Why is blonde hair view as "masterrace" when almost no people of historical relevance have had blonde hair?

Why is blonde hair view as "masterrace" when almost no people of historical relevance have had blonde hair?

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because aesthetics

Blonde men look like fags. Only looks good on women



Children and women should have blond hair, otherwise brown hair is ideal. It's master race because it's exclusive to us, sample a million blacks and none will have naturally blond hair.

Because blonde fembois are the best fembois

White is the master race.
Blonde is beautiful. End.

Because it's rare in Corsica.

t. homely and plain brown haird hair person

Probably Irish too.

Keep telling yourself that faggots

False btw

he compensates with god tier facial aesthetics, would look even more masculine with dark hair

stay mad
stay jelly

>Why is blonde hair view as "masterrace" when almost no people of historical relevance have had blonde hair?

Jewish post WW2 propaganda. Blonde hair was never seen as master race, it is just used to make fun of the Nazis racial policy, when in reality, this was never the case.

My Dads spanish.
Im spanish.


>Why is blonde hair view as "masterrace"
By whom? Not everyone is a pure Hallstatt Germane, only idiots on Sup Forums wave this flag around. No one cares.

Many blonde peoples hair is blonde when they are young but it turns brown as they get older. Generally the women's hair hair stays lighter. My hair was blond as a boy but is now dark brown.


White nationalism is basically a white pussy worship cult anyway, it's hardly surprising


Augustus Caesar was blond.

They will. Don't worry.

No he wasn't... Omg stormcucks gtfo

That guy would be 3x more intimidating with blond hair. Nobody is afraid of dumb favela monkeys.

"sub-flavum" hardly means "blonde" as with Trump's hair

Lel, not even close. My biggest shortcoming racially is that I'm 1/4 Czech, otherwise BTFO I'm white w/ blonde-brown hair and green eyes (true master-race color). I love Irish hate btw, someone should start a thread.


Because of Augustus Caesar

Trump had brown hair for most of his life though

hahah good one

>Proper caucasian is seen as white skin with blonde hair.

Alexander of Macedon and Augustus ya dumb fuck


A horse tried to eat my hair when I was young, thinking it was straw.

Not really "masterace" but in ancient Greek poems and tales heroes would usually have light features (ex, blonde hair, blue/green eyes) due to them being an uncommon trait among the population, thus making the hero standing out even more.

>trying to disprove a point as basic and axiomatic as blond hair being feminine
>with a cartoon drawing of a video game character

You can't be fucking serious.

shh don't destroy his ideological narrative, this is what this site lives by

O really?

Dunno why people see blonde hair as being feminine...please explain Sup Forums?

You realise thats a black and white photograph right?

Thanks, now go have some pasketti ya fuckin mook.

It's subjective. But if you think blonde hair is masculine then you're objectively an idiot.


It isn't? Where do you get this stuff from? Who says this? No one does.

As you said, its subjective...rather contradictory statement afterwards...

Ask the Americans and Canadians they seem to think otherwise.

jesus was blonde


Almost all blonde haired American men look like/are white trash.

I think it stems simply from women's well known preferences for dark handsome men.

Looks brown

Donald Trump literally is a blonde. His hair went darker blonde like most men do, but it's still blonde.

My hair was fucking white from birth to about 15 when it turned a dark goldeny brown, but when the light hits it, it shine platinum like it used to, my beard comes out blonde and my pubes and arm/leg hairs are golden blonde

It's neither. It's a hue. Stop being weird.

They aren't European, why do you care?

Its light brown, aryan snowniggers are just desperate for relevancy

Because you feel its power. Don't try to deny it.


Oh yeah, and was white, oh and he had blue eyes!

Yeah, so why the fuck are you asking us:

"Dunno why people see blonde hair as being feminine...please explain Sup Forums?"

What the fuck do you want to know exactly? Blonde hair looks feminine. That's it, looks girly. What kind of explanation did you want?

However, blonde hair IS NOT a masculine feature. Dark brown, black hair is masculine.

he was very dirty blonde

You came here to post that? Here's a (you)SA.



Meds have no reason to live.

Because they aren't European...is exactly why...they know nothing.

t. Wop

For any Nordics being dildoed by the Meds right now, I dare you to click on those two links (they provide sources from historical texts) and discover your heritage.

Blonde hair and coloured eyes is how you signal to the world your racial purity.
>almost no people of historical relevance have had blonde hair?
Law of averages. And due to the fact that racemixing due to Moorish and Islamic presence in Europe became more common as the physical appearance of historical figures became more reliably verifiable.

I don't like this argument, I mean it's not relevant to me because I too have dark hair and am Atlanto-Med but this dude, and guys like him don't look good because of the dark hair. It's because of the mix of Northern and Med genes. Look at that face, totally CM influenced. Your average non-CM influenced goatfucker will never compare. It's the bone structure, not the hair that matters.


That's blonde, lol.

Lots of Roman emperors had blonde hair.

Just looking for an explanation...just looking for opinions on the subject, not too much to ask is it?

Go ahead and give an example of widespread arab race mixing with Italians

it's both, that simple, that's why they say dark & handsome
the handsomeness is often CM thing if you will, but the darkness also helps

t. Obama


>Blonde hair and coloured eyes is how you signal to the world your racial purity
HOLD UP. So you're saying that Neolithic invaders are native Europeans? WEW.

I've already read it. Nothing of relevance that could significantly impact the gene pool of Italy.

>held only Sicily for a small time, less than Normans
>no proof of widespread racemixing whatsoever
typical illiterate icenigger

He has hair gel in his hair. Blonde hair turns darker if you add hair gel to it


That dude has Native American influence me lad, not a good example.

Upper class Meds, okay. Now lets look at all the Emperors, gods, goddesses, heroes, conquerors, etc. Demeter, blonde. Alexander the Great, blonde. etc. etc. Read my links, and then debunk them.

already done millions of times, you iceniggers never listen to anything, especially when it's 2AM, but keep living in your delusion, I would probably appropriate other people's heritage as well if I was a pathetic snowchimp

It makes me very sad that we no longer differentiate between Meds and Nords. The white race is headed towards becoming just another Mongol Empire.

nah he is a Brit, and I don't see any such influence

Nice. Every one of those are posthumous records, many of them written centuries after the emperor had died, especially in the case of Malalas. Some even conflict with first hand evidence - in the case of Augustus.
Also Pius and Vespasian are both descibed as having brown eyes

Yeah, look at the skull, you cannot deny it.But lets brush aside facts using comics.

>look at the skull
whose skull? the dinaro-alpinid skull of Augustus? the alpinid skull of Cicero?

I look like pic related. Feelsgoodman.

italians were replaced by langobards, visigoths and moors though wtf

you literally are a snow nigger/sand nigger in denial

These cumskins giving you trouble brother?

Also, Albanian/Greek Masterrace Here

>Alexander the Great, blonde

You know the reason why the fact that he was blonde is pointed out so often is precisely because it was so rare to see a snow-nigger accomplishing anything.

nice fantasies, so typical, I've heard this shit 6 gorillion times and I've yet to see a single proof, when everything else says the opposite

>Tyson Brett Ballou (born on November 14, 1976) is an American male model
He has CLEAR Amerindian influence. Look at those cheekbones, or I guess don't look at them because they don't exist. Image related, anyone with two eyes can see that Amerindian influence.

>gods, goddesses, heroes, Demeter

> Alexander the Great
Conflicting evidence, many Greeks and Romans depicted him as swarthy - whether he was or not it is still based off what the average Greek at the time must have looked like.

Dinaro-Alpinid is such a fucked up classification that no modern anthropologist would use.

But look at the amount of Roman Emperors that had light hair or eyes. From historical records, we know that either Roman emperors had light hair and eyes, or color not mentioned at all.


>Look at those cheekbones, or I guess don't look at them because they don't exist
right, and compressed cheekbones are a typical caucasoid trait, while Amerindids have the broadest of all races.

Everyone can see means fuck all.

Because blonde women are attractive.

Blonde men are just a bunch of fags though.