>Greater Nazi Reich
>cripples/mentally ill are forcibly removed
pol will defend this
Greater Nazi Reich
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You wouldn't?
>Greater Anglo Reich
>cripples/mentally ill are applauded for existing
cucks will defend this
These were 'useless eaters' to the Nazis. This is what they did to them in Germany and would have done to them under an occupied America.
Stop watching kike show
if you can't contribute to society you shouldn't be a part of society.
And? Whenever I see seriously ill or mentally defect people irl I believe it's right to end their suffering, give me one reason why they should be able to live and suffer until they're old, or their disease/disability kills them?
The Nazi's weren't the first society/empire in history whatever to enforce this rule.
Of course we defend this
In the timeline where Hitler won, we are already colonizing mars. Get good.
As the man said, they are drags on society.
Cripples can do some mental work, if they are smart enough. But terminally/mentally ill are just useless and should be terminated.
We would be so much better off, without the dead weight
Cripples, as long as they have been useful in the past or are useful now with work that isn't physically taxing, should be spared.
The mentally ill, as long as they're able and willing to do menial work that you don't need a brain for as well.
If it's genetic, both need to get a vasectomy though.
Did this shit even happen ?
>terminally ill
It's called euthanasia and it's a good thing because you suffer when you're terminally ill. When my mom was dying of cancer, she told me she'd prefer being put out of her misery and regretted our last memories of her would be this suffering body full of tubes.
>mentally ill
They were sterilized.
So Hitler killed crippled soldiers ? I don't think so.
are you rare?
It's not better for anyone that they be posted up outside every 7-11 and on the off-ramps to every freeway begging for money and shouting at their own reflection.
Put 'em down.
Sup Forums is a Christian board!
Sorry, but even in the Third Reich, mentally stable cripples were not killed.
And the program to kill severely mentally ill (Down syndrome etc.) was stopped quickly after the Christian churches complained and the program leaked to the German public. It was never reinstated after it was abandoned in 1941.
In this timeline Mars is being colonized in the 60s and Americans are slim, strong, healthy people instead of obese potatoes pumped full of anti-biotics and caffeine.
Defend preferring our reality over this one.
It first began as a sterilization program but evolved into a extermination.
they justified it by saying it will free up medical staff for the wounded solders coming in from the fronts.
If the Nazis did win they would definitely revert to the original sterilization program since mass killings of people is expensive and a waste of potential manpower.
Unless your so retarded that you cannot understand basic instructions or a crippled to a point where you cannot do anything without assistance. you would have a place in the Reich
>Greater Nazi Reich
>Bible is banned
come the fuck on
>being a healthy workhorse for a fascist is better than having freedom
>work your whole life in a factory, get crippled, then killed
Nazis were the good guys right?
>Mars is being colonized in the 60s
That would not have happened in real life. Killing cripples would have.
>for a fascist
For the people. In our timeline, healthy people are workforce for banking cartel, socialist states and their parasites. If there is only one thing that shouldn't be part of freedom, it's being a piece of shit and dragging your people down.
I see some of these scenes as comedy, I mean, they're supposed to make you laugh from the inaccuracy and blatant propaganda, right?
They even know why people are "cremated" and not just burnt on a pyre somewhere? To save the ashes! So why are ashes spread all over like that? Factories at the time weren't even that dirty and sloppy, what is this, the early industrial revolution?
Another scene that really miffed me was the one where he hid the earrings because "nazis think art is degenerate", despite Hitler being an artist to begin with and them having art all over. What they didn't like was degenerate bullshit like what we have today; Piss Christ, shit that is just out to provoke with its sheer vulgarity. There's nothing to make you think, it's just "intellectual provocation" in the form of wondering what type of shit someone smeared on a canvas.
Its going to be great as the increased usage of this word causes it to lose all meaning and accelerate the day of the rope.
I'm not even pro killing jews but I am pro killing cripples and mentally ill.
They serve absolutely no purpose.
You know up till ww2 your country sterilised cripples, mentally ill and criminals right?
Crippled can be useful in some ways, depending on how crippled they are. Desk work can be done by wheelchair people easily. Mentally ill depends on how mentally ill and what condition exactly, with medication these people can function normally in a society. Most of the time that is.
>t. Little brother has schizophrenia
* do they even know
Yes. But not very efficiently or effectively. Nazis would have expanded efforts 10 fold.
These writers are horribly lazy.
The British should've done that to you long ago, prison island.
> Began watching
> Three minutes into first episode i've seen five jews.
>with medication these people can function normally in a society
When you sterilize or kill everyone who's abnormal, it destroys the purpose of curing the diseases.
Sweden had sterilisation into the 1970's.
Don't all those Jews know each other though? I mean a group of Jews that got together isn't all that implausible. They were also in the Jap controlled states and the Japs didn't give a fuck about Jews apparently in the show
Just skip to s2
If they tried to make the Nazis look evil they failed. There are traitors within but the Hitler loyalist Nazis in s2 are objectively the good guys.
>I'm not even pro killing jews
>but I am pro killing mentally ill
u r not allowed to have such opinions Hanz. chill.
Why woudn't we? Useless people must go
fuck off antisemite
>society is rid of people that contribute nothing to it and are only a burden to others
>this is a bad thing because of muh feels
fuck off with your pedestrian morals
You have an illness.
saying pedophilic weebshit. keeeeeeek
actually the nazis didn't go through with their euthanasia plans because they faced unexpected public opposition championed by the catholic church
Non-sequitur. I'm saying that if we sterilize or kill cripples, the pressure to find cures for them will be much less or maybe non-existent.
Unless you are a migrant in Merkel's Germany, eh?
There's like 60k people there but he posts a lot and devalues his flag.
I'd say it's only uncommon
>catholic church
Germany would have annihilated their influence after the war.
Of course we fucking defend it.
You don't like eugenics? What is wrong with you?
yea too bad they didnt win, you would not be here as a criplle.
I am a Trump gold card member so I am safe.
Is season 1 just from the resistance perspective?
yeah they probably would've
they stopped doing it because of von Galen's sermons though
>uh oh our show depicts Nazi America as a paradise better put in something about openly burning undesirables every tuesday years after they all should have been dead if that actually happened
It's kind of hilarious in hindsight, but the south-german cucktolics who voted against the NSDAP turned out to sorta be Nazi Germany's moral compass and a stronghold against weaponized Prussian autism.
These are the same goys kissing the feet of refugees and doing mental gymnastics to justify the evils of communist nowadays...
I'm not crippled though? Didn't Hitler kill a bunch of you faggots anyway.
you are crippled in head obviously
Not exactly but they spend half the season in the neutral zone and it's boring as shit
You can watch the first episode then skip to episode 8 and you'll get all the important stuff
S2 is vastly superior
Hey, me and the fifteen people in my head find that offensive!
>worked to the bone by the Nazis
>live in constant state of fear and paranoia
This is pretty much an excuse to toss out citizens after the Nazis have used them up. How do you idiots still think they're the good guys? All of you are so blinded by propaganda you don't even know what's good for you anymore.
Semen stuck under your lip do not count as people
For one thing no true Nat-Soc would ever refer to themselves as "Nazi" as thats a Jewish word.
Second. What's wrong with cleaning the genepool for untreatable crippling conditions?
Say hi to Heri Joensen next time you go whaling
The rest of the major countries also had a fondness for eugenics themselves, but you don't hear them talk about that in the history books.
>Semen stuck under your lip
>implying they weren't
>Keep cripples and the mentally ill alive so they can continue to suffer and growel at your feet to have a roof over their head and money to eat.
Eh. Terminally ill/ cripples are not as big of a problem as low IQ retards. Low IQ retards continually multiple and intensify their problem; terminally ill do not multiply
This. We should save them for the sake of our spiritual gratification, but the lower IQ people should be treated as genetics on the way to cripple/ Ill
dont talk to me or my moms son ever again
This is actually what made me realize the holocaust actually happened.
So much effort has been spent inventing "facts" about why they holocaust DIDNT happen they forgot to address the fact the undeniable evidence the Nazi's were gassing the genetic misfits years prior.
If your society is fine with gassing Uncle Gunter because he walks funny then surely they will be fine gassing the greatest enemy of humanity, der erwig juden.
No one alive remembers the original connotations of 'nazi' and NatSoc is an unaesthetic word.
Just embrace it or try the home-grown 'fash' on for size.
You too baby
> Guatmalan syphilis experiments
> Paraguayan whatever that was
> Jap human experimentation unit
> Soviet sick shit
> Swiss organized redistribution of "undesireable" children
Yes you do, its just that you don't pay attention to it. Literal meme non argument.
Btw, would autism be declared a mental illness?
Because that would wipe out 95% of Sup Forums
>Eh. Terminally ill/ cripples are not as big of a problem as low IQ retards. Low IQ retards continually multiple and intensify their problem; terminally ill do not multiply
So you'd prefer trying to employ ill/cripples for the actually needed low education jobs?
inb4 we can outsource these to china
hint: you will always need low education workers to run your country
Autism is just a neologism for having northern heritage.
I don't give a shit what normies and commie filth like to push.
Stop using American Jewish words to describe National Socialism. They referred to themselves as NSDAP,National Socialists,Nat-Soc or simply "the party".
Do you really eat up jew propaganda 1:1?
>liberals will defend this
No autism is the masterrace lol the Nazi party is literally if dungeons and dragons players took over a country
LmAo :)
Glad to hear, because it seems majority of Germans is autistic.
Are you acoustic?
Does your fever-wracked and ramen-fed excuse for a think box sinceriously believe Sup Forums flavored third-optionists to follow the traditions of a political party existing only in history books?
Do you think every contemporary nationalist is a crypto-german or something?
People are gonna waste effort and resources into that ill person in the vain hopes of them getting better. I've seen a brain dead person hooked up to a life support machine for months because her delusional parents believe that she'll get better. I'm not trying to be edgy but in many cases euthanasia is more humane than needlessly trying to prolong a person's life.
lmao retard
wife is 6'2
yea inches
>Implying removing them is a problem
Himmler would legit have been a fa/tg/uy. Hitler would probably just be here with us.
well said, there should be a way to upvote this post
What makes you think that high IQ= incapable of hard work?
As a German you should understand that many of the highest intelligence love hard work, in the heideggerian sense.
The most educated/ head of the society can be continuously rising in IQ as time goes on. I get your hint but look at Finland with the average IQ of 103 or whatever. The average Finn would be the creative genius of Mexico. So why couldn't the average man of my society be the creative genius of our current society?
George Lincoln Rockwell bruh
Your swill is pisswater and your assholes are loose from all the buggery, shitslav.
mh sounds like me, especially page 43
lets go on an anime website and insult weebshit
funny because i am germanic and u r russian
>George Lincoln Rockwell
Get with the times, man
If you wanna gas the jews and have a race war NOW in these hip, cool and hashtag swag times then you gotta walk smooth and talk memes.
It's not bad to lionize the few brave souls that stood against the beast in yesteryears, but now it's really up to you and your wit because dead men can only teach so much.
>Christians being cucks
Nothing has changed