Should a woman who has an abortion for non-medical reasons be sterilized?

Should a woman who has an abortion for non-medical reasons be sterilized?


She should be put in jail for murder

only if the kid was black


Both the man and women.

Northern Ireland is the only country that gets abortion laws correct. Women who terminate their baby deserve imprisonment and possibly the death penalty for murder.

What if it was going to be a nigger

If the child is nigger, jew or chink. Or a mudslime.

She should be jailed for murder, where hopefully she'll never have a chance to reproduce anyway

But that still means the woman gets away with aborting a healthy white child - and might do so again

Just curious if some on here could give scientific, philosophic, or ethical reasoning to back up their yes's or no's. Not religious though.

>she should be sterilized/ jailed/ executed just because
you sound like edgy virgins that are angry you'll never impregnate a woman. You're tossing aside too many hypotheticals. What if rape? What if invalid? What if condom broke? Time to get out of the Stone Age, Sup Forums.

Lol, up to her current owner, either dad or husband desu.

Did some fucking hobbit smack you in the head son?

No. Her body, her choice. Now stop crying over dead fetuses.

I wanna say yes, but what about rape? And what if the rape is unprovable? (Yes there are false accusations but there is also real rape that goes unreported/not convicted.

put the rapist to death, not the baby
the baby is innocent

Abortion should only be allowed if she was raped, if she'll die if she sees the pregnancy through, or if the baby has some kind of horribly birth defect like down syndrome. If she has an abortion and doesn't follow any of the criteria listed above, then she should be sterilized and charged with murder.

>if she was raped
what makes it not murder if the father was a rapist?

>the baby is innocent
The whole reason for the abortion is that it's occupying space which the owner of that space doesn't want occupied.

Well in the other 2 scenarios it's also technically murder, but it's either to save a life or to rid the world of something unproductive. In the case of rape, the woman in question didn't actually have a choice in the matter. If you make a bad decision you should have to live with it, but there was no decision to have sex in this case.

the whole fucking reason is that the owner of the damn thing is either too irresponsible to take care of a baby or lacks the needed funds in order to do so

Rape baby is a "non-medical" reason.
Neither decision is particularly pleasant, in that instance, but I wouldn't begrudge her for wanting the abortion. I wouldn't begrudge anyone wanting to forget about that vile "lizard brain" that rests buried beneath the human one, after they were exposed to it in such an unpleasant way.
Men like to think of themselves as "heroes" and "providers," rather than whore dogs and meat heads.
Women like to think of themselves as "pure lovers" and "nurturers", rather than walking fleshlites with the sole purpose of procreation.
There are oddities of course, but they are exceptions, not the rule.

If you can care for the humanity of a fetus, you can appreciate how important it is that someone who has been disillusioned in this way forget about it entirely, both for that person and any future children they may have.

It's a dilemma that has no good answer.
The least you can do is leave that decision to the victim. Let them select whichever option will bring them less pain and regret.