A movie about the rape and murder of german women after WW2 - Hellstorm (2015 Movie)

A documentary that tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II.

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How fappable is it?

only animals target women and children

Everyone should have been raped in Germany. Women, men, old people, cats, dogs..

Antifa, please.

My great grandmother had to flee Berlin to escape the Russians. Her friend was raped. Germany deserves justice.


What Germany suffered during the was is a very slight inconvenience compared to what Russia suffered. Moreover, German women were first and foremost supporters of Hitler's policies, so it is only right that they took responsibility for it.

Sure similar things happened to the russians, armenians, etc.

however this must be watched so you can see how humans become animals during war and how propaganda can affect them.

>Invade USSR and kill millions of people
>Bitch over your women getting raped after you lose war which you started

Even the white frontline Russian soldiers warned German woman and elderly and other germans to flee the jewish commissars and the asian hordes from the 2nd line, those who had to clean up and shieet.
Never forget about your own past, never forget the Russians also fought against the kikes but also lost and got cucked in fighting for the kikes against the Germans.

>The biggest cover up in history

Its actually quite widely documented and reported...

German and polish women were raped so regularly that the huge number of pregnancies (and the impossibility of an efficient abortion) changed the genetic face of europe.

There were many documented cases of Russian officers being incapable or unwilling to stop their soldiers from proceeding. Those who chose to intervene were often attacked or killed. It was a horribly brutal aspect of the war - but plenty of people know about it. I think the figure given in the book "Berlin: The downfall" by Anthony Beevor was given as being somewhere above 8 million documented occurrences - with many more going unnoticed.

Germans and kikes equally didnt even considered Russian people human beings.

Well, yeah. Germany was just occupied by Russians. Russia was ruled by them.


>abloo abloo the poor fucking nazi's!

Raping women and killing children is Soros-tier.
>b-but they deserved it!

Fuck off Tyrone.

how do we ban redditors and leftypol from Sup Forums ?

Women were primary and most reliable supporters of Hitler, they kept war machine working. They deserved every single bit of what they got and much, much more.

Every single german woman deserved it. Good job red army. I approve.

Why rape when they all crave american cock anyways? americainwwii.com/articles/war-brides/

Stop being weak ricenigger. We don't censor or block shit here. We drive them out through sheer resilience and banter.

>Its actually quite widely documented and reported...

No its not assfuck. Of course Americans will have never heard of it, but I bet plenty of Europeans haven't either.

>Every single german woman deserved it
Eat shit.

Muh 8 million


Looks like someone upset a british gentleman. Well anyways back to the main point. German women barely even suffered, compared to the soviet women and the german women all supported hitler and therefore deserved it.

The germans should just be happy that they didn't get exterminated like the cancer they are.

Well, there goes 1.5hrs of Christmas 2016.

>Implying Germany didn't deserve it

> I think the figure given in the book "Berlin: The downfall" by Anthony Beevor

I think the figure given in the book "Diarheea: The night after Tex Mex" by My Ass, actually says 16 billion black female german homosexuals was raped by the red army. So i must say i respectfully disagree sir.

I don't remember asking you anything

bump your christmas present pol


Is it considered rape when the German women liked it? They stop getting raped by slavs and next thing they do is invite a bunch of mudslimes to rape them.

Huge fetish for German women.

Invading a country is "rape". I'm certain French and Polish women, after their brothers, fathers, and sons were mowed down, were treated with utter dignity and respect by the invading Nazi forces. ...yeah.

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

You got BTFO now leave you weak minded faggot.

After watching come and see, I think the genocide of ethnic Germans is a just and honorable pursuit

Common people fight the wars and deal with the consequences. Imagine loving families in a continuous state of fear for years as the Nazi grip gets tighter. In an atmosphere where a rumor could land you in poverty or worse. Then, after watching their children die in firebombings they're greeted at the very end of the conflict by having their remaining children or wives raped.

Axis and Allied soldiers did incredibly bad things. Ignoring the rapings as "they deserved it" is bullshit. It puts allies in a morally superior position. The people that were raped or taken advantage of after the war were not all deserving of it. Most probably weren't.

Fuck you, man. Fuck you.

Also the film
By Anglo

Base on books
By Anglo

I it was German I'd believe it but it's just burger propaganda against ebil russkies as always.
Did rape happen ?
Yes. Did it happen like the Anglo presents it? No.
The truth is. I remember a veteran talking about how he was horrified after he heard the a female response to a speech in front of his neighborhood , trying to incite them to flee to another town , because the Russians will come and forcefuck them: So what , then we will spread the legs.
Other women agreed.

Women welcome conquerors.
Now on the topic of real rape.
What you moron burgers will never hear about is the, rape , horrific in scope, of the southwest German girls by YOUR FUCKING NIGGER soldiers.
Of course you wouldn't hear it in media ,since its all American owned and MuRicans good boys.
So fuckoff burgers, spare me your false pity of German women.
Nothing is worse than interracial rape, more so of by a country that hasn't had any atrocities committed against the .

War is hell. Every side rapes, including your own.

If you invade other countries you should be prepared for the consequences if you lose. Hitler stopped women and children from fleeing the coming Soviets.

Most probably did is the point desu.

This, at least the Japs fought like men instead of surrendering like bitches.


learn more

Always the fucking niggers out-raping everyone else.

Reminds me of Okinawa in Japan, where amongst US marines and sailors based there niggers have a much higher rate of rape than non-nigger troops.

Same as civilian life, I guess.

>Kraut intellectual

This triggers the Euro.

Yep there is a story where the nigger soldier rapes a jap girl and the jap villagers kill him.

>Old men who tried to protect their daughters and wives were knocked down and sawed in half.

What? What the fuck is going on in this weird vid?

but... it is though... theres, like, tv series about it... and authors with multiple sources...

yeah because the battle of berlin was a fictional work

> start war
> become rapebabies
> fuck Europe one more with rapefugees

only germs