>stops believing in Santa
>keeps believing in God
Explain yourselves Christcucks.
>stops believing in Santa
>keeps believing in God
Explain yourselves Christcucks.
I agree.
Now, let's make a thread for muslims too, shall we?
Santa didn't write a History book that came out before all the History in it actually happened.
Google search "Bible Prophesy that came true," and kiss my fucking ass.
Why is this so hot? I want to see her peeing and wiping herself too hnnnggg
Neither did God
The bible is a collection of accounts written by people
>stop believing in god
>don't give up on religion because it's all that holds society together
You ain't redpilled if you don't go to Church.
My parents never pretended to be God.
Sure, but dumb people need something to distract them from death. And I'd rather have christfags than mudslimes or jews.
One is a story based on a real figure, one is real and continues to exist.
It's not hard, user.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
This thread is so political
you need help
>Going to church willingly even though you don't actually believe in the god from it
That's the textbook definition of being bluepilled. Religion is not needed to hold society together.
>Knows what Marxism is
>Still an atheist
You're a civilization-destroying cancer invented by Jews to undermine western civilization. Your belief set is a weaponized meme and if we executed you, society would be better off.
>Any concept that can be disproven is grounds for the disproving of anything
The modern image of Santa is from Coca-Cola. Barely anyone knows about St Nicholas.
Santa Claus technically can't be disproven.
This is a fair point.
Neither can Julius Caesar you imbecile.
This is such a retarded asspull of an "argument."
American, you probably need to take a good look at your own country. Just take a really good look.
Julius Caesar was verifiably a real person.
Even the founding father of Judaism (and technically Christianity and Islam), Abraham, can't be reliably verified as being an actual real person.
>implying muds care about females beyond them producing them more pearly boys
The USA was founded to be a secular country, Dee Jay.
y tho
>Religion is not needed to hold society together.
Oh yes it is. If you think society without religion works, look at communism.
Let me give you a condensed proof by greentext
>a large portion of humans are stupid
>too stupid to be peaceful and fulfill the social contract without the threat of external punishment
>religion provides that threat (hell) and encourages them to play nice
You want society without religion? Have fun convincing mouthbreathers that there is no god but they still have to be good. You'll either fail and have anarchy or succeed with a totalitarian police state.
You can't prove that because for all we know Caesar could've really been a stronk black wymyn who was changed later on.
Does that sound absurd? That's your opinion, just like "Jesus didn't exist" is. And that's pretty fucking absurd. This thread is pointless as shit.
Santa Claus is a strawman that atheists use against theism.
The argument of Santa Claus, FSM, etc. can still be proven wrong by using known information.
Santa Claus derived from Saint. Nicholas, there's plenty of historical records that would allow the existence of Santa Claus to be disproven. The North Pole doesn't have anything to prove Santa Claus lived there, etc.
FSM, inanimate food object that supposedly has developed flight and organs, this is also disprovable since we know that spaghetti isn't able to develop said things.
When people talk about God, there are various interpretations, and whether people want to say that others are interpreting naturalism as God, that would still be a valid interpretation of their own notion of God. The main flaw in strawmans brought up by atheists whom are uninformed about organized religion in general is that they compare hypothetical physical entities (that can be disproven) with a hypothetical non-physical entity that many interpret as being behind human comprehension.
This is where everyone moves from admitting their logical fallacies (or they'll start trying to defend why the FSM, Santa Claus, etc. are the exact same thing as God).to bringing up the burden of proof.
Then we enter are cycle where theists v. atheists start saying that both sides need to prove their claims, atheists start to bring up definitions of atheism that are partially true such as "Atheism is simply the lack of belief in a God or gods," instead of "Atheism is the disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods." Next, atheists will proceed to claim God is unfalsifiable, and then proceed to go back to step 1: bring up strawmans about how the FSM cannot be unproven, claiming that we are orbiting around a teapot and proceed to say that is unprovable/provable, etc.
Cycle starts all over, no one advances anywhere, and thread continues to get longer and longer. Eventually both sides refute to ad hominems.
Ok, let's.
>80% fulfilled within the same book that made them in the first place
>15% so vague that literally anything could count
>5% self fulfilling wow, great track record you got there
>Is real and continues to exist
You still believe in Santa?
Only someone as pathetic as an athiest would debate the wilfully ignorant on their own terms
>Believing in Enlightenment lies
>Call yourself Right wing
I know this place is bad but damn
I'm a Leninist. Why assume I'm right wing?
>Sup Forums is one person
>or succeed with a totalitarian police state
Oh no how horrible
Are you saying God wrote them?
>I'm a Leninist.
Kek, you're on the same level as Christcucks.
>Christianity teaches love of god through love of others
>Christian holiday that involves loved ones buying presents for one another
>father figure who once provided replaced by faces of friends and family when youre old enough to realise the meaning of Christmas
What does your holiday season involve ahmed?
You misspelled retarded.
>Christian holiday that involves loved ones buying presents for one another
Santa is real.
Fucking fedor*-fag.
The core message being a powerful figure you assumed was providing for you was actually acting through those close to you, friend.