The yanks betray us once more
Trump aid urges exploitation of Brexit confusion
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Realpolitik, faggot. Go back to Tumblr if you're so triggered by Trump
Kys divide and conquer shill
to be honest you did it to yourself, what did you think leaving the EU meant? "WE TAKE EVERYTHING WITH US" your on your own.
You wanna fuck yourself by fucking all of your allies?
Nice fake news ya got there.
They've been doing it for a long time. Why stop now?
You were saying?
Those comments are from months ago, you faggot.
America first bitches.
>25th December 2016
>Months ago
If its true, let them try... its a dog eat dog world
We voted out of the safe space to go toe to toe with the biggest and the best
From your own fucking link:
>Mr Ross was reported by The Times to have made his comments to an audience of Cypriot financiers in the days following last June's referendum vote - before he had been appointed to Mr Trump's cabinet.
Murka's lapdog played again.
All according to plan. New Anglo Empire soon.
Yes and now he's in a position to fuck us over rather than simply say he's going to.
Just like those digustingly devious comments Hillary made to Goldman Sachs in a private speech with the intention to make global free moment. Oh wait I forgot Sachs guys have been hired as well.
Oy vey, we dindu nothin
fake news
everyone and their mother knows the uk and usa would buddy up after casting off the cancer that is the EU
Your shit head of a President intends to betray us.
No he's not, trade agreements are not unilateral. Quit being such a whiny goal post moving bitch.
It's in the USA's best interests to break up the EU by showing that post-brexit UK is rock solid. Why the fuck do you think Obama wanted you to remain?
We learned it from watching you
Disgusting. With actions like this it's no wonder we're starting to dislike the U.S more and more. America's efforts to court Germany and ignoring Britain completely during Obama's presidency is going to bite them in the arse before long. Germany has a pathetic military.
>turn your cuckservatism up to eleven, the (((multinationals))) need even lower taxes and less regulation goyim
This is the same shit they tell every country
IB4 he steals trade from the EU into Britain and strengthens trade with the UK.
literally using the word 'steal' instead of 'make a trade deal with britain'
lol sucks to be a paki wanker then chap