Who inspired you to become an alt-rightist?
For me it's pic related
Who inspired you to become an alt-rightist?
For me it's pic related
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Some nigger that tried to rob me. I think he was a long beach crip
What happened?
Realizing niggers were scum and white majority societies are the best, which is why all the niggers, chinks and sandies want to live in them.
She inspires my dick everyday
Also, Tomi Lahren
I didn't have a racist or mysogynist bone in my body until I started hearing shit like "all men are predators" and "it's not possible to be racist towards white people, it's not possible to be sexist towards men"
>following a wet hole to establish your world view
Kill yourself
But I'm not Alt-Right, I'm a part of the True Left. Not to be confused the the Alt-Left, Regressive Left, New Left, Neo-Left, or Post-Left.
Who is that?
>Tomi Lahren
She is a cuckservative.
Who is this attention whore?
Answer: actually fucking reading the jew's news
Kek speaketh
I'm not alt right or any other flavour of the month name you want to call it.
I'm a centrist, in this case one who is economically conservative and socially liberal.
Never being treated as a human because fat, and watching liberals treat literal crazy people who think they're women with more acceptance than i've ever gotten.
Nobody gets to be who they want to be. That's life.
Who is this alt right?
>Who inspired you to become an alt-rightist?
>For me it's pic related
Who is she?
Care to define what you mean by that? It seems to have as many meanings as "members".
Hurricane Katrina made me become right-wing. Watching the chimp out really brought into focus for me that without white society's structures and rules, niggers are just not anything more than wild jungle tribal savages who will tear everything in arm's reach to shreds for a moment's gratification. 400 years on that continent and they have not changed one iota from their bone-in-the-nose cousins back in Africa. They've made zero progress, because they are incapable of it.
Once that dawned on me the rest just went down easy.
>But I'm not Alt-Right, I'm a part of the True Left. Not to be confused the the Alt-Left,
>Regressive Left, New Left, Neo-Left, or Post-Left.
Who can keep up with all this shit. Where does all this talk take place. Ideas change faster than they can be documented it seems.
I think is Lauren Southern.
Why does she wear so much makeup
I know who she is but what the fuck is alt right, im in no bloody alt right.
>Care to define what you mean by that? It seems to
>have as many meanings as "members".
Exactly, just a label that was given to a formidable force of opposition, to be defined and labeled the enemy, it's hard to organize a fight against an enemy that has no name... So it must be labeled and defined, but that was done by it's oppressor.
It's just a stamp put on some right-wingers to call them racists. It's bullshit, mostly.
Faggots and liberals
It's a reddit meme, basically anyone who is against establishment and hates sjws
I don't care what her religious beliefs are. I just want to talk to her about other things. Hi
Why is everyone so hard on the leanne Dunham person? People say stupid things, people are retarded. They say super stupid things. Like I heard she said she wished she got pregnant just to get an abortion... That's just horrible.
he tried to rob him
shes a genocidal kike
id kill her with my bare hands if i could get away with it
Alt right is a position of controlled opposition
kys OP
Alt-right is a liberal meme to chastise people that care for the future of working class america and not exclusively for polygendered lesbian black disabled trans-latinos
>shes a genocidal kike
>id kill her with my bare hands if i could get away with it
How is she genocidal, she's just some girl. Lol
This guy. He is like a walking meme in Poland. He became considered cool among youth, because he did "plow" leftists, as we say (roast/diss them). And since he is extremely far-right and talk (usually) with logic arguments, that's how he redpilled hundreds of thousands of young Poles.
May Janusz Korwin-Mikke be blessed.
haha this. The attempt to label this group of people is quite telling...
If doubles, she already had black dick.
That guy is BASED
>human garbage
Fuck he triggered those cunts so hard
Not christianity
Ms. (((Southern))) got PAKI'D, she's in Canada after all
Is this the guy with the blog that always ends with how many Jews died in the holocaust, and each post he reduces the number by 1 to see when he'll get arrested for holocaust denial?
>I'm alt-right
fuck off.
In Poland he triggered feminists so hard, it is so funny.
No. He says that "Hitler didn't know about Holocaust" only
shes advocates for the extinction of the white race and its replacement with a bunch of shitskin mullato mongoloids. i have given you enough assistance on this topic now, if you are interested in further details i suggest you check her twitter account. the proof is all there.
I lived surrounded by Leftists and came to hate them. Then I started talking to Conservatives and found that none of them understood what I was saying or even felt the same way as I did.
Literally the Cuckservative experience. Rather than moderate my own rage I just started burning down relationships until someone told me to go to Sup Forums, which I did.
I'm not alt-right, but just value conservative
I was the type of guy who watched the colbert report or Jon Stewart thinking I understod everything like a good little blue pill.
But then I found Ben Shapiro, read his book Bullies, listened to some of his lectures and oh boy was that a ride.
Changed my entire look on life and political issues
Much like Ukraine, there is no such thing.
Alt-Right is a term invented by the left. No one identifies with it.
>kys OP
>Alt-right is a liberal meme to
>chastise people that care for the future of working class america and not exclusively for polygendered lesbian black disabled trans-latinos
Pretty good definition... They claim it's racist to do what's best for Americans, including the latter classes of people, because the alt-right will not cater to the often bullshit riddled rhetoric of never ending "what if's" that just are so impractical, just entertaining many of the thoughts are exhausting and ridiculous. Everyone has their own bullshit spin on why what they say and want makes sense, instead of sticking to the basics of what the country needs to unite in such an unstable mix of this welcomed chaos.
Alt Right is kike infested faggot cancer
Either go old school conservative or fuck off
This person is literally pretending to be Lauren. Sad!
Lauren, stop posting non-sense, post more feet pics.
Didn't used to care, then they started pushing their retarded propaganda heavily in movies. So I stopped watching movies.
Then they started pushing their retarded propaganda in novels. So I stopped reading modern novels.
Then they started pushing their retarded propaganda in videogames and there was nowhere left to go. So I started pushing back.
Eventually, I read Evola, and that sealed it.
Seriously though what the FUCK is wrong with women at the gym ? 99% of them only do shit exercises with babyweights, have awful form, take 10 minute breaks between sets, and spend these breaks on their smartphone taking selfies and shit for their epic "gym day XD" crap on instagram and facebook.
Saw a slut like this the other day, she was doing 10 pounds on the chest press and after her first set she took a selfie while doing a duck face. Felt an uncontrollable urge to kick her in the ribs, somehow restrained myself though.
If you stay less than 1 hour in the gym don't even bother coming
Old school conservative is garbage too.
She has that "I will snap, run off with the kids and demand half of your money every month and actually get it because the judge is a kike"-face.
So.. probably not, no.
I've seen videos of him in the EU Parliament. Damn is he good, if he paired up with Le Pen and or Farage, they could make a fine Merkel take down team.
mfw reading those based subs
You seem irrationally upset about something?
>shes advocates for the extinction of the white race and its replacement with a bunch of shitskin mullato mongoloids. i have given you enough assistance on this topic now, if you are interested in further details i suggest you check her twitter account. the proof is all there.
I believe you... But of course she cannot start by killing herself and setting the example... because she has work to do right??? Sad. Just like everyone that said they would leave the country if trump were elected, likely are staying to further try and disrupt and divide, fucking bullshit
Its identity politics for white people
I reject your label.
I am myself.
I hope it was the guy in the pic. I really want him to have stuck it clean in her.
>>kys OP
>>Alt-right is a liberal meme to
>>chastise people that care for the future of working class america and not exclusively for polygendered lesbian black disabled trans-latinos
>Pretty good definition... They claim it's racist to do what's best for Americans, including the latter classes of people, because the alt-right will not cater to the often bullshit riddled rhetoric of never ending "what if's" that just are so impractical, just entertaining many of the thoughts are exhausting and ridiculous. Everyone has their own bullshit spin on why what they say and want makes sense, instead of sticking to the basics of what the country needs to unite in such an unstable mix of this welcomed chaos.
You are just not intelligent enough Thu understand me. I'm sorry.
watching ISIS execution videos got me subtly redpilled and 4 attacks in this summer was my wake up call
before that, I was an active SJW activist
I wish I could tell you I am full of shit, but I can't.
First off, I'm not an "alt-rightist
Second of all, the redpill came from studying history.
*a nap sounds more productive than being here
>if he paired up with Le Pen
Le Pen tried to, but he "was too anti-semitic" for her. Korwin said that Le Pen tried to form a coalition in Europarliament and when she asked who should run finances in the coalition, Korwin replied with "we should choose a jew". And buh, that's all. Oh, and Farage is sceptic about him too:
Smack thAt camel toe one time for me. Merry christmas
>alt right
Looks like a coalburner
You voted for based Korwin, didn't you Polefriend?
No such thing as alt-right.
Oh wait
>1 post by this ID
Daily reminder lads.
whole my life, amigo.
frog post best post
>Who inspired you to become an alt-rightist?
what is an alt righter?
>white pride
>they're probably not genuine
>influenced into it socially
>or just for attention
She looks like a fucking bitch. Avoid her.
Vox Day probably.
>failing for an alt-right jew
She's not her and Tomi Lahren are the best
How much do you weigh?
This girl comes up to you and says:
>I am an alternatively right of center natural cultural conservative Judeo-Christian supremacist
What do?
Tell her
>I'm a very left of the center economic and cultural socialist atheist egalitarian and I won't say anymore out of fear of mansplaining
all those quotes of the polish guy make him sound so much better
fuck these BBC kikes
What's this? You're not busy on this most holy of days (((Lauren)))? Go back to Twitter
Alt right faggots
I m the real deal
Pic related
>spending over an hour in the gym
That means you're just dicking around for 20 minutes, looking to see if girls are checking you out and being an annoying shit. Fuck you greco-dipshit.
Spotted the dyel
>some whore is why I think the way I do