What cigarettes do you smoke?
Pic related what I smoke.
If you do not smoke, you don't have to reply, if you do reply that you do not smoke, then we will assume that you smoke cocks.
What cigarettes do you smoke?
Pic related what I smoke.
If you do not smoke, you don't have to reply, if you do reply that you do not smoke, then we will assume that you smoke cocks.
>smoking the wispy jew
2 cock suckers detected
I suck upon the electronic vapor jew.
Sh-shutup it tastes nicer and I can breath better.
Marlboro 27s or Parliaments
Everything else is too heavy, too light, or tastes weird
welcome to flavor country
Drum, until my tobacco plants grow in anyway.
Tailor-made cigarettes are fucking gross.
I rarely smoke, but when I do I like Davidoffs
Either Marlboro reds or pic related.
I roll a cigarette a day using amber leaf.
me too leafbro
>smoking niggerettes
>not smoking cigars
Used to smoke Marlboro Gold until the faggots changed the box and now it's shit.
Marlboro Red here
I rarely smoke but when I do I prefer Lucky Strike. It's toasted.
I vape. Come at me faggots
>27s or Parliaments
This guy gets it.
Marlboro No 27 but Im gonna be quitting in January. Dont wanna pay the new 2.00 tax.
You can guess which state i live in
Wait a second, are you that croat on Sup Forums who was talking about how he smokes outside of cafes when children are walking by?
Used to smoke reds.
Still do on occasion.
I dip Copenhagen now.
Daily reminder that if you don't handroll you might as well vape
>t. big tobacco cuck
Camel non-filter
Marlboro Reds
Camel Turkish golds
And on occasion Newport
fond of Padron 1964s personally
smoothest taste
Marlboro are nigger-tier, as are lucky strikes
Also I hope none of yall faggots smoke lights
vaping is among the top 5 gayest things a man can do
How original.
Nu-male kys.
What are the other four? I'm sure you know Crogaytia
Cigarettes bought in packs are fucking awful, I roll my own. I like Amsterdam shag. Great for rolling spliffs
Daily reminder: Smoking is a fire hazard. Stay safe!
I smoke Winstons, almost no one else in this country smokes these. What can Americans teach me on that brand.
Camel lights actually aren't that bad
>not nigger tier
Pick one nigger camel crush smoker
>1. taking cock up the ass
>2. sucking cock
>3. wearing dresses/make up/girly shit
>4. effeminate way of talking/mannerism
>5. vaping
commieeeeeefornia hahahahah
Fuck bros, it's my thrid time I'm on vold turkey. I can manage it pretty well and never feel real anxious, or anxious in a way that makes me crave a cigarette. But goddammit, just one beer and It's fucking over. I don't drink that much, but whenever I go with the lads, It's back to square one. What do?
Smoking is degenerate so....I guess they're all nigger-tier??
Let me guess you do all of those except vape huh?
im trying to watch my weight so i smoke marlboro lights since they have less calories
Less cucked than actual smoking.
Smoking in general is blackpilled/bluepilled as fuck. I have to come up with a new pill; navypill, just to describe it.
I smoked at a hookah bar once. About an hour afterwards I thought I was gonna die.
>Not Smoking Nigars
You did this
The taste and quality of cigarettes varies from country to country, so while french Camel might be good, here Camel is absolute dog shit
Marlboros are the only smokes worth smoking, unless you're a poorfag and can't afford them (at least in Croatia)
>tfw I smoke and dip
hello darkness my old friend
I was gonna say Jew York
Cigarettes are $13 a pack here :)
These ones
oh no a fat retarded american called me gay on a laotian cricket betting website
better go kill myself now
Amber leaf is the best roll ups imo.
I prefer to smoke B&H though.
Truly the master race of cigarettes and cigarette pack aesthetics.
Pssshh, I roll my own cigarettes because I'm not a kiddo.
Shit tier
why do they cost so much there? in mississippi they are like $5 a pack and around $3 for the cheap nigger tier cigs
You probably should desu faget
>I roll my own cigarettes because I have a minimum wage job
I usually change it up. I live in NY but I'm down in Florida. Normally I smoke Nat Sherman Classic and Marlboro Red soft pack but now that I'm down here I go for the Naturals.
>not smoking glorious tax free Seneca's
That does look pretty french.
Come to Split fag, we will rough you up and fix you.
>What cigarettes do you smoke?
Only cowboy killers. None of that menthol niggery.
Holy shit that warning
Interesting that smoking is only tenuosly linked to one birth defect: deafness. Caffeine is actually far more harmful to a fetus than smoking, but I don't see any warnings on Starbucks cups
If I decide I want to smoke something I'll pick up a pack of newports or Kool menthol
No I'm not a nigger
I've never smoked before. What are the benefits of smoking?
What do you think of our new pack designs lads?
si ti mutav decko? ne znas sto je sarkazam?
Marlboro Special Blend Red
best cancer!!! Smoking a malrboro in the morning with a cup of hot chocolate and blasting lamb of god \m/
Going from $11 to $7 dollars is fucking orgasmic.
Pic related is pretty good.
it helps to make friends and smoke breaks give me something to look forward to at work
Sounds like closet desire to suck brown dicks.
Who the fuck is gonna fuck anyone up at Split? You guys, the local fishermen?
Eyyyy LMAO
Banged the qt at the supermarket meat section last year btw, can you check up on her cause I didn't use a condom ;)
L&M Red 100's but looking to roll my own or switch to pipe at some point
American Spirits bold (blue pack)
I'm sure I'll get some "fuck off hipster trash" comments, but American Spirits taste the best and last much longer because the are packed with much more tobacco per cigarette. They are definitely over priced but I'm well off enough to get my preferred experience. Marlboro Reds and Camel Reds are my 2nd tier. Parliament 3rd tier.
Killing yourself is blackpilled.
Being dependent on substances is bluepilled.
Smoking is shit, it gives you massive negatives while giving you a slight high. You can accomplish the same thing with fucking exercise. Wait, exercise is even more gratifying than sucking on a cancerstick. Oh, but it's so much easier just to get gratification through inhalation of garbage. So manly.
Prove me wrong.
It's english though. Gentlemen cigarettes to start with. Even had a Formula 1 car for quite a while. The taste is very smooth while heavy in nicotine.
> edgy
"Smoking cocks" only makes sense in our language . It doesn't translate well.
Marlboro menthol.
I hardly ever smoke though. A pack of 20 lasts me about two months.
Fuck off nigger
I smoke red rothmans
Based islander, this is the only real answer
Democrats need that tax money while saying it will reduce smoking
Why are Senecas tax free?
You stupid faggot, big tobacco is also behind vaping.
You must be a nigger.
Vape on a KangerTech Togo mini using the sub omhn set up usually halo stock juice.
Much better than smoking ever was and fun to tinker with.
Cigarette smokers get with the times so we can push out the faggots who are giving it a bad rep
Stop being a bitch and letting peer pressure get to you.
Going to try to quit on New Year's, ten years a smoker, any advice senpai?
>vaping the mouth fedora jew
You should zoom the camera out just a bit so I can get a better look.
Yeah now I can't quit either one.
They're behind shitty products like blucig yeah but nothing that's actually a decent option is big tobacco.
Literally brainwash yourself
Buy a vape
Do not take any Adderall
You can do this user. I believe in you.
My favorite though when I can get em
They taste nice and are very relaxing. You also look cool as fuck
Fucking disgusting.