Why aren't you in an interracial relationship?

Why aren't you in an interracial relationship?

Black and arab women make way better girlfriends and wifes and are way more caring and loving than white females.

Race is just a social construct, we're all humans. Some are smarter, some are stronger, but in the end, we're equal.
Nobody has to carry on their whiteness/blackness, in hundreds or thousands of years we'll all have mixed with other races, so why keep yourself away from beautiful, foreign women?

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow that woman is top tier! I'd mix my genes with her in a heartbeat

>tfw only 80% white
Who should i breed with?

You know what's even more ironic?
The most valuable women on the planet are actually the most degenerate, disloyal, and stupid ones.

Why do I see this couple everywhere, what do they do?

>Why aren't you in an interracial relationship?

>Black and arab women make way better girlfriends and wifes and are way more caring and loving than white females.
Possibly true. But they won't accept a foreigner that easily. Also, sandniggers will suicide bomb you if you date their women.

>Race is just a social construct, we're all humans. Some are smarter, some are stronger, but in the end, we're equal.
"Snake is just a social construct, we're all snakes. Some are poisonous, some are stronger, but in the end, we're equal.", said no snake ever

>Nobody has to carry on their whiteness/blackness,
We do, because we need to preserve diversity.

>in hundreds or thousands of years we'll all have mixed with other races, so why keep yourself away from beautiful, foreign women?
Because my own race is at danger and because I am not a cuck.

come home white men

True. The problem is that most people start to worship or love other races more than their own.

And you might say that races are a social construct, but it is also genetic:
In Europe, a smarter guman would be better than a dumber one, therefore his genes sould be carried further.
In Africa, A more powerfull man would crush the worse one, therefore he would reign supreme there.
Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this, just wanted to speak my mind a bit. Cheers .

I know this is kinda attractive for blacks, but I don't find it attractive at all. Nothing beats the beauty of Hwhite womens

Dude... is the same reason why we don't mix with gypsy wtf? Exceptions? Yeah, may be some, who cares about them, as long as are EXCEPTIONS.

If most were as fine as that, I'd do it.

I would not undress her.

only a sick man would, she's pure

Niggers are subhuman.
Just talking to an Asian girl can be a bother because they are so quiet.

your sister

usually i hate nigger face features, but this nigger...wow, it`s so beautiful, it´s the most beautiful nigger i`ve ever seen, would hang out with.

Interracial relationships are fine, so long as the male is white and any male offspring are immediately killed at birth, or aborted prior to.

That's because that is essentially a white girl dyed black.

I'm saying it's nessesarely good, but seriously, a small minority race-mixies

Or that's how I hope it is srsly

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

And the gypsies? Fuck 'em. We should get a surplus of russian bayonets and destroy every single homeless one.

But I do have a non-black gf. Intraracial is a no go for me

Take the yellow pill.

she's probably eastern african or some shit, they are lots of times classified as Caucasian


There is nothing attractive about her, she looks like a complete freak

>This thing

Only a retard thinks skin color is what determines a person's race. She clearly has Caucasoid features would be classified as such in many places of the world.

It is the presence of non-white males which is a threat to white civilisation.
It is males who are territorial, and the tension from immigration is a male phenomenon. One group of males being given access to another group of males' territory is .... unsettling.

Making sure all immigrant populations are female would alleviate this entirely.

Black girls are fucking ugly in Europe

Pretty hot in USA

>good cheekbones and jawline
>good nose
>good eyes

her lips might be a lil too thick but you're lying to yourself if you think she's ugly

black is a skin color, she's black, she just ain't a Negroid/Congoid

Oh boy another thread promoting racemixing with coons! How new and original. I don't fuck niggers because they are revolting creatures who are barely human even at the best of times. Then again you germans love bestiality so I can see why you're so attracted to the concept.

They are not caucasian, they are just not the Bantu variety of black.
The Bantus basically colonised and spread their genes around Africa.
Genome studies reveal that breeding between the different black populations tended to be male Bantus breeding with female non-Bantus, which is a similar pattern to what we see in Western societies today, with white females shitting out Bantu offspring, and the largely white-male establishment-elite celebrating it.

t.achmed fuck off fuck your own women

>cultivating nigger genes


So I see cucMOD is making new threads on Christmas.
Never is enough sheboons for you is it.


fuck that's ugly as hell

Bantus getting out of Central Western Africa was a mistake

ayo where the black women at?


>thread made out white men dating non white women
>see romania and portugal give opinion
>shitskins think they are white

>good nose
>good eyes
what? those are the exact 2 things that make her look like a freak, looks like she had several plastic surgeries or uses a lot of photoshop

I support abortion but would not date someone who had one. I am very superstitious and would not stick my dick in a haunted poon.

Or she just got lucky with genes faggot. Also i keep seeing this ninja cunt shilled everywhere, what's up with that?

t. 60%

You really tried cuck. Now go and prep jamal.

>t. José Gabriel Túpac Amaru

just niggers trying to push their interbreeding agenda

I married a black woman. Mad?

don't see it, sorry

>perfect slavery in the US
>niggers under my flag try to push the 60% meme
go back to your ghetto tyrone before I cut off your welfare

Black GFs are great for guys that hate meeting their girlfriend's father.

Lol not at all. You're free to do as you please, we don't need beta genes anyway. Cucks like you ensure that the whites who remain will be even stronger, though few in number.


I'm white though, you'd have to be an idiot to think this shithole nation is in any right to talk about other countries not being white. We have 20 years before we become Mexico 2.0 or Nigeria 2.0.

i agree with the first 50% but killin yo Son, thats muslim tier

on the other hand you are brit and therefor a muslim yo self... rly makes me analyse the very being of reality

But I'm black tho... :(

Eating black pussy is like trying to suck old mayonnaise through a Brillo pad.

Kek, nice bantz m8.

Enjoy her then

Fuck sakes, that skin tone bro! why do i want to stick my dick in her?


fuck off

>Race is just a social construct
It's literally not


i got my gf into doing interracial things :P

>way more caring and loving than white females
>we're all humans
>we're equal

Delet this...

>Black as coal
>this monster is white bro

kys kike


I personaaly prefer incest with my brother

By letting her get raped?
There was probably a nicer way to go about it Hans.

>those disgusting hands

what did he mean by this?

German/Irish is interracial

Spot on, women are harmless if you know how to handle them correctly.

Ghosts aren't real.

Fine, then enjoy your male population becoming infected with inferior shitskin Y-DNA, as Germany is already becoming accustomed to.

all black women to me look like filthy monkeys

Fuck off Chaim


you are a very sheltered man
do you really think an rea over twice the size of Europe has only one group of people?

>implying American blacks are Africans

.posts a mulatto chick

tfw no skinny black gf who is into bestiality

Slide thread

You sold me OP. How can I, as a white blue-eyed blond haired male, score me a nigress KWAYN N SHEIT?

native Africans don't look anything like American blacks

their hair is still straightened to look white though

I prefer the natural hair

>some are smarter, some are stronger
>but in the end we're all equal

Which is it?

She's hot but your kids would still be nigglets and they probably wouldn't eve inherit her looks.

where the fuck is this

the sex drive isnt colorblind, comrade. skin color isnt secondary

>Race is just a social construct, we're all humans. Some are smarter, some are stronger, but in the end, we're equal.
>this is what cultural marxists unironically believe
our penises/vaginas say otherwise - it's not just a social construct. no... humans of different skin color are different flavors of human, like vanilla or chocolate or strawberry. and they are in competition with each other.

as such, it matters that the refugees flooding into our country have a different skin color from me: they aren't just brothers, they are also DISINCT rivals.

> Take the yellow pill.

No tits, no ass, no thanks.

non-white women are for recreation

100% pure coal.

Wrong again democrat!

Angola and Namibia

>he thinks ethnicity and race are the same

Brb going there

OpSoros is running full force

>Tick tock tick tock





Because female blacks look like apes and blondes look like goddesses

Only race mix with people whom evolved in harsh climates.