Americans, what is your opinion of this part of the world?
Americans, what is your opinion of this part of the world?
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Probably the best part of Europe.
t. murrifat on vacation
wut is it?
good except fucking slovenia
why do you fags even exist? You have no history
Germany was a mistake.
>America telling Slovenia that it has no history
Their castles are older than your country me'laddo
>1 Protestant country
>1 Severely catholic country
>1 calvinist country
>5 more or less catholic countries
>"Central Europe"
I don't see what point you are trying to make
because some cunts in a treaty thought that it wasn't our clay
>le my country is older
Lol is that a map for refugees on where to go?
Leave cute little slovenia alone giovanni
Who would want to go to Slovenia?
it's them that don't leave us alone
i am older than your country
That "Central Europe" as any geo-cultural entity doesn't exist. There's only Northern and Southern Europe
Well yes, being old means having history. Just because some history isn't made of conquest or other famous stories it doesn't make it any less of history. Slovenians were actually always civilized and peaceful people and I think that THAT is something to be celebrated.
The further west, the less I like and the more I loathe.
But you are not older than the land of which my country is made of.
Lol looks like Sweden is a dangling cock ready to penetrate the Poland Germany border
You got me
Lol you dumb fuck that's France and Germany.
3 rich germanic countries + 4 shitholes
you should be ashamed thinking you're somehow relevant because your neighbouring a western country
And yet the nation with "no history" has achieved so much more
Yes, you have. You Americans are like children who need to praised or else they go insane.
the best beer in the world
finest prostitutes
that's all... nothing else worthwile
and gay
HAHAHA yes, praise me. My childish form DEMANDS IT
ITT: pol can't count to 9
I don't like Chinks, OP.
You dumb cunt this is why the world thinks we're stupid
Or maybe you should be ashamed for thinking that being a western country makes you something more than us.
I've been to Slovakia OP. I liked your country. I liked the people and the countryside. I like your beer and your women and your food. Good times.
Cheers lad
>nearly whole history made by invading other countries and making war all around the earth
> peacefull nations have no history
classic burger with superman syndrome
Merry Christmas.
>describes nearly every successful empire and nation ever
you guys have more history than us, but it's given you fuck-all
Looks like you didnt get to encounter the gypsies, otherwise the trip would be ruined in my onion. Merry Christmas to you too mate
Poland holds German land that needs reclaimed.
You just got relocated
How do you feel about being in France-Poland now?
No, I never ran into any gypos but I was told about them. I would like to go back there again sometime.
Do these empires still exist?
my sides
Why is everyone soo butthurt about us?
Is it because burgers enjoy getting killed at 7x higher rates than us?
>"the clouds are white"
>"I don't see any clouds right now"
>"well, it is a clear sky. just because you can't see them now doesn't mean they aren't well documented and-"
>"NOPE. You're wrong cuz it's not happening now"
I really like this part of europe.
It's pretty cool and doesn't afraid of anything.
That should be European Union
The rest is cancer anyway
Them folk talk funny
The point was that every agressive empire, nation (whatever you meant) has fallen (hard), and I did not say that they cannot appear or are not existing in our times in some form.
Nah, France, Italy and Benelux are alright.
At least we are white, not you "tanned" "italians"
Tutti frutti gypsies
>"do they exist now?"
So, to answer you poorly contrived question; yes. For now it's the US, until whatever nation usurps in the future in military and economic might and influence (probably Mongolia. Nobody ever expects them to attack, and then suddenly they own and maintain 40% of the world when they do lol)
Thomas Jefferson was directly inspired by the proto-Slovenian state of Carantania. Your constitution was literally based on on the proto-Slovenian state from 8th century.
That's why I hope that USA is razed in a future nuclear war.
Fuck, I need sleep, said they dont exist and now they exist, I am just tying to say they fate is to fall, peacefull nation have they culture and significally less minorities and stuff like that, that means less racial tension and things we see today. You have wealth and power but we have something else (which you dont)
You fucking amerifats are coming to leech of free college.
So our women can marry american presidents.
>Tutti frutti gypsies
Whatever it is you have, we have much better of as its given us a better result. And don't delude yourself into thinking that your nation isn't susceptible of falling either. That type of arrogance is laughable.
What's your problem with Benelux?
Germany should be nuked, Poland is okay tough.
>German land
HAH! Joke of 2013
Not as good as the north, but pretty good.
When a Slovak says "fuck I need sleep" it means that no further discussion is neccessary
I judge the basis of debates on more than just "I'm tired" kek
maybe I am optimistic, who knows, you can laugh at me, whatever, but still you have to make superheroes movies every year who are saving the world and play it all over the world, tell everyone how everything is better in your land, being the "policeman" of the world to feel proud and we dont have such things, or our neighbours, like schoolshootings, cultural-marxism does not exist, just less degeneracy.
Just stop watching Batman.
I havent seen any movie for the last few months. Saw batman movies only first two, each two times years ago.
>base an entire culture and country off of its tragedies and movies
>deliberately ignore the cornerstones of said culture such as personal freedoms, liberties, the right to self determination, free speech and self defense
You're right, I am laughing at you, because this is perhaps the oldest trick in the book that's down right leaf-tier.
Be glad it's us on the top. If the world was being lead and run by a place like China, human rights and liberties would be non-existent compared to what we have now.
What you wrote is literally dumbshit.png
>Leave neetcave for the first time in months due to a sickness fucking my shit up
>only go to the cinema before going straight home
>somehow get
Fuck the outside
Then it shouldn't be hard for you to explain why it's "dumbshit.png", but you can't, because you've got no argument.
guess who doesnt live in castles anymore, kiddo.
Have fun with your cuck villages :)
>cornerstones of the culture: personal freedoms, liberties, the right to self determination, free speech and self defense
>the US
I'll give you self defense, but that's all
I think you're high on freedom ameribro
The Middle East 2.0
damn, I am so desillusional that I think arguing with someone on internet matters.
Capitalist societies are the biggest promoters of self determination. Without a nanny state to hold your hand, you have to make your own way in life and are given more options to work with.
>he hasn't heard of the US constitution or the Bill of Rights that basically state the rights to free speech, freedom of press, religion, and assembly
Bro, do you even world history?
well, being far-right is more acceptable here, maybe we dont have guns, but there arent gangs of colored people and much less crime. Seening a cop makes you feel safe and its without a risk he will shoot you.
I'd say "retarded", based on how badly you articulated your thoughts and based everything off of fucking cinema movies and copy paste points
>electing trump
>still thinks he can talk shit about "being more far-right"
And Where did you get your "cops are evul" rhetoric from? Reddit? Hah, give me a break. Your superiority complex is fascinating to watch
It's red so I'm assuming that's where Santa lives?
Another American bringing up cuckoldry. Since the vote is vote is over, all one can read about here is cuckoldry. And it's all done by posters with Americans flags. Really makes my gamma amino butyric acids work.
I've been. It's fucking boring, and the people dont really live... they just kind of exist.
>american humor
trump is not that far-right, our far-right guys are dennying holocaust, are anti-homosexuals etc, and they are in parliament . Not evil, just cant shoot you as cassualy as yours. The point was its much less crime here.
Thank you Slovenia for Melania. Thank you Germany for our Fuhrer and my great grandparents.
The rest I don't care desu
It was a play off of the sweden cucsheds,
also have you not seen the faggot canadian? Hes been making actual cuckold threads for the last two days solid and on again off again for the last year or two.
Yep, Reddit it is.
What a shame, I was starting to think you were actually basing your "arguments" on researched points and not pathos based drivel like a leftist.
Holy fuck are you retarded
Man I have never been on reddit. Holocaust dennying by parliament member was in our news, I am not making that up and its more far-right than build a wall.Do you have more crime statistically than us? well I dont need to search for that.
There's a bunch of dumb lines in the middle of that red country