I'm going to Brazil next summer to teach an English class...

I'm going to Brazil next summer to teach an English class. What are my chances of getting laid as a light skin white guy, and what is the likelihood of me getting shot or stabbed while walking the streets?


living the dream, i want to meet pretty traps too.

read some rooshv

seeing as you browse Sup Forums,

>chances of getting laid: low
>chances of being shot/stabbed: high

Colombia knows the deal

Don't go to the favelas, just don't do that.

What city are going to?

>What are my chances of getting laid as a light skin white guy
As opposed to what, a dark skin white guy?

You will be raped stabbed and shot in three weeks by four jungle niggers.

Those women will fart in your face and piss in your mouth. Don't go to Brazil.