Ask a muslim migrant in Europe anything.
Life is good edition
Ask a muslim migrant in Europe anything.
Life is good edition
Are you scared?
How many native white chicks have you fucked
Have you got your rape on yet?
Are you prepared to die for the caliphate?
I think I average on about 2 or 3 a week. They seem to be wanting for a real man, not some cuck.
Till things aren't. Guess you've not kids to worry about neet.
im watching the conjuring on tv now, its kinda spooky.
Nice man, spread your seed
how many times do they let you cum inside (ejaculate inside, if you don't understand)? Do they suggest a condom or do you? I would imagine the poor girls there are so starved for a real man they forget to even ask you to put one on.
What are you going to do during the upcoming Holy War between Christendom and islam?
When will you go back?
>2 3 per week
We can all pull numbers of our arse mehmet. Hows the taxi work going?
>Falling for the Romanian in Brussels meme.
Where are you from?
First of all, no bitch is going to tell me how I fuck them. All that is up for them to decide upon is how hard they want to moan.
Second of all, they should feel thankful for having me inside them.
And yes, I use condoms, except with my first and second wife.
ana ma3rabi mn Marrakech
Malek semmiti rassek "migrant"? Ba9i ma 3andekch lpasseport 7mar / carte de séjour?
3lash mshiti?
Finek fbiljika daba?
Virgin confirmed
how many of those did you rape?
nigger im already a millionaire living life in a mansion. Fucking your blonde sister everyday all days.
B3it nhemek wlad lkhab hna fe Sup Forums.
iwa khouya ghan khellik ttfella 3lihoum, bsslama wa sana sa3ida
They call me begging to get fucked.
Unlike you dweebs, I dont need the chloroform as liquid courage. Grow some balls bitches.
Tanta gouya. Thala fe rasek
Fucking shitskins. Get the fuck out of EVROPA and let our women be you fuckers.
Does your neighbour know not get sick of you nicking their wifi bandwidth? Even if you are a millionaire, theyd do it for the shiekels not your warped goat fuck genes
Have you experienced any sexual emergencies? If so, how old was the boy and was it satisfying?
Do you know how to drive a truck?
Do you play for the future at all? That is, do you realize that the current system is unsustainable and within the foreseeable future (i.e your lifetime) the European states and their welfare systems will collapse. Are you going to go back to herding goats once your new society becomes a poverty-stricken hellhole?
>Literally a shithole no the fringe of the great Russian empire.
Okay senpai. Deus vult amirite?
there's not gonna be a holy war you virgin
you have to go back
>in Europe
Astaghfirullah. Munafiq, not a real Muslim.
I have multiple houses. I can fallback on Morocco anytime I want.
You neet faggots need to stop leeching on my taxmoney though. I just got a brandnew audi which is helping the economy. I dont think any of you lowlife losers can say the same.
sharmoota nigger kus imak allah akbar
Just triggering the goyim on Sup Forums, take it with a grain of salt.
Turrn the proxy off Chaim next time you call your mother a sharmoota.
I swear these Hasbara rats are getting more noobish by the year.
>no holy war
We will kill you soon mudslime.
You'll surrender your sister to me the moment I open the door. That's how you cucked frenchmen are. Even your language is the oral equivalent of a blowjob.
How many white girl pussies have you enriched?
Kek I will think of it next time I beat one of youres with my iron bar
Why are you such a pussy and wouldn't stay and fight like a man instead of running away like a little bitch. Do you feel like less of a man that you couldn't provide for yourself and family and had to run like a cunt.
OP what do you do for a living?
I guess your prophet couldn't help you in your own land. Enjoy the food grown by Christians.
wallah behave yourself or you will taste my digital shoe
Life is good because natives and their culture made it good.
So you want to displace that culture and turn the country into a hellhole your parents/you escaped from.
Does this make sense to you?
I worked in the cyber intel defence business.
1180eur per hour is not bad for a migrant.
No, that isn't bad. What do you honestly think of refugees and immigrants with terrorist tendencies? Could it have been you in that truck if you hadn't found a good job?
I only buy halal food and bread from muslim bakeries, son.
And besides, these "christians" here are degens anyway.
You wont believe how many goodgirl christians begged for my cock when I showed up.
These terrorists are usually mental cases just like Breivik.
I guess that all the bombing and oilgrabbing in the past decades is having its ripple effect on the West. Your zionist masters are peculiar in that they despise you as much as they control you.
Better than morocco without a doubt though
I don't think there are any Zionist masters. Also, it doesn't seem to take much for a typical uneducated Arab immigrant to slide into jihadism. Most of them don't come here with the goal of killing some infidels but wanting to get a better life for themselves. They are just not aware that people work 40 hours a week in Europe, and that you need certain qualifications to get even a bad job. Failing to meet these qualifications they hole themselves up in mosques among other Arab illiterates and begin to radicalize. It's like you said, they are Arab Breiviks and Elliot Rodgers. The problem is just that you have too many of them to even count, wouldn't you agree?
Can you answer my question? Why are you supporting ideology that made your native country a shithole?
If you like life in Belgium, why do you want to destroy it?
Because Islam is totally incompatible with European culture(s), especially not the kind you're adhering to, judging from your posts.
Doesn't Allah hate hypocrites?
I will find you and I will kill you
How long do you think it will be until Generation Identitaire radicalizes and starts hunting you goatsuckers down?
I give them 15 years at most
Why did you abandon your homeland? Don't you see why people don't like mass migration? Large groups of people that aren't loyal to their homeland will have no loyalty to the country they migrated to.
Take a picture of your hard dick for us. And upload it.
Why do we buy into these LARPers?
do you love eating bacon sauce form mohammeds (piss buh) balls?
>Also, it doesn't seem to take much for a typical uneducated Arab immigrant to slide into jihadism
The 9/11 hijackers and the British jihadis who attacked the underground were all college educated.
Stop larping.
So my statement has nothing to do with them, right?
Your statement is wrong. Jihadis don't come from the poor and uneducated, they're not all middle class like the 7/7 bombers but they're all at least somewhat educated.
(((7/7))) (((9/11)))
i think kikes and muds are both shit tbqh
Kikes may be shit but they didn't orchestrate 9/11 or 7/7.
No, they are not. Most of the recent cases were people who failed to be successful after immigrating to Europe. The 9/11 hijackers weren't even immigrants. Jihad is a last resort for many who fail to achieve anything else.
Salam Habibi
What Uni subject did you graduate in?
Listen faggot.
My religion made the Arab world blossom long before you euro-apes learned how to use tools and math from us.
What is most incompatible in Europe is your inability to grow a fucking spine and have some moral standards.
That is it lads. Imma go catch some sleep. Tommorow night I will hunt myself a nice chick to plant my dick in.
>My religion made the Arab world blossom long before you euro-apes learned how to use tools and math from us.
I won't ask you anything but do recognise you're the scum of the earth and that there'll come a day when you will sorely regret migrating to Europe.
Muslims have exposed themselves terribly, have zero shame and don't realise they can only carry on in such a way for so long until people start flaying them.
Are stereotypes this real? Do arabs really believe that worshippinh Aristotle like the word of God made them some haven of progress?
Top kek Achmed. If by some stroke of luck you wipe out the west youre really gonna be in for a shitshow.
Kys achmed
>1000 a hour
>Didn't answer any real questions
>Muh isleeeeem
>Muh I fuggg ur summers watch gonna do whitboi
Mehmet the larper at it again .
Haha you can't even operate a camera
Don't you miss the sand huts?
Role playing like a boss. Gotta use the VPN since you pay right?
Why the fuck are you not siding with the Christian's against the jews? What are you doing to persuade Christian and Muslims they have the same enemy.
Your not a Muslim you lying peace of shit! You're a fucking jew.
Rijhuis confirmed lmao
How does it feel to be a heretic subhuman?
KT were literally fags and worse then jews.
Antwoord zandneger. Letterlijk de bodem van vlaamse wijven willen marokanen. Iedereen haat makkaken. :^)
I know how to piss them off
After all, we french people have colonized them
He played a typical muslim very well. Full of himself, unable to question his goatfucking religion or the ways this made up bullshit leads, not decent enough to hold a proper conversation and absolutely not able to operate a technical device that wasn't available beyond 1960's durkadurka era (a digital camera even a child could take sharp pics with). 10/10 perfect muslim impersonation, do a nigger next pls
what's your favorite pizza topping?
Do you know how to drive a truck ?
Do you plan some ficki-ficki for new year's eve
what is that flag?
are you ashamed of your shit genetics and people?
The day of retribution is coming
Are your mother and father related? I hear cousin marriage is big in the Arab world.
How defective are your genes?
What is your IQ? 86? 87?