about the thread on Sup Forums where a guy said he studied at the idiot's university and was going to report his tweet, encouraging others to follow
Dunno if he was fired, but the incriminating tweets were deleted after a while
Most women have the devil in them
Why give him attention?
It's clear he's frustrated about his career choice as an "artist", poor as fuck, and is shilling on Sup Forums because of it. Your life is a lot better off than his, you can safely assume.
That guy isn't white? He looks white as grandpappy's jizzjazz. He is definitely white.
oh man, I don't know what just came over me, I really really want to get ISIS level of shit upon this guy
Is he talking about when they literally sold their souls to Satan in a voodoo ceremony?