I know California is a meme state AKA "Niggerfornia" for Sup Forums, but are there any good counties/cities with mostly white population, low crime rate and less liberal brainwashing? Heard from Cali-friend that Irvine is more-less good, quite safe.
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Mono County is based (mountainous and beautiful)
so is south Orange County (clean and conservative).
I live in south OC if you have questions
Irvine is alright, but It's extremely Asian and extremely expensive and crowded. Try Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, or Mission Viejo
the counties with Gold Rush on them are nice. Only an hour to good ski resorts, and it gets hot enough in the summer(100F) for pool parties and rafting
I also found a little gold nugget as a kid
Orange county flipped, Hillary won by 8 points.
Its always a trade off, the rural areas are usually more conservative but full of mexicans and meth addicts while some urban areas like san fran and its suburbs have a lot of whites but a lot of crazy liberals as well. Florida seems to be the go to destination for ex yugos and im not even sure why. I grew up in tampa and our first mosque was bosnian whilst the northern suburbs have a lot of new orthodox churches.
Most of Cali is actually not that bad. When I say California is a hippie liberal shithole I'm mostly referring to San Fran, San Diego, LA, etc.
I live in Irvine. Wonderful city. Mission Viejo also if you want less Asians.
>Orange County
>cities with mostly white population
sorry to break it 2 u slav bro, they dont exist anymore
You should go to L.A.
The North is nice. We've wanted to be our own state for decades now
Honestly I think of illegals voting, communists, and politicians disarming the population when I think of California. Commiefornia is more appropriate imho. Family is from Avenal. Relocated to GA.
>let me tell you about your county
Republicans were still elected in local government and most Dems are in north county. South OC is a bit more Cruzlim than Trump so many of them stayed home
pretty gud. Kern here, we red as fuck its great, except for all the spics.
>cow death camp
its called cowschwitz
Irvine doesn't allow people in unless they are Asian or White tbph.
The central coast isn't too awful, but just nuke us srsly
>San Diego
> Bad
Off yourself desu
Also the North is like 20% white while the South is 80%. Everything north of Newport Beach and Irvine might as well not be OC in the "rich white Republicans" sense
Despite being liberal as fuck, Marin County has zero niggers. Mil Valley is all white people/one of the best places to live.
Its called mexifornia
I have property in Modoc county. Everyone is either pretty nice or fucking crazy. In my little mountain community everyone has guns, confederate flags, and are usually farmers. Its not quite what you think of when you think about California.
>let me tell you about your county
These are the facts you dumb fat conservashit.
And facts say that orange county is liberal.
That's a fucking fantastic policy
Why don't more communities do this
It's a shame Hillary didn't get elected, I was hoping we'd get to bomb your shitty country for a second time.
I got facts that tell me Serbia's a Second World shithole.
Califag here, I believe California is truly lost to us, there are so many non whites it feels like a foreign country honestly. I am moving next Month and never coming back ...
Srbe na vrbe
Keep crying, white redneck trash.
studying geography lately, by myself, im actually interested how such large multi-cultural society works? behaviour (and different cultures) between whites, asians, blacks, hispanics on same territory, how do you all get along?
Hollywood area is most f*cked up, from what I heard.
Anaheim here. Most of West Anaheim is trash and pathetic here.I haven't been to Anaheim Hills. Is it nice and conservative there?
>TFW I live in the mostly something for driving through area
My town is 48% white and 46% spic. We mostly get along but a lot of the whites are descendants of Southerners and there's gang activity from the Mexicans now and then.
Irvine is one of the nicest, cleanest, prettiest cities I've ever seen.
Split pretty much right down the middle between whites and Asians.
LA though is pretty much Mexico in parts that aren't bizarrely high class. You've got these swaths of cracked roads, and run down buildings, that are a block away from some of the fanciest looking architecture you can find.
He's right
Also there is a suburb north of LA in the LA County near Magic Mountain that's mainly conservative with mostly white folks
>not disney
one job
Stay away from the small towns in the Central Valley. They're the dumping ground for a lot of the immigrants that the libshits keep bringing in.
Pic related is the town where my friend grew up.
Valencia/Santa Clarita area btw
In my part of OC (80% white) it's not really multicultural at all. At uni (large public uni in southern california) people organize themselves a bit more by class. Most of my friends are white/Asian and upper-middle or middle class, recent immigrant Asians stick together largely by nationality, and poorer kids tend to hang out with each other. No one really bothers each other except SJWs. It might be different at a place like Berkeley though.
Great joke user
What uni?
Bakersfield here. Pretty chill small enough to not be a traffic cluster fuck big enough to have a university and artsy shit to go to
How lucky you are surrounded by whites people who probably goes to parties in UCLA. My school suck as and I'm glad I will graduate this coming semester.
I hardly ever go to parties, and 90% of my major (one of the physical sciences) is Asian lmao
What school do you go to?
>expecting a city in commiefornia to no vote Hillary
He still won, though. Welcome to reality, Serbia. I hope you like it.
Long Beach State. A cesspool of digesting liberals. I think everyone in my civil engineering major are Asians, Muslims, and few whites. How I wish to mingle with rich white people.
At least civil engineering is an employable degree
Of course 'del norte' wants to stay in CA. We need a red state on the west coast :( its so expensive and regulated here in CA
Orange County is only thing that's actually worth visiting in California.
If I were forced to live in that state I would choose OC/Shasta/Redding
Why do people not like San Diego?
Ventura county is god tier
San Diego is also very republican, they call it "Reagen Country". lots of good military, aerospace and defense jobs
pretty much any town that isnt L.A., S.F., or Oakland is good. SF is okay, expensive, lots of liberals, asians, almost no blacks. Oakland is like Detroit. stay away.
L.A.'s west side is very white. north is asian and white. lots of tech jobs are coming to l.a.
Santa Barbara is very liberal, but also mostly white. its next to the beach, great weather, very low crime.
I will say this. stay away from the central valley/san joaquin valley unless you work in agriculture or ranching. the central valley is lawless. lots of hispanic and south asian immigrants who dont respect the rule of law.
I grew up in Folsom California, which is a suburb of Sacramento, and it was pretty conservative with a mostly white population. Some Indians and Asians were mixed in because the Intel headquarters is there, but it was a great place to grow up. I left in 2010 though so I'm not sure how it is now.
Orange county is most republican in the south. Every election they are always red in a ocean of blue. Has middle class and upper middle class neighborhoods that are nice because of the high population of republican business owners.
It's a ocean of suburbs. You have to look at individual cities to find the ones with high white population there. You can drive and pass by a sign that says Welcome to Irvine and barely realize you just traveled into another city.
I love Yorba Linda but I haven't been there in years so it could be spick country. Just follow the money. Rich areas = high white population. Elevation is also a sign. All rich build homes are on hills because the ground shifts every year and you must be super rich to modifiy the stilts that hold up your home every year.
Stay away from fucking Irvine. For some reason all tourists start out there. It is stuffed full of asians and crazy people run the city. They are the only city in the area that banned gas stations by houses so the city would look "pretty"
Because dealing with drunk entitled 18 year olds that passed boot camp is fucking annoying
>Stay away from fucking Irvine. For some reason all tourists start out there.
kek. picked random street in irvine area on g-maps. pic related.
posting from little mexico east of la
armenians are based and honest but are basically jews when it comes to business
mexicans (immigrants/undoc) are humble and most likely will break their back to work for you, that's not to say they dont drunk drive a lot and get incarcerated on tax money. also can make a lot of money that's off the books from enterprising a business
mexicans (documented immigrants) left leaning but hard working and pay taxes. will try their best to assim but speak spanish in the home
chinese immigrants will never speak english unless theyve been here 10 years, most are business owners due to tong front money, receive benefits, have a very intricate jew system of immigration>indentured servitude/tax
I don't know, I think Irvine specifically has an aesthetic that's somewhat distinct from other cities around.
I mean yeah, there are some kooky laws there, but it genuinely is a pretty city. I feel like you could leave your door unlocked and not be too worried .
Irvine is what every suburb city should look like. Centrally planned, no niggers or spics unless they're cutting your grass, good schools, nice homes, and a city council that cares about your property values.
HB fag here. Pretty sure my city went red.
Whats the deal with the Kern meme, IM from LA county and never heard of it until threads like this on Sup Forums. I thought San bernadino was the "Texas" of California
marin county but born in San Clemente here
As a white Spaniard with two immigrant parents from Spain, i feel pissed off that this beaner shithole is going to make whites wanna kill all "hispanics" and that our federal and California gubbernment labels mestizos, indians, and 100% white european Spanish all in one group. really just Anglo anti-Spain racism if you ask me
anyways, this place has become a real shithole since i was a kid, im looking forward to leaving commiefornia in my rear view mirror permanently, VERY SOON.
Riverside county is pretty cool if you can afford to live in the nicer areas
San bernardino county is a death trap waiting to go off
O.C is cool but too close to LA for my tastes
Too many Midwesterner army tards
Keen has Bakersfield, which is Texas like in its farms, shitty city and meth addicts
Yea dude, even Newport Beach which used to be 94% white feels like a lost cause. Lots of new arab and chinese ultra-wealthy buying the huge homes in Laguna, Crystal Cove, Newport. If you can't stand diversity and multiculturalism, move to somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. I can't think of any major city or suburb in California that is still vastly white. Perhaps some of the more conservative suburbs in the SF bay area, like Walnut Creek. But like Orange County you'll get lots of jews and crypto-jews in Walnut Creek. You gotta more to Nebraska for the white america experience, basically. Mission Viejo is pretty white, true, but still a good amount of latinos, asians, persians. I'm not saying that some diversity is bad, but yea the fact that Hillary won Orange County, Nixon's home, should show you how HIV positive OC has become. Especially the poorer areas, there is a rapidly growing Arab community. San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano are two cities which are fairly white, probably more white than laguna niguel or irvine which has more exotic blood.