How does it feel that a black guy has more balls than you white guys in fighting against feminism.
Seriously this is why white women become coal burners? You guys are spineless cucks.
How does it feel that a black guy has more balls than you white guys in fighting against feminism.
Seriously this is why white women become coal burners? You guys are spineless cucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shes gonna end up with a white man guarantee it
>expecting alt-right cowards and stormcucks to post any of their political views outside of their safe space
Wrong. Even inside their safe space they're too afraid
Are you reading the replies all the white girls love it while black women hate him for it. It shows that white women want to be in the kitchen but their men are cucks to put them in their places
If someone bought me a kitchen set me and my friends would pretend we own a restaurant and serve stuffed animal patrons
>Uncle Hotep
Literally WE WUZ KINGZ
A website from his profile
idk, if I had a daughter I think Id teach her about tools and how to do stuff so she doesn't grow up to be a useless cunt.
from the looks of it her dad wound up with a white girl
For 2 years i worked to redpill my class in high school, secretly dropping info bombs on them, they would go online and search for it,1/3 of the class was full on OY VEY GOYIM GO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS by year 3 1/3 went from full on radical lefties to neutrals/ questioning lefties and 1/3 didnt change
It was an experiment of mine and it worked
How old are you user?
I assume you are going to go get fired tomorrow and/or ostracized from your family in order to prove how morally superior you are to people who want to keep their jobs/family.
oy vey, why does this black man not want his child be liberated like nicki minaj,beyonce, and miley cyrus.
Are you are teacher?If not how can you possible redpill such an amount of people?
By Btfoing the teacher on every political issue he bring up?
My wife and I are swingers and the term 'cuckolding' is a misnomer used by people who do not understand that cuckolding is never a good thing for the person being cheated on without their knowledge or permission. If the spouse knows about it, it is swinging. There is some perception that these 'bulls' are bad asses. They aren't.
Bulls are selected primarily by the wife with the husband having 'veto power'. The bulls are almost always single or in shitty marriages. For us the bulls are used for the sexual satisfaction of fantasies my wife and I have. They mean nothing emotionally and are literally used and thrown away, never to be seen or heard from again. Often, they fall in love and sometimes try to reconnect but they have to live with that hurt because he was just there to satisfy a fantasy... a sexual urge. My wife and I will relive the experience over and over again during our sexual time together. The bull sits at home, jerks off remembering everything and wishes he could have her but he never can. Beta as fuck.
Me personally, I always feel bad for the 'bull'. He never had a chance and was used and thrown away just like the condom we make him use.
There were 20 of us in our class
I was kind of a mix of cool guy/nerd like most of our class and we all hanged out after school
We were all close knit and most of us are still friends
This is pathetic please kys
Fuck off, chink.
>Bulls are selected primarily by the wife with the husband having 'veto power'.
hahahahaha, you think a woman wouldn't actually cuckold her husband even though she just had sex with someone right in front of him?
You tihnk she wouldn't go behind his back?
Good god these cucks
>oy vey goyim you won't even join your local Klan chapter what are you a coward?
Feminism is irrelevant. It peaked in 2014, maybe 2013; and it's only a real problem in the Anglosphere.
I'd probably go do a stock run in my go-kart at the cash n carry just down the street for you user.
(Taking care not to cross the road or get hijacked by the bigger boys in the bike gang.)
Women are meant to be in the kitchen and raising the kids, God asked man to work not woman
good shit nigga
Fuck off with your bible thumping canacuck.
I made it!!!
Lol I follow this guy in twitter, fuck off bong. Feels good, don't get this close of a view to blacktwitter that often. Also he voted trump.
If you're really uncle. Then good on you brother. Don't let anyone stop you for doing what want to do or believe in.
>I made it!!!
The Alt-Right respects the Hoteps. You are KANGZ in our eyes. Keep doing your thing. Merry Christmas.
Cheers handymayhem. Best hotep.
Everyone should learn to cook to escape from the processed food Jew. Feminists are just useful idiots for the fast food industry.
You are a pathetic excuse for a man.
Having bulled for several couples, I get the impression most cuckolded husbands think this way.
I get this because the few wives I ever wanted to fuck a second time told me to keep in on the DL because their husbands wouldn't want them getting a regular bull. They'd text me about meeting up and never had much time, because the husband thought they were out buying shoes or whatever, so we always had to get straight into it.
If you ignore the bible you ignore God
>implying god gives a fuck about anything on this planet anymore
have fun falling for an abrahamic meme that was forced on your ancestors under threat of death.
also the bible is so out of sync with its self its not even funny.
Its known fact the bible has been altered to fit political agendas and push ideas, its nowhere near the original. What you read isnt the real bible, the real bible was lost centuries ago.
Okay Muhammad
fuck that is server
Every one of our holidays is "pagen", why would our ancestors need to hide their holidays?
wow, it looks like every fucking image is going to that shit server
There's the feast days, it's not my fault if you don't observe them.
Whatever gets you to sleep at night Cuck.
Call me autistic but Ive always been dead fucking honest about my views, doesnt matter who Im talking to.
It's not fighting feminism unless he is going to make her stay in the kitchen. Nigs are dumb.
Don't tell me what to do, image macro.
I will celebrate how I want.
*sips eggnog*
>90% of niggers walk out on there women and children
what feast days? hanuka?
What a bizarre accusation to use in your trolling attempt, considering Sup Forums is known for triggering feminists and SJWs to the point where it makes the news, and the Democratic presientidal candidate flips out over it.
>The calendar of saints is a traditional Christian method of organizing a liturgical year by associating each day with one or more saints and referring to the day as the feast day or feast of said saint. The word "feast" in this context does not mean "a large meal, typically a celebratory one", but instead "an annual religious celebration, a day dedicated to a particular saint".
why are Croats so obsessed with thirds, ante?
He doesn't have to worry about getting fired from his job.
Currently, one of our strongest allies against the SJWs is a gay half jewish and greek racetraitor bong. A nig is nothing against this.
Milo IS an SJW.
>acts so sensitive about one thing while being aggressive towards the other side in the same way
>haha look bois my group also hates this group let's band together
>look at my dumb fucking hair I'm so fashionable
>muh intersectional demographic so sassy
At the moment, he works towards our goal of getting rid of the SJW movement and ultimately uncuck your country and (indirectly) ours.
Ultimately, his work contributes to solving the "migrant crisis". I hope.
I would do this. Been debating on picking up a play kitchen set for my kids. The good version is 200 bucks, but when I take them to the children's museum, they always spend a half hour or so in the 'pretend 1940's cafe' area.
if you post anything what is against the liberal ideology, you lose your job
I'm surprised that people with a US education can even form a sentence with more than one word
"Guys unilateral fag acceptance is the way towards restoration of our culture, forget the other times we called you bigots and paranoid idiots for saying we were destroying your culture while we led the way destroying your culture".
Fuck off.
The people who rate and complain about education systems are the same fucking people telling you take more rapefugees up your ass. How are you still this gullible, just repeating what they tell you? It is through the education systems that they re-educate the youth, this is textbook Marxism. Why the fuck do you not know any of this?
Currently he is helping. What happens to him afterwards matters later, or are you a feminist?
No, he's not.
>let's just nod approvingly and let it continue on
Right, and then you wave your magical public opinion wand and get rid of his support, you know since you have so much social leverage that you're currently relying on a faggot jew racetraitor to speak for you, and yourself singing his praises.
For the master race, you sure are fucking stupid.
There are literally thousands of videos of white people "triggering" feminists. We just elected the ULTIMATE in feminist (and leftist in general) triggering. You elected a woman. LOL
He didn't give any talk in Germany. Regular SJWs and commies get triggered by him.
I'm not relying on him to fix shit or speak for "us", but I'd imagine he gives motivation for the closet redpilled Germans who watch his videos. That's the way he's helping. If you're not admitting it, you're even more of a cuck than Germany's leaders.
I started lurking here when I was about 17 and I literally gave a presentation in my high school history class about how the Indians were treated fairly and they are lucky to be alive, as well as blacks. I got applauded, but it was probably more for respect than agreement.
Yeah there are some cucks out there, but not all of us are. I personally love to have discourse in public, if only just to make people mad.
America is the most socially conservative and Christian first world nation the planet. Feminist degeneracy is far more prevalent in Europe where one can literally be arrested and jailed for speaking "improperly" to a woman. This is a good b8 thread though.
no not really I wear my MAGA hat in the office all the it black privilege
Judjing from what I've seen on jtube, the US are more SJW infested on campuses than Europe.