Europeans will block this from coming into their countries

>Europeans will block this from coming into their countries

when the ratio is one cute to 25,000 rape-apes I say its better this way

Pls moar

Why don't you open your borders to them then?


if it was 3,000,000 half naked thick arab girls coming over to breed with us I'd wave a refugees flag right now.

Somehow I think Liberals will still be against this. Seeing any man happy is hell to them.

this desu.

She got nasty tits and is built like a fridge

Probably smells like onions and garlic

Would not bang

>block whites that cannot keep even their religious traditions correctly

I fucking wish

>if it was 3,000,000 half naked thick arab girls coming over to breed with us I'd wave a refugees flag right now.
Unless we have hot non-white women that only give birth to hot non-white daughters like those Mass Effect aliens, there's still no excuse to blanda up. Shitskin sons should be killed at birth.

>i've never done this before with a kuffar teehee

She's already there though and is an escort in London.

Webm related.

do people seriously find this girl attractive? the hijab itself is such a huge turnoff I can't even imagine ppl liking this

>Implying she would open her legs for the beta nu malecucks that make up the majority of the european white male population when she is surrounded by "strong horses" that are real men.

Adult refugess (most of them) are 80% male.

She's fat and ugly. That scarf looks ridiculous. Good for the Europeans.

She's actually a hooker who works in London, or at least used to.

Not sure what she's up to now.

In the next photo she's wearing a suicide vest.

Really activates that old flesh computer

Arab chicks in turbines.

I wonder who could be behind this photo shoot?

Ze'll be disgustingly fat after one baby or one year of marriage

99% of the Syrian "refugees" are men from Africa.

There are barely any women and the very few ones who are, came with their husbands.

>if it was 3,000,000 half naked thick arab girls coming over to breed with us I'd wave a refugees flag right now.

Now it all makes sense. White women probably think like this, 50 million masculine Arab men comming over to breed and worship their pussies and elevate their sexual value. Another mistery solved.

I fucked an arab girl once. she was tight and had huge tits. but she was a little butterfat. oh well she was good as hell and really nice. I am waiting to fuck an asian girl next. i want to feel that tight gook pussy.


It really is like this.

If it was women refugees coming in you can be 100% sure that European women would not allow it. They would come up with whatever excuse and go absolutely crazy in order to ban all immigration.

All politics is sexual politics in the end.

She's fat and ugly, the underwear is tasteless, I don't get it

>Muslim woman without trash bag
>overweight cellulite and ugly tits

Every fucking time. No wonder Arab men are all gay pedophiles

that is fucking digusting

Let us have our fun leaf. If anything it would make White women jealous and get their shit together.

This is not preserved and modest woman. She should cover her skin like in the picture to protect her value and decency.

She is ugly as fuck+she probably stinks.

has she done some porn?

her panties aren't raised enough


Wtf? I want open borders now!

I hope you don't want me to start posting the 70% of your women that are morbidly obese, you fat shit

Ersten Posten besten Posten.

>Europe doesn't want fat terrorists


Mods wont delete these dumbass threads but they'll ban people for elsaposting

>they'll ban people for elsaposting


I'd detonate on her ifyaknowhatimean