Favorite Christmas movies Sup Forums?
Favorite Christmas movies Sup Forums?
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Die Hard.
I don't watch the electric Jew.
Bad Santa
It has a scene with a Christmas tree so it counts.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jimmy Care.
The Grifter
Die Hard and In Her Majesty's Secret Service
What is this?
welcome newfriend
Bad Santa, Die Hard, P2
why is elf the best christmas movie?
The Blues Brothers
>not one mention of the red rider daisy BB gun
You all disgust me
I would guess anyone who browses Sup Forums would love joyeux noel
Live Hard or Die Free
Die Hard is not, technically, a "Christmas movie"
Nightmare Before Christmas, Elf and Love Actually
Death Mayhem 5: Bloodvengence
I came here to say Die Hard.
How not?
Takes place on Christmas. John gets his wife back (Christmas miracle), and John learns the gift of giving (machine gun bullets to terrorists).
And two black guys act almost white.
--It's a Wonderful Life
--The Charlie Brown Christmas Special (TV show but it still counts because I say so)
--The Santa Claus
--Miracle on 34th Street
--A Christmas Story
--Home Alone
--The Polar Express
--Scrooge (1970, musical)
Please guys, try not to be too edgy. We don't know if there are any children here.
>Bruce Willis is enjoying a Christmas party on Christmas Eve
> Godless gommie Germans break in to steal Christmas
>Bruce Willis saves Christmas by killing their commisar
Stop trying to steal Christmas from us.
Those younguns need to experience American cinema at its finest.
That is all
Silent Night, Deadly Night. Basically a conservative's wet dream.
>Directed by a right-wing Mormon who specialized in "family entertainment" (he also wrote the Grizzly Adams novels)
>has a genuine 1980s feel
>filmed entirely in Utah
>vicious anti-premarital sex message
>mostly degenerates are murdered by a sympathetic hero
Christmas Carol
You faggots are the worst.
Ho Ho Ho
>How not?
>Takes place on Christmas. John gets his wife back (Christmas miracle), and John learns the gift of giving (machine gun bullets to terrorists).
>And two black guys act almost white.
I know there are all these logical arguments in favor of putting Die Hard in the category "Christmas movie". But let me put this into context for you, to help you understand the folly of your thinking.
For me, these arguments don't hold water because the Christmas theme is not prevalent throughout the movie Die Hard; in other words, the movie could take place at any time of year and it simply wouldn't impact negatively on the core story. Think of the Die Hard movie in the fall or summer; in those settings, the movie still "holds," so its original "Christmas theme" simply doesn't impact the story. In addition, what "Christmas themes" there are seem to be placed un-ironically, that is, for simple effect, not to advance the arc of the narrative or to explore settings or further characterizations. You honestly can't say the same for a film like, for example, Miracle on 34th Street, which at its core is "a Christmas movie" or even Elf, which has its own modern complications vis a vis Jungian mythology and father symbolism issues yet, still, finds itself in the core pantheon of what critics agree belongs in "The Christmas Movie" genre. Back to Die Hard and it being *not* in said genre: the same criticisms hold for its musical score. To wit: the musical selection is there more for effect than to advance the story or deepening of the experience of the scenes. This missing verisimilitude is one of the movie's greatest weaknesses, too, seeing as how the cast of main characters make no mention at all to the "Christmas theme" outside of a here-or-there castaway comment, which actually acts to counteract the necessary subtlety that movie-makers achieve to reach in their art form.
Finally, and most importantly, you're a fucking Leaf and have a pussy for a PM.
Just saw Elf this morning. Best Christmas movie desu
oh yeah? well fuck you
Die Hard is a christmas movie, and your president is a pussy AND a nigger
I like this guy. He understands what makes a truly great Christmas movie.
When your country lands a man on the moon and brings him home safely, then you may have an opinion. Until then, you'll fit nicely into our back pockets. Now. MAKE ME A SAMMICH!
In order to be a Christmas movie, Christmas has to be integral to the plot.
Leaf speaks the truth, just don't forget your place!
The Home Alone movies or the christmas national lampoons
Finland is going to get in on this action? Really? That's like two little-league teams trying out for the NFL. Our inner city gangs in NYC, Detroit, and Baltimore could wipe out your armies. Our rejected TV shows play in prime time on your air waves. Our recycled poo flows out of our systems and flows into your food systems, nourishing the babes in your degenerate women's wombs. Your dreams don't match our realities. Our Hollywood rejects play in our Vegas, and our Vegas rejects play on your Top Tier entertainment channels. We invented the Internet and the keyboard you're typing on. Remember that the next time you reply to me.
Christmas Vacation, Dir Hard
Here you go. Let me help.
Is this a new pasta?
isn't the approved Sup Forums christmas watching happenings on live tv?
Old pasta. Pasta that's always been there in the back of the fridge that someone's been too afraid to open the lid on. But, I say: Open that fucking lid and nuke that shit and devour it.
It is. The only reason John could make amends with Holly is because it's Christmas. The same reason the security is lax and response time is low for the heist : Christmas.
Die Hard 2? ALSO takes place on Christmas. This is a deliberate, thematic choice.
And there is Christmas music in both scores.
Also her name is Holly for a fucking reason.
Neither of you communist groids even watched DH1 or 2 I bet.
down the hall and to the left
Home Alone and Home Alone 2
Kek declares the rules
fuck you man
My nigga
Home Alone
>>>Also her name is Holly for a fucking reason.
You sound like Stephen King. Are you Stephen King? Because you write like a fucking sophomore in high school. btw, that's what we call it here in America, "The Real World," to you. What do you call High School up in The Great White North? You have some kind of 50 Intuit names shit for it? Why don't you make a sweat lodge and delve into your inner Satanic spirit and find out and let us know?
>>>Neither of you communist groids even watched DH1 or 2 I bet.
At least our communism is the right kind, the Trotsky kind, not that shit from your bastard child Fidel, that t-shirt communism a la Fidel and Che. Those faggots.
holy shit kid you need to get the fuck off this board you twonk
Lion in Winter. It's like the good pats of Game of Thrones set in Christmas time. Peter O'Toole as Henry II, Katherine Hepburn as Elanor of Aquitaine, Anthony Hopkins as Richard the Lion Hearted, and Timothy Dalton as king Phillip of France.
The greatest story never told.
Excellent film.
Been fucking ages since I heard this!
nothing but the best.
Home ALone
>>Been fucking ages since I heard this!
"ages" to you = 2 years
wow. sick burn. how will user ever recover.
no but really, you ought to go now, your mom is going to limit your internet usage if she finds out you're up late
About 15 actually.
>be me
>worked in a busy kitchen with a Geordie
>he said cunt like "cant"
>often called me faking twunk
twonk (according to him) = twat + gronk
>twunt was better....
That's so original. My mom? My mom is dead you sick fucking jerk. I'm watching the Hallmark Channel Christmas movie right now and enjoying it. How dare you assume my gender!
>babby's first thread
love that shit but do you think gremlins are darkies?
>My mom is dead you sick fucking jerk.
I thought she was a bit quiet when I was at it with her last night...
Can't think of one but this movie is always on tv on 31st here and I equate it with holidays.
A Christmas Story is so ingrained in the American conscious around Christmas time that it doesn't even count as a mere movie anymore. Christmas Vacation is getting there too. These movies simply go without saying.
Unrelated - I'm a vehement supporter of reddit trying to meme Die Hard into becoming the next Christmas classic, which it pretty much is now. I'll bet a lot of the ones trying to do it are noodle-armed faggots who wish they look like Bruce Willis, but whatever. It's a great movie. I wish they'd campaign as hard for Lethal Weapon or even The Long Kiss Goodnight.
>My mom is dead you sick fucking jerk.
I thought she was a bit quiet when I was at it with her last night...
You're a degenerate. Oh. Wait. You're from Australia. That's the same thing. You're a descendant of the criminally insane.
Can we also talk about Christmas movies that everyone loves that are fucking terrible? Because how does a cast and crew as talented as this have the nerve to shit out unfunny dreck like Scrooged? Donner was out to lunch when he made this one.
just had my kids watch this jem
i forgot how christmas it was
eyes wide shut has several christmas time related setpieces.
Not a Christmas film, but I watch it every Christmas, unironically: Notting hill.
Yes I am a straight male
>i hit him with a "your mom" zing
>he comes back with muh "you're from criminal stock"
keep working on it m8, you'll get there
>inb4 "that's what she told me"
Hello LfrPo
Yes of course. It's what happens when you breed with a NIGGER. Watching it at this moment on NowTV. Will see part 2 tomorrow.
Home Alone 12
nice digits hUHn