Are you with her? #2020
Well well well
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ruma mummo huora :DDD
Lol yeah right most people already saw through her charade.
ebin :DDDDD mites on joulu mennyt?
Have Hillary Clinton run against Kanye West and have Kanye West beat her! #Kanyewest2020
Did someone say roma?
That would literally be the definition of insanity.
Good god she will literally look like a mummy .
Is this now a spurdo thread?
Jill Stein 2020
Ban all anime
I doubt she'll live that long.
Isn't she 90 or something?
Oh my fucking god please bu true.
Run? The bitch walks like Bernie from Weekend at Bernie's
Seeing this would be the most fucking hilarious thing in the fucking political world
She will literally be either a skeleton or zombie by then
Data dump on voat/pizzagate
If she does then I guess we get 8 years of Trump.
>Yet another run
Oh boy, here we go again.
You joke, but she would legit lose to him
What charade? She's spent her entire career helping others.
Oon semikuosis ja katon hobittia neloselta, 5/5 setit vois sanoo
She's shapeshifting in that photo
I look forward to her losing again
3rd times the charm, eh?
I'm just kidding. Bitch is old as fuck and the only way she'll exist in 2020 is in the form of a cybernetic organism.
>the electoral system is gotten rid of to appease America
>illegals across the country, especially California, have been deported
>trump wins popular vote and would have lost the electoral
Cut off your proxy, leaf. I know it's you.
Benis :DDDDD
Is she trying to go for a record amount of failed attempts to become president?
I'm ready for Madame President!!
She is a cutie
Trump is actually older by about a year if I recall
She will not be alive in 2020
Seems to be in better health. Heard she likes to knock em back hard too.
The dems are done if this happens.
She looks JUST
>2020: This time we make Herstory XD
It is her turn. Just look at that fish eye presidential stare.
She won't even be among the living up until then.
She will be defeated in the primaries by a socialist ethnic minority if she runs.
And Don would wipe the floor either.
>implying she'll survive her epilepsy/dementia
If Trump is a good president and IF she gets renominated, he'll take Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Maine, and possibly New York from her while keeping all the states he won
She wants to lose AGAIN?
That would be 357 electoral votes for Trump. Make it happen! He would also win popular vote by a huge margin due to all illegals deported.
I'm ready for history to be made - the first woman presidential candidate to lose all 50 states.
>"can I join?" asked the DROOMPFKIN, rejected and alone
This be hildawg country
Jeb might as well run again too
>someone said something with no validation
>2008: Lose against Obama
>2016: Lose against Trump
>2020: Lose against Mark Zuckerberg
Looks like we're going back in the trenches boys
She won't, complete sensationalism.
>2020: Lose against Donald Trump
>2024: Lose against Kanye West
>the electoral system is gotten rid of to appease America
>trump changes his campaign strategy to win the popular vote this time
>wins second term
We will have 8 golden years of Trump but stop being silly about it
Democrats have got to realize at this point they'd have a much better chance against Trump with a fresh face
just please don't let it be some new meme like Michelle Obama
I doubt she can take it
It'd be funny to see her try, just to be devoured by her own party.
her "you might ask" was so delayed and stilted it's like she was genuinely asking why she wasn't 50 points ahead, then immediately went into damage control mode.
After everyone gets a few years Republican '''''''''leadership''''''''' she could probably make a comeback
As if the recount wasn't enough. . .
Does she think she can run from a jail or something?
shes gonna go down as the biggest looser in american history XD
I know she selflessly puts in late hours to help satanic pedophiles network with eachother.
She barely stood on her feet during this run, so there's no way she'll hold up for another in 4 years. Democrats will spend the next few years finding a smooth-talking black guy, because that's the only thing they know works.
hitler said that right after "we should kill the"
They're gonna get Bernie in there
If doubles she dies in 2020
Plz run, the memes alone will make it worth it.
Not a chance. They'll rig it against him again. One thing the Democratic establishment absolutely will not do is run a real primary. They'd rather lose than not be pulling the strings when they win.
>tfw when we get to watch Trump humiliate Hildawg all over again
How did things go so right?
Isnt her political career over at this point?
Fair point. There's not really anyone else popular enough to win against Trump in that case, unless they push Biden in, which would be a tremendous failure
She would need a wheelchair toilet combination machine. Does important speeches whilst taking a diarea shit.
got anymore lewd merkels?
Even as a Republican I hope not.
It would truly be a good thing for this country if the Clinton machine finally died for good and the Democratic party was set free.
she will do as well as Jeb! did in the primaries
In my original timeline Gary Johnson had eyebrows and Hillary beat the Jeb/Rubio duo in the general election. It's nice to be here.
>electoral system is gotten rid of to appease America
Why the fuck would the small states agree to make themselves irrelevant? You know you need 2/3 of states to agree or 2/3 of congress, right?
You might as well suggest an amendment to remove congressional representation for states with a population under 10 million, it would be about as likely to happen.
she's terrible but who else is going to run? who else is there who could even have the slightest chance against trump? maybe some celebrity? but kanye hinted that he's going to run in 2024 not 2020
Good luck LOL
She wont live to see 2020.
Thinks he could be:
1. Canadian
2. Redditor
3. CTR
5. OP samefagging
6. Bernie supporter
What am I missing? I'm trying to create a literal meme dictionary for insults.
Prepare your anuses for 2020, Drumptards
Whilst you're flustered and in a panic over the fact that your joke of a candidate is actually going to be handed responsibility, us on the left are regrouping, evolving and becoming even stronger than before.
Politics is like a plot in the movie. The underdog always gets defeated at the start, but eventually they come back and defeat the bad guy.
In the same way, Hillary is an underdog, as a woman and someone who wants to challenge the right wing establishment status quo, and she has been defeated this time by a rigged system; an antiquated electoral college that is a throwback to the days of slavery, NOT the American people who did actually vote for her over Drumpf.
As always, good eventually conquers evil. Love trumps hate.
Drumpftards, you can cry and hate on us all you want but at the end of the day we #DontGiveAFuck about you and your pathetic lives
Why? So she can lose again for like the 8th time?
Does she get off on this?
Chances are she will be dead by then anyways if she can't keep up the blood transfusions from the kiddies.
Read that as 'Ere she comes
I bet you vote Labour.
get the fuck off of my board
If she loses in 2020 she could still run in 2024 to , women grow smarter as they age
>thinking a 78 year old bag will have any chance of even being elected class line-leader
I could add that to the list but honestly it just sounds like when cancerous newfags from Sup Forums scream "GTFO my Sup Forums REEEE"
He'll run as a republican
If she doesn't die before 2020 she'll be as good as dead before 2024
Please Kek, let the Democratic Party be fucked enough in the head to let her be their nominee!
lel, you realize national voter id law is going into effect after the recounts proved there was massive democrat voter fraud. if trump doesn't fuck up, there will never be a democrat in office again