Biden meme is dog-whistling that white guys are dumb
Maybe some but its mostly because he comes off as an adorable bumbling grandpa
You're an idiot.
let's not get to SJW levels of retarded
Pol's white boi victim complex strikes again. Please enlighten us on how the normie biden memes are opressing you op
Not everything that attacks a white is a racist attack faggot. It's just a dumb meme about Joe because he's a weird ass old fuck.
He does pull off the act rather well.
The man is a strategic genius really, in the political realm.
He wants to run in 2020 so they're conditioning people to think of him as Obama's cool sidekick instead of a creep.
wasn't his son convicted for pedophilia?
No, it's an attempt to make an even more unlikable Vice President than Cheney seem cool
Biden's a creepy old pedo
It's the left's sad attempt at meme magic
Biden memes are great
Being affectionate doesn't make you a pedo. He is old, his generation was alot more touchy feely than ours. Everyone is autistic now because of chemtrails and fluoride in the water which is why everyone takes a pic now and you get the "hover hand" effect
Dumb women voters will vote for Joe just like Bernie because "aww he's such an adorable old man"
There should be a counter for this that would be pencememeing.
Pence would be begging trump in different scenarios to execute gays.
There's being affectionate then there's this shit. He doesn't even know these children or these people well enough to be that "affectionate".
Every TV show in primetime makes the white guys look like bumbling fools and the wives are clever and smart. ex, Modern Family's Jay and Phil
Why do you watch the jew box?
>had to be a leaf
>adorable bumbling grandpa
that's pretty much what I thought too
like that eccentric uncle that still drives an old V8 kingswood
His son is dead
Biden is to be forgotten.