Post your reaction when you opened Sup Forums for the first time

Other urls found in this thread:



I don't remember



I lurked Encyclopedia Dramatica and old Sup Forums alot before I found it so it wasn't anything interesting t b h

>pic related to op






>be me
>be redpilled on jews
>be redditfag
>see plebbits complaing about 4channers trolling reddit boards about goyim and jews
>visit Sup Forums
.life is now over and I'm now drowing in redpills




>all time babling about jew with everyone
>user you are crazy
>user you can't talk like that
>get sad
>want to kill myself
>find Sup Forums
>find /pol
>everyone here know that jews are bad
>no good goy here

the "alt right" was a meme by the leftist to put everybody against them in the same bag
but damn that was funt o watch
also this the first week

and like this the second



Meming for a while with NatSoc/alt-right shit until I started searching for myself and found out there's a lot of lies within the Sup Forums truth as a whole

Nowadays I try to inform myself on everything controversial and base my opinion on that (which isn't always politically incorrect, I must admit, sorry Sup Forums)

Then I discovered the glorious world of socialist nationalism and ba'athism


I came as a faithless shitposter from Sup Forums

I'm leaving as a moralfag with wife and kids

but man, what a ride


I remember the first iteration of /new/ so I had to watch this board gradually get more and fucked up. Well, the site really. Now I don't even know what is up with this board. It's definitely got a fair amount of shilling and other forms of manipulation going on in here. People here aren't as brainwashed as they seem.

Sup Forums is a hivemind and there are two conspiracies at play:

1. To deny the hivemind
2. The steer the hivemind in a certain direction

Maybe Russia. You're noticing ads in communities on the internet now. Shilling and ads pretending to be a person on the internet, for example. You're seeing the power of trolling and memes and Sup Forums being manipulated.

You know what I would like to see out of Sup Forums? I want it to go back to the way it was. Back when the users were in control and knew they were.


Sup Forums is where the rejects go
ur safe here
There's no one to tell you you're crazy here
We enable your delusions

Came here from /fit/ wanted to see why everyone who was a loud dick was told to get back here.

Bsolutely disgusting. I still come here ironically, and post ironically, and also because you get news faster here than anywhere else. Also I hate cultures where whites aren't involved in dominance.


I was already a white nationalist. I just came here to find people with common ground.

you're a faggot.

So, you're an uneducated moron that couldn't get into a good college. Good. You'll fit in quite well here at Sup Forums.



>he hasn't been here since /n/

>2. The steer the hivemind in a certain direction
I never on purpose derail but I so am incriminated myself for steering for keks
its like a power of a 40isher manchild mix with ultra-autist selfemployed landowning mad scientist
or maybe ummm

thanks for taking me Sup Forums
when nobody else would



Your kind is the first one to be killed on the day of the rope, dividers, war profiteers, worst "people"

That was pretty great, I'm glad we have so many unique talents on our side.

this the kind of nigga that seeks out yahoo questions and answers with "i dont know". Then shut the fuck up, little timmy!
