How does it feel that a black guy has more balls than you white guys in fighting against feminism.
Seriously this is why white women become coal burners? You guys are spineless cucks.
How does it feel that a black guy has more balls than you white guys in fighting against feminism.
Seriously this is why white women become coal burners? You guys are spineless cucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shes gonna end up with a white man guarantee it
>expecting alt-right cowards and stormcucks to post any of their political views outside of their safe space
Wrong. Even inside their safe space they're too afraid
Are you reading the replies all the white girls love it while black women hate him for it. It shows that white women want to be in the kitchen but their men are cucks to put them in their places
If someone bought me a kitchen set me and my friends would pretend we own a restaurant and serve stuffed animal patrons
>Uncle Hotep
Literally WE WUZ KINGZ
A website from his profile
idk, if I had a daughter I think Id teach her about tools and how to do stuff so she doesn't grow up to be a useless cunt.
from the looks of it her dad wound up with a white girl