Which side are you on?
Let's settle this once and for all
I hate both.
Nice jidf shill thread
Fuck the UN
Fucking kikes everywhere
Israel. And not because I'm a good goy supporter of Israel (though Sup Forums will call me that) but because this resolution does no good. It's typical UN puffery. They can't enforce it, and the member states that could enforce it won't, because it's bad business. And it's only going to escalate settlements. Israel's strategy will now be to step up settlements in Judea and Samara so as to null and void the international community's "deep concern" altogether by making it impossible to reverse.
The UN really is this dumb.
American foreign policy should be guided by gritty realism and pragmatism, not pie-in-the-sky idealism. This idealistic shit has gotten us precisely nowhere.
you are not wrong.
so it de-legitimizes the UN and makes israel a bad guy rogue state in one stroke? Obama dun good.
Israel, obviously. The UN is a muslim terrorist organisation. I hope Trump nukes them off the face of the Earth.
how could any of you degenerates not pick "neither"
Not correct question. I'm on the Israel AND US side since obongo is irrelevant and Trump is pro-Israel.
I'm on neither side. One is controlled by Schlomo, the other by shitskins
>pro Jew
the jews destroyed your country you cuck
Ah, I'm retard and read it as United Stated
you realize nuking the UN means nuking NYC which means nuking the 2nd largest concentration of jews on the planet?
tell putin thakns for the "yes" vote, chaim
why so many zionists
Fuck the kikes
I don't think Zionists did that.
why are muslims settlers in EU alright but Jewish settlers in middle east wrong???
wow, much racism??
many antisemitism!
Those are the same side. Have you learning nothing from liberal vs. conservative Jew nonsense through centuries? Jews fighting Jews with words isn't real. There is only one type of Jews, those that practice Judaism or work for Israel.
judaeo-bolshevism was the prelude to modern zionism
>Delegates from 3rd world nation lecturing on how the world should be.
Fuck the UN. Were forced to give millions to that shitty organziation
i'm on the side of whoever has to live next-door to palestinians.
i also understand israel wanting to keep an iron military grip on the west bank.
i also think they should stop building settlements immidiately though.
Zion was banned in Soviet Union. Zion is an exclusive American/Anglo thing that grew on Christian monarchy and those old families of trade, long before Soviet Union existed.
Israel 100%.
Listen what Putin said:
>Russian President Vladimir Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.
The most destructive forces for Europe and White Americans have all been pioneered by the Jews. And stupid evangelicals think this is a great alliance despite not having got one benefit from it themselves.
No wonder burgers are pro-Israel. They're literally kike's bitches. Pic
It isn't simply the UN, the settlements violate international law. So they are basically pissing over international diplomacy altogether. It is another instance, like Syria, that makes the west and even the international community as a whole look weak.
The US should have grown some testicles long ago and never defended the illegal activity of Israel. They should have been the ones doing what Israel is doing now but against Israel. Threatening to end their status with them, ending the funding they send them, etc but the US has just been completely cucked by Israel and from what Trump is saying he is going to follow in that tradition. Pathetic.
you're a fun guy
What's funny that Jews in Israel overpopulated the land long before UN planned and they continue want to expand. So where did they came from if they all died? Not to mention many migrated back to Ukraine too.
til half of US media was founded by jews.
fuck off, jidf
Banks are merging, you know what that means? Those failed banks get taken over, sold, so they make money + eliminate competition so they make money + now control most of banking and can hide stealing money, take your money through different tricks like inflation, credit manipulation. But you know why those banks needed to merge to begin with, because guess what, they stolen money so long that they failed and now those who made banks fail get to be boss on new merged bank. Funny. This is what capitalism calls good management: when you steal, ruin bank and merge. But some day when all merges, then that obviously defeats the nonsense free market is teaching us that enabled merges: competition. Happy war to save them when they all top flip flop merged.
i live here. you fuck off.
>UN does nothing
>kikes continue to build settlements
>UN does something
>kikes continue to build settlements anyway
Wow. It's true. With jews you always lose.
>good goy
And they keep doing it, since Putin is jew-controlled puppet.
>as above so below
>flat Earth
well, both.
Can't we find a way to opress both?
that resolution actually makes sense, cant just let them steal other people's land like that. It shows what asholes Jews are going from begging and sneaking to steal to demanding.
This is an opportunity to protest Israel for woke Republicans, cant let yourselves be dragged along with the nutty Ted types [there is no future for right wing pro Israel people].
The UN needs to leave the US so as to make the case that it infringes on american sovereignty even louder[ie foreign body].
so this gives us a headache and worse still when we throw Trump into the mix. The first time we can see the ZOG strings pulling him around. We need to come up with a clear plan otherwise we'll be confused.
It feels like we beat the liberal Jews in the election but we got the bigger problem of liberal Jews and the boot liking politicians do when it comes to them.
>choosing between kikes or globalists
Tough choice. Can't we kill both?
>le false dichotomy maymay
Fuck them both. I hope they do as much damage to each other as possible3.
Back in the day show business was one of the few areas jews could work in freely. On hindsight, that was a terrible idea
lmao nu/pol/ is actually siding with the kikes
Shalom fellow Sup Forums shlackers
It feels like we beat the liberal Jews in the election but we got the bigger problem of liberal Jews and the boot liking politicians do when it comes to them
(the second *liberal Jews* is supposed to be Zionist Jews)
Sup Forums has always been a mossad project m8 boker tov
hilary actually dislikes israel, same as obama. if you didnt know it you have terrible perception of politics.
kill yourself
I fucking hate how I have to always side with 1 group
Jews or Muslims
Jews or EU
It's just not fair
>Judea and Samara
Why did Israel withdraw from Sinai and Gaza if this is what they were trying to achieve?
Nothing's going to happen, calm down.
America elected their very first Jewish president, and a Zionist one at that.
Enjoy the next 8 years of Making America and Israel Great Again and watching as how all the Arab countries against them start to fall apart even more.
Good times.
>hilary actually dislikes israel, same as obama
the rage inside me at this utterance
all Obama did was a political move to expose Trump as a Zionist shill [maybe expose isnt a good word rather express]
Yes, believe this goyim. Disregard the email leaks. Disregard that Obama nominated Garland, yet another Jew, for SCOTUS.
like we are going to forget his shilling for the muslim brotherhood.
he broke over 30 years of us vetos, dont play it off like a minor political shtick.
there is an email of a jewish advisor of hilary who is incredibly anti israel. if you believe being a jew means you are automaticly pro israel im afraid you would have little to contribute to this conversation.
>24 % United Nations
globalists get out
yes of course the pathetic Muslim brotherhood.
I suggest you do some reading on important texts on these matters lesser Jew either that or stop shilling.
I sympathize. Being an Israeli puppet leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
>The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad.
>all Obama did was a political move to expose Trump as a Zionist shill
Holy shit. I just came to realize, this was it, their final card, their ace in the hole. Convince the clearly nazi-like alt-right that Trump is on (((their))) side.
They really are this desperate. Holy shit we are winning, bigly. They can not even begin to comprehend how we opperate, we don't even know, so how can our enemies?
israel had to pressure the US establishment to recognize the a sisi regime.
so she said. syria border is the most quiet israel has. we didnt had issues there since 73. replacing that with unruly zealots would be against israels interest.
Fuck the UN .
dude you agree with me it's: liberal Jews vs Zionist Jews. they need each other though they "fight".
all i want is no Jews but its convincing East Europeans that Palestinians are more closely related to Abraham than they are,
ISIS, another puppet of US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, makes sure of that.
>Only once a Muslim’s native land has fallen under proper Islamic rule, the article said, should he attack the adjacent infidel lan
How convenient.
Can someone explain to me what's the point of the settlements? Like, 10 years ago, I used to think that they were build to create hard-facts and shift the border in favor of Israel but now it looks like the Israel is going for an one-state solution, which doesn't make any sense.
we had cashes with tthem sice then idiot.
them not being retarded enough as to open another front doesnt mean we have anithing to with them.
the right wing think they can slowly push all the palis to jordan. the left wing would unilaterally remove them and try to strike a peace deal even though they know it wouldnt be worth the paper its writen on. the middle would rather the settlements as a bargening chip for peace deal shell a day come and the palis would get some sense into them.
Both are gay. Israel is a narcissistic state that likes to be a stain on the earth, and it's only reason for it being there was cuz the sympathy for da joos after WW2 :(((
They have nothing to be proud of, Their whole country is pathetic.
The UN is completely useless, it does nothing other than restrict the power a country is able to do. It enforces quotas and it's retarded shit currency onto it's states.
>inb4 but it keeps the protection of europe
NATO does that retard. Not the UN.
neither because they're both a fucking waste of my taxpayer dollars no matter how much they keep mudslimes and shitskinned filth stuck in their part of the world.
Trump vaguely says he's pro-Israel
But he's the first president that has actually said he would not favor one side or the other "at the negotiating table"
Just by saying that he's arguably the most anti-Israel president ever
US has had clashes with them too. Sometimes the golem needs it's steering adjusted.
The zionist (Israel) are different than the globalist Jews.
>they need each other though they "fight"
That can be applied to any group, or race, of people. It's an extremely weak conclusion to come to, and one that's usually made by a pseudo-intellectual retard who's incapable of thinking deeply into matters. It's simple: you get liberal "Jews" and conservative Jews. Conservative Jews are usually in Israel and are anti-globalization as that will bring Israel down. Liberal "Jews" usually live in the USA and have little-to-no regards about Israel and are usually for globalization, open borders and multiculturalism. Those liberal "Jews" aren't real Jews because liberalism, and democracy for that matter, are incompatible with Judaism and the Torah. If you're going to bash Jews, bash the Americans not the Israelis - they are battling the same people you are.
>once and for all
>for the 973663829wu72 time
Fuck off, no one likes you.
Why cant we just give Jews half of middle east and the other half to Iran.
Lol the mental gymnastics
Israel I don't care whatsoever, one way or the other. They can do whatever they want, colonize or genocide whoever is weak enough to be beaten by them.
The UN is a cancer that should be destroyed, though.
Jews vs Muslims
Who cares?
I hope this meme stops soon. It's well beyond its expiry date.
I feel like we, as in europe should get a piece too
Voted UN on account that Israel is basically engaging in macro-level squatting.
It won't
kek, you are getting your piece of the M.E. allright.
I want the kikes to kill all inferior subhumans
30+% with israel.
Yeah this board is overrun. The answer is nuke israel, fuck the UN.
it's true though
It's like watching a nigger and spic punching each other in a parking lot. I don't like either but I'm happy to see it happen.
leaf using german proxy