This is a white man's house

This is a white man's house.

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Shit car and duck infestation

This is a Swedish man's house.

good house/10

Wish the UK would just balkanise desu. There are so many nice little places that don't deserve to share the nation with London and the likes.

>duck infestation

there's a reason the photographer is keeping his distance from those killer ducks

Sheds are the real redpill, Ahmad.

Why live in a house with a whore for wife and slut of a daughter when you can live out innawoods in your little shed?

Is that what your wife's boyfriend told you again sven?

If you had half a million

Why wouldn't you want your wife and daughter to live out in the woods with you? Is that because you want them to live with Tyrone?

I would prefer to live in that non-ironically. I love tiny houses. Until I get a family, that is.

and you can go to work in your little cuck pod

>Swede advocating for cucksheds

Those are geese you fucking retards

Ofcourse it is.

Probably owned by an Indian or a chink
Get mad Britbong

ITT: proof that the average Sup Forums visitor never goes outside

>Spotted the Indian or chink


Are you mad you can't buy a house?
I own a nice suburban home in northern New Jersey
About an acre of backyard
I'm only 27 btw. Stay mad Britbong.

And I own an entire block of flats and never have to work a day in my entire life. Stay mad chink boy.


You'll never be white and you'll never get the respect a white man does.

Where do they drink on the Isle of Skye?

Here is where da' negros be livin'.

I can just see sven in his cuckshed working on his gundam wing model collection while in his house his wife is getting banged and sven is happy and whispering to himself

"This is the real red pill"

and this.. is a leaf house... (woah...)


Those ducks look awesome.


This is a niggers house in the east end of London UK

you are being played frog man

Congratulations you are contributing to the problem your countrymen bitch about :)
I don't really care about "respect" if it comes from an obvious unwashed football uniform wearing chav such as yourself

This is a redpilled white man's house

This is a very special house in Mexico.

>5 women were brutally tortured and beheaded in the wine cellar

Wew lad

>Houses in Mexico having their own private wine cellar.

Get real medkit.

It's rather charming, I quite like what they've done with the thatching on the roof there.