Hey Sup Forums do you want to Sup Forums-ify sarah andersens comics?
She already got triggered on twitter
@sarahcandersen is her twitter - send the edits to her if you want her triggered
Hey Sup Forums do you want to Sup Forums-ify sarah andersens comics?
She already got triggered on twitter
@sarahcandersen is her twitter - send the edits to her if you want her triggered
>pic related: a cuck from malaysia reporting the evil neo natzees
>pic related: sarah's a dumb cunt
we need to do something about this faggot first
Posting some edits
Don't you need to get some support on patreon
What's the next step of your master plan?
This needs an Exterminatus edit.
I didn't know we were memeing this comic. These are top tier thanks for the keks.
made one yesterday but can't find it. i think it was called the four bars of proof or something
I remember that I will look if I saved it
Kek watch out that you don't get re-educated soon!
Don't have it sorry
All good, found it.
Phahahhahahahahaaaaa shit
fucking top kek
Will she become the new Zyklon Ben?
Fucking Malay Mike.
>tfw I checked her twitter and someone had tweeted this one I made to her and it got a bunch of favs or whatever
Thanks, Centipede Facts
>Will she become the new Zyklon Ben?
Yes. Kek wills it
jej, saved.
The eternal fucking Malaysian strikes again.
All because we wouldn't buy his shitty webcomics.
What a fucking autist.
at this point its better for us to just pay him to fuck off
>paying a blackmailer
>negotiating with terrorists
he's been doing this for months now.
nothing's stopping him
Well you know what definitely won't? Giving him fucking money and rewarding him for doing this shit.
This sums it up
We should post superior web comics.
at this point it seems like its the easiest way. he costed us way too much and made our movements salty as fuck.
just look at what happened to drexel. as soon as he showed his ugly face everything immediately stops.
you realize everyone can see your flag you retard
>realize I've been talking to a Malaysian flag
Nice try Mike.
>there's always that one guy
OCITT my rapscallions
Fuck off Mike.
you retards should think about it.
It's sad that these parodies are funnier than the actual comic. It's like when you take Garlfield out of the comic and it's just John yelling at nothing
Kill yourself you only make like 68$ a month on your patreon your comic is shit and you should just die
"give me money for my shitty webcomics*
fuck off mike
That's embarrassing.
>cuck from Malaysia
The same one who's always on here shilling his comic?
>$68 a month
>$2.67 a day
Fucking Africans make more money than that. What an absolute embarrassment.
for a guy that can split the trump gens anytime and break your shitty raid operations into pieces. you should really reconsider dumb leaf nigger
It just boggles the mind to consider the astronomical degree to which aliens would never, ever give a shit about that.
You were right, that's exactly what Sarah is.
Kek, no need for the burn unit. Just sweep up the ashes.
>oh no people have different opinions
> for a guy that can split the trump gens anytime and break your shitty raid operations into pieces. you should really reconsider dumb leaf nigger
we're reaching levels of delusion that shouldn't even be possible
>68$ a month
thanks for checking fuckface. now i can continue fucking your shit without remorse.
this desu
his comics gotta be some hardcore libshit for him to act that way
So all I need to do to be popular on normie social media is just harvest and repost OC from Sup Forums?
This one is gold. Nice work Germobro
>$2802 per month
suddenly I don't even hate her anymore
>continue fucking your shit
its more deluded to bullshit your way from the truth.
try making one of the comic coers the op pic of /ptg/. see what happens you total dumbfuck
Cheap money is not good money
what happened to that indian guy? the one with the rap
>having to edit a webcomic to create a progressive dystopia joke
Step your game up kids.
>I think it's worth 3$! :D
your monkey-tier english
i asked last time, why such hostility toward malaysian? i remember when he started to do christ chan etc nobody complained back then? and he imroved a lot. i dont get it.
I've been triggered by this faggot too many times. You need some new material.
This one is my favourite. Its not even edited.
I'm amazed these newfags dont know that's you.
>Malayfag expects we will pay him, especially after doing this type of shit
We do not negotiate with cuckolds, it doesn't matter if you're trying to post-ironically astroturf either.
How do you afford a computer in your muslim shithole? Is your webcomic some kind of side job when you aren't working in a shoe factory?
Another Original.