My Friend's family thinks I'm a neo-nazi

>mfw apparently I'm a neo-nazi who corrupted her dindunuffin son, funnily enough he is almost 20 years old.

>Curfew, that he can't see me anymore

>Socially fucked if this spreads and people buy into me actually being a neo-nazi, not actually a neo-nazi, love Sup Forums though

Anyone got any experience with this, want a real thread, keep memes to a minimum.

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No. I only talk about Sup Forums-ish things with people i deeply trust and am comfortable around.

embraced it, people really are stingy with me about politics now, but some are curious about myself now and others avoid me, could be worse

Sup Forums is the only friend you need

1. Nah she just assumed anti-immigrant = Fascis/Nazi

2. The problem is that my friend tried to reason with his family on the subject of the Berlin attacks, daring to imply that if the immigrants hadn't been let in the attacks wouldn't happen, by proxy they assumed it was my fault because I'm know to be opinionated, and because we talk politics. Wasn't intentional, I guess in this case he broke your rule not me.

99% there isn't going to be any blowback, but still felt kinda insulted.

>20 years old
>Parents still tell him what or what not to do

Is your friend retarded?

Most of my friends agree with me, but there also not pathetic SJW fags and can handle other opinions

My friends just stop talking and wait till I stop talking about politics whenever I stop.
Also a guy in the uni called me nazi because I said:"Ich möchte Deutschland vor Überfremdung scützen"(I dont want to see Germanys culture die)
The funny thing is that he has way more german blood then I do and I am not even born in Germany,

Parents can't legally obtain a curfew for his offspring at 20 years old in Slovenia, OP you piece of lying shit.

Sieg heil!

Sue the family for defamation.

Blow it off and play being extremely offended if someone asks you about it. Act angry towards her, do not speak to her anymore and try not to mention it unless someone asks, then say that she's manipulative and you don't speak to her anymore because of that. I've been accused of being a white supremacist before by 10+ people and I saved my social life by not speaking about it and acting just like what I described.

*whenever I start

>The smartest retard I've ever known.

Honestly he is a smart guy, but holy shit, zero balls

I was a skinhead for most of my teenage years. Walking around in boots with white ties and suspenders with iron crosses on them.

A figurative curfew you moron.

Poznas izraz "mamin sinko", ne bit kreten.

I worked at a hispanic media company and during the months before the election was constantly teased about being a racist and a Trumper (I am though). When he did win, the entire office was silent all day, it was glorious.

Damn you really that cucked? I'm very open about my views no problems at all

Well you are a legit moron then.

1. Most of what neo-nazis got right, they got right for the wrong reasons.

2. Why the fuck would you socially brand yourself?

3. This is more of a case of a SJW mom, taking things overboard, SJWs can go hardcore and ruin lives though, soo you can't be too sure.

Your friend is a cuck and you shouldn't give a shit what his parents think

>hurrhurrr I'm scurred of people calling me a nazi for saying nazi things!!!!!
Get a grip on yourself pussy.

Then stop hanging around cucks. Sieg heil before xmas dinner weeds out the weak from your circle of friendship.

You must be from Ljubljana to be such an enormous faggot.

Countries are made up of individuals user, it's not representative of the entire country, honestly it's not as bad as it could be here, not nearly as bad as Germany or US, but it's worse than I'd want it to be.

Friends =/= Friends' families.

You can't decide to what kind of whack parents you are born to, you must be from Ljubljana since you'd abandon your friends based on the opinions of their families, what an enormous faggot.

Wow your'e a coward mate

Me, nor any of my friends, have anyone in our life that would be even remotely for refugees.

Who's the enormous fucking faggot you little prick.

Stay cucked

>Not willing to ascribe to a flawed ideology with tonnes of bagage because I agree on the issue of immigration and a couple of others

I don't get this mentality that people need to join a group. Like say Democrats and Repulicans, if you "join" one group, you stop being intellectual critical of their ideas and you stagnate.

Instead of joining any group you should judge every idea on it's own merrit.

Keep meming.

Traditionalist+Anti-Immigration viewpoint=Nazi?

>Not correcting them and saying that you're a classical Nazi

I didn't tell you to join a group I just said stay cucked

>christmas time
>topic of politics come up in family gathering
>tell them the state is useless and inefficient
>tell them the government has no right to control citizen ownership of drugs and weapons
>lecture them on how all forms of taxation are theft
>whole family laughs at me as if I was joking all along

Fuck this world

>lecture them on how all forms of taxation are theft
Well you do need *some* taxition, or you can't maintain laws, a military or the border.

However the government shouldn't overreach into things like Social Welfare, Health care, etc

OP it's too late for you at this point. Embrace the mantle of hate. You'll feel much better. I do. Tell them nothings different but you, and that sounds like a personal problem

This band Blank from Hamburg came over to play a gig with my friends band last summer, so I talked w 2 of the guys for like 3h about politics. I'm pretty sure they think I'm a Nazi because I said Merkel is destroying your country and genociding your culture by importing so many Muslims. I said they rape your women, kill your brothers, l and convert your children and you do nothing. Sweden is already gone. Paris gone. London gone.
That got mad haha. Do people not openly talk like that in Germany? Just a bit of banter. Said next time they're here call me and we can go shoot guns and eat burgers.

Kek this

I laugh at lolbertarians as well

The trick is so be so trill they'll believe you if you say you're not one. If someone accuses me of something like that it would go like this
>Dude, I just explained to you how the Holocaust wasn't real. That's controversial, that takes balls doesn't it? Why wouldn't I just say I was a Nazi if I was one? Why would THAT be off limits?

Little do they know I don't identity as a neo-nazi, but rather a volkisch ethno-nationalist.

Tell them you aren't neo-nazi scum, but an actual nazi unlike those edgy subhumans.