Why are polish people so self-centered? do they not have any sense of solidarity?

why are polish people so self-centered? do they not have any sense of solidarity?

solidarity is for the weak

we tried to save other (jews) once, didnt work out well

It was not EU who invited them, it was Germany.

It is not EU who refuses to protect the outside border, it is Greece and Italy.

also Poles who work in your cuntree pay in taxes in Germany 5x more than we get back from you, so fuck you

>germoney butthurt that not all europeans now down to their dictatorship
Pathetic desu

>also Poles who work in your cuntree pay in taxes in Germany 5x more than we get back from you,


These threads are always comfy.

>MOM NO! I don't want to do the chores!
>Stop oppressing me!


Reminder that Solidarnosc was funded by Soros.

>he thinks flooding them with rapefugees is just their duty
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?


the only reason poland is in an okay shape is because germany and the us spent billions to build that country up otherwise it would be like bulgaria or romania.

I hate that fucking word, solidarity. It's not that in principle it is bad but Marxist have linked to heavily to communism. Fuckin hate that, makes me cringe

It is when you get free money.

1 milion Poles in Germany, average wage make by Pole let's say 2000 euro gross a month, PIT rate 25%

2000 * 0,25 * 1 000 000 poles * 12 months = 6 000 000 000 euro in taxes a year

We are in EU 15 years

90 000 000 000 euros

where is my money Hans?

that math does not work like that

it's not like that work could have been done by germans.

Yes and then that money and more is ripped away from you to pay for muhammeds 35 rapist children

Polish Tracksuit Guy is the best Sup Forums creation that I've seen in a long time

And now be a good Hans and pay for Ahmed, his 4 wives, and 15 children.

nah it would have been done by turks, but in more shity wage, Germans would not work for low wages, just like e don't pick our apples - Ukrainians do it for us

The only reason they are in good shape is because your pathetic non country is hated by poles

>destroyed by Poland's allies
>rebuilt by German slave labour

really makes your neurons fire up.

Here we go.

Why is the Pole obess and ugly? Polish people look better than German people.

thanks based USA-kun

We already took Ukrainians, muzzies are your duty

>muh 6 gorillion in taxes!!

>In 2014, German tax revenue totaled €593 billion
>Net contribution to the EU: €7.54 billion
>€7.54 billion / €593 billion = 1.27150084317% of all Germany's taxes go towards the EU
>€6 billion * 1.27150084317% = €7.62901 million of polish taxes go towards the EU annually
>€7.62901 / year * 15 years = €114.4351 million

multiply the last two numbers by 10
>€76.2901 million polish taxes go towards the EU annually

You do realite that taxes go into wellfare and giving those polish children education, hospitals, firefighters, etc?
Poles take more money from wellfare than they pay into the system.
Wheres my money bitch?

>take money from EU and use it for yourselves because they're just funneling it to you
>tell EU to fuck off when (((they))) want you to import refugees
tell me, what is the problem here?

Unemployment of Poles in Germany and Netherlands is below 3%, below native Germans and Dutch level.

So, give back my money you fuck?

Fuck off germany, poland is based and you should give us more money too since your retarded countrymen spend their hollydays here
Also remenber spanish civil war? your planes destroyed spain soil, give reparations too