>2% of the population has them, making them the second rarest eye color after violet
>true nordic and celtic eyes, as green eyes are almost exclusively found in northwestern Europeans compared to blue eyes scattering throughout europe and siberia
>studies show that green eyed people are the most attractive
>green are so recessive that even a small drop of shitskin blood can sully green eyes, meaning those who have them are the whitest people in the world
How can blue eyed cucks even compete?
Green Eyes master race
Other urls found in this thread:
>not having gray eyes
>green eyes
>a mixed breed of Blue and Brown Eyes
>Master Race
Pick one nigga.
Green eyed master race reporting in.
>not having heterochromia
fucking plebeians
how can monochromatic cucks even compete?
Gray eyes are almost exclusively from knuckle dragging slav genes.
No they're not, they're most common in MENA and the Balkans. I have green eyes and every third person does too here.
Violet isn't a real eye color.
Did you know it's extremely common in Afghanistan?
green eyes represent
Hazel is not the same as green, as hazel are literally just blue eyes getting browned.
Nigger tier green eyed dude reporting in
Green eyes and red hair are symptoms of lack of diversity in genes. Master race doesn't have children with cousins. Blue eyes, golden hair and pink nips are the true markings.
reporting in
I've gotten a fair amount of compliments for them, and honestly if it weren't for them, I would be average at most.
6"2 feet green eyed white as yogurt reporting in. I dont think brown eyed people are even human
Green eyed master race reporting in, Im 1/4 northern spanish though.
One thing I've noticed with Sup Forums is you get daily threads like this. Threads where virgins circlejerk each other over something they didn't even work for.
Superior checking in
ACTUAL green eyes are pretty.
Light green eyes.
''''''''''hazel''''''''' is a form of brown and therefore shit.
I have hazel eyes. Am I a degenerate nigger?
huh, I though it would've been blue eyes which were less common
>lack of diversity in genes
It's a lack of diversity in genes if they're COMBINED with red hair. Just green eyes by themselves are a combination of blue and brown eyes. Mulattos have green eyes for example, and their genes are obviously diverse.
you're one patriotic son of a bitch
My Slovenian girlfriend thinks differently.
No allergies. Only sick once every few years. No broken bones. No diseases. White. Green eyes. Strong build.
Genetically I'm a perfect partner. Unfortunately that's not what people look for anymore.
Seriously. I look down on people if the only have one solid eye color.
Get the fuck out of here, M.
Blue eyes are truly the master race. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
MFW Green eyes and Rhesus negative blood
Stay Simian, /pol
I dont mind your moms british teeth
>Be green eyed
>want to fuck trannies
How can I reverse the jews brainwashing and pass my genes on
This is gonna be another one of those threads where everyone shits on brown eyes and says "ur not white!"
mom had green eyes but mated with a brown eyed slav whose father had green eyes
i had a 50% chance to get green eyes but instead i must live my life as a disgusting shit-eye
every night i pray i get cancer
Pan-Euro genetics are all generally acceptable, although certain groups might be a lesser-tier if you really want to get into it.
I don't like these threads, because half of them are made by kikes to seed division in our white national cause. White=Pan-Euro. All of our variations are superior. And, it's not about superiority anyway, it's about a shared approximate culture, and genetic drivers.
I have them and I'm Turkish. Kek favors me!
I was looking up red hair the other day,
all people are capable of being redheads just that they have less melatonin, meaning they are not as capable of surviving in high UV areas and a lot of cultures don't see it as attractive so they get laid less
fun fact: jews were depicted as redheads, mary, jesus and judas were commonly depicted as redheads in early artworks
My family have near perfect teeth actually.
Dude, nice view,
but your iris looks like modern day rebel aleppo
Eyes that aren't brown are inherently feminine. Is it an inferiority complex you people have that causes you to obsess over eye color?
ugh, blue is the best color
> hur dur 2% of population has [mutant trait]
> [mutant trait] master race
OP probably also has a micropenis and believes he is master race because of it
>tfw my gf is blue-eyed subhuman
Green eyed girls who are single and available are just incredibly rare and it's pointless to look for someone purely based on their eye colour
>tfw green eyes tall master race
People say height is the most important thing but girls compliment me on my eyes more often
>I've gotten a fair amount of compliments for them
>Omg user those aren't your real eyes you must wear contacts they're so pretty.
What kind of WE WUZ KANGZ negro-loving publication were you reading that fetishizes melatonin?
By your logic, we're not even automatically superior to cockroaches (well, you probably aren't) because we didn't work to being born humans.
you're all inferior to me
any other heterochromiac patricians here?
I have green eyes, but aren't they pretty much a mix of blue and brown?
I am on the balkans and every third person has blue eyes. You are a liar and a thief.
>not having both mixed
green/gray eyes reporting in
Nice picture, brother.
Feels good mate
my eyes are blue with a green ring arround the pupil
i must your overlord.
you fucking delete this right now you green eyed NIGGER blue eyes motehrfucker WE WUZ VIKANGZ NSHIT NOW ANF ROEVER
last time I made this thread i got 3 day ban
>>green are so recessive that even a small drop of shitskin blood can sully green eyes, meaning those who have them are the whitest people in the world
So does that mean that I (brown eyes) am 100% white because my sister has green eyes?
That view was the bomb, I miss it.
Ana kasparian has green eyes
Green eyes and dark blonde hair master race.
High test green eyes dark blonde hair reporting for duty.
Hazel elite class reporting in
This is a variation of a "Are X white?" thread and therefore should be deleted.
Yeah, there's kikery here.
Hey, you guys realize they census spics as "White" in the US census that says we're 56% white, right? You retards realize our generation is the last that will have any capacity to save our race? If spics are censused as white, then America is likely
Hahaha, you fucking sad piece of shit!!
I have green eyes and a native American great great grandmother.
not ((((master race)))) but hey, at least it's not brown
>have green eyes
>gf has ice-blue
>muh eye color is good because it's rare
I bet you take even more pride in your rare extra chromosome
sorry I meant this, not melatonin
Yeah right and you are also a kisless virgin now fuck off you chav
Spics are hispanic in the census. the 56% is non-hispanic whites.
White people, this really should be bigger than memes. Our race is dying, and with it, any future for the rest of so-called humanity. Take a stand, white man.
i'm not even white and i have green eyes
Hazel is not green m8.
Might explain why you cant get a date
there are more white people alive today than in any other time in history. just because niggers breed like animals and don't take care of their children does not mean the white race is dying.
Yes they do you fucking retard, females still choose the genetically superior partner without even knowing. It's called hormones, wich you seem to have a lack of.
You're a sad piece of shit, and you're convincing yourself that you're genetically perfect while never being chosen as a partner in a relationship, wich literally means you're genetically inferior
That's where you're wrong, pal.
>tfw my ancestors were browned
Most people still think I have green eyes tho, easy to fool people
>true nordic and celtic eyes, as green eyes are almost exclusively found in northwestern Europeans
I have to call bullshit so hard rn.
Green eyes are very common to Mediterranean peeps.
My brother and a couple of my family members have green eyes, and we're Medi. mutts.
You mean your tribe has mastered "the tootbrush"?
Tell us more!
Mine are hazel. How rare is that?
>tfw whole family is blond and blue eyed
>tfw I was born blond and blue eyed as well
>over time my hair became dark brown and my eyes became amber
>tfw recently the outer layer of my iris has become blue and it's spreading
What the fuck is going on?
Tfw my eyes are blacked.com
Humanity will be 55% African by 2100 according to the UN, meanwhile, whites will almost universally be minorities in their own countries by 2040.
>Be me
>Inner irris is green
>Outer iris is brown
What do?
Recessive negroid genes, you have some mild amount of melanin production, it just takes time to build over time in your hair and eyes. By the time you're 30-40, you'll have completely brown eyes and dark hair.
You're possessed by the devil.
Yes, only master race has green eyes
Mediterranean here, and no they don't.
In niggers quite common.
Happy Hanukkah.
You are an idiot. If the white population included hispanics hillary would be president.
Blue is consistently voted the most beautiful eye color over 3 to 1 vs an other color.
There won't be anymore variation of eye color to circle jerk about if you faggots don't transfer your memeing into real life, productive, non-degenerate behaviors.
Take a stand, white man. Become who we are.
what color are my eyes lads? kinda hard to tell desu
Daily reminder that eye color has nothing to do with being white and or how supreme you think your ethnicity is...
>Become who we are.