Will you come?

Will our white brothers come help us when the race war starts?

Will the Americans remember Lafayette?
Will the English remember the Entente Cordiale?
Will the Germans remember Charlemagne?

I have the feeling that the liberation of Europe will start in France.


Other urls found in this thread:


>2012: "Wow I wonder how my life will turn out after education, where will I go? :-)"
>2017: "I wonder when civil war will begin."

>I have the feeling that the liberation of Europe will start in France.

>Invite a bunch of retards over
>Kill them in an autistic rage


I'll be there.
Doesn't mean we don't have a dispute about Elsaß-Lothringen but I know my preferences of course. The decline of France into mediocrity is a real shame. When I'm visiting Paris to visit museums and other cultural facilities I sometime feel like an archeologist already looking for traces of a gone civilization.

I will give my life for my European kin. So yes, of course I will be there for you.


I will proudly wield my AR-15 atop my trusty burger trolley whilst pleasuring myself to patriotic loli porn as I come to the defense of my European brethren.

We aren't gone yet.
We are surviving, just not in plain sight.
Are there Germans nationalist enough to stand up and fight? It feels like a lot of them are totally castrated.

Crossing the channel for good reasons, at last.

I'd help out. I want to save the French qties!

Ofc il help France. I will be right beside you,without question or promise of reward.

Garde espoir, François.

Only if I'm paid in gold and whores.

What are the chances France would go revolution mode all over again Pierre?

Why the hell would the Germans want anything to do with you? The entire history of Europe has been France pushing Germany around and then crying when the Germans finally pushed back.

Fuck France.

>the Germans pushed our shit in after centuries of us waging war on them and expanding into their territory
>Abloobloobloo muh Versailles muh Morganthau plan

Sure but i wouldn't count on the germans to help

I want to save whites...but it is fucking France, fucking West.

"Lafayette, we are here"- general black Jack Pershing upon landing on the French beach entering world war 1.

Fuck you France. You always need help. Fuck you and your degenerate culture. We lost Germany because of your shit. I hope you all die a horrible death.

Everybody a little aware says we are in a pre-revolution state.
The shooting ranges are all full, the purchases of weapons have never been so high.

A month ago, 4 cops were attacked in their car and badly burnt by sandniggers. The grass root cops (2000 policemen approximately) went on unplanned strike and started moving around the capital without control. An army regiment protected the Elysee-palace, a bit at the last moment. Were they really planning it, they could destitute the president and take the control of the country, without much resistance.

Nobody understands how this whole system is still on his feet.
I think 500 well organised and determined people could take the control of the country.
I am planning to join the military program, my studies entitle me to become an officer directly after 6 month of service.
You only need to be a colonel to have that many people under your command. However, I'm afraid the military will bend my motivation.

I was considering joinng the FFL after graduation. Would that be helpful?

you must leave; we aren't going there

putin is coming tho

So your comeing then?
Always last to the party! Tsk tsk
il see you there ;)

France, I will, and I tell you why. Because when we did the heroic effort of the reconquista, you were there for us. So I will.


You did this to yourselves. Now deal with your terrible fate.

The German nation exists thanks to us.
Remember Iena, the Germans decided to form a centralized country, taking the example of the French nation.

Bismark said: "Without Iena, no Versailles." referring to the creation of the German Empire in Versailles in january 1871.

The last one defending the fuhrer's bunker were French SS. I met the last standing officer of the Charlemagne 15 years ago, I was too young to understand and to be told, however.

You think Operation Ronce is real?

40% of your military are sandniggers. You are fucked.

But also, this is a daliy reminder to all bros on Sup Forums that France has 300 nuclear weapons. So better stand with them.

I was promised 70 virgins by the enemy. Can you beat that in any way?

Я yчил Pyccкий язык, пoтoмy чтo Фpaнция и Poccия oчeнь пoхoжы.
Пoчeмy нaм нe пoмoгaть?

I've always felt like France will be the country that finally ends the White genocide project in Europe. Everyone says it's Germany, that Germany will rise again, etc. but I don't think it would happen this way. France has a nuclear deterrent and a strong conventional army, and a history of being distant from NATO. If any country emerges as one to guarantee the rights of indigenous Western Europeans, it will probably be France for those reasons.

More or less.
You'll be with a lot of Ukrainians, Russkies and niggers though.

You have to come anyway! I don't speak French and il need someone to talk to! Sorry your it

This is a very good point. Who the fuck wants Muzzies having the nukes of Pakistan AND France?

Great isn't it?

Is it true the military been constantly deployed away from France and the FFL?

ill come for the rape and pillage of Normandy just like the good old times

t. Snownigger

I doubt they could find 70 virgin women in all of France mate

Well we're all in it together. Of course I would come.

A friend of mine has been working in the headquarters of the Paris Sentinelle Operation.
The situation of the French military is absolutely catastrophic, and they don't actually tell the population how aggressive the muslim population actually is.

They "test" our soldiers guarding """"important""" buildings (81% of them are synagogues...) to see how responsive they are and how they react to possible threats, that are always fake, as for now...

Joining the Foreign Legion soon, I'll be there in the front row with you brother

Only if I get to look like this while I'm crusading

Don't you worry, France. When the Yankee's revive we'll make this whole fucking world great again. Stay strapped in, and have red-pilled kids, because it's gonna be a crazy ride.

Also, once we erase the sand monkeys, we're taking back Africa. Colonization II: The Yellow Menace.

I'll be there. I'm enlisting soon, I hope Trump will know where our fighting men belong.

The officers are all ethnic catholic French.

How would a war affect us autistic fucks?

hmm probably not you're pretty far away and i refuse to fly i also am scared of water but i can provide moral support in the form of rare pepes i guess

Of course, I will help you frogbro.

Russia, you know you need us to be strong for you to have any hope against the Asians.

>and have red-pilled kids, because it's gonna be a crazy ride.
That doesn't matter, you are giving tactical training to sandniggers... what can go wrong?

We'll be there for our Eurobros and we're just as ready for this shit to go down. Time to bet back to SOP with respect to the savage sandniggers.

I'm not sure I got your question.
The French military is permanently deployed in Africa, the FFL is never supposed to fight on French metropolitan territory, always on foreign soil.

Considered one of the most beautiful military marches ever made, the Nazis played the Argentine military march, "San Lorenzo", when they took Paris. Then the Americans played it again when they liberated Paris, to "cleanse" the song.

We will play it a third time, when we liberate you from the muzzies.

Vive la France!


comon now Frenchie... you know its over. Just admit your failure and join Sweden in the cuchshed.

If the race war does start in France, who will we have to liberate you from after you surrender? Niggers or Arabs?

My father was told in Norway that my surname is Viking.
I know that feel.

I met two French exchange students at a party and they were both babes. Funny thing was that they were too red-pilled for my California friends to keep up with. I'll be there for you French girls.


give me that juicy surname then

Real talk, if i could, i totally would come to help you guys

Of course I will. The French sent help to our ancestors against the evil anglo in the past. I long to return the favour. Ireland, France and Germany have all been mistreated by (((Anglo))) interference. Since they lack an ethnic heritage of their own they seek to spoil the other nations of Europe. All of the west must unite against the Muslims and their Anglo friends.

I fucking hate you fucking frenchman....
but i would fight alongside you against the real enemy

80% of the infantry is white
100% of the cavalry is white
we'll just have a big problem with logistics...

I'll come and help fight the shitskins, but how do I get my guns into your country? Can I bring them on a plane, or boat? Will they be seized by customs?

North Africa was ours during the Roman Empire. I'm for taking it back.
Niggers can have the rest of Africa, though.

I thought of doing this but they won't take someone missing a kidney. Good luck.

The general consensus, among people paid to know these things, is that France will go the Israeli route within the next 20 years.

The military will be granted broad, absolute powers after a massive terrorist attack. After that point, the French military will have an inseperable role within French society as it will become apparent that it is the only thing that stands between France and the history books. The police will keep all its powers of arrest, surveillance, investigation and so on but the actual patrolling and door kicking will be carried out by the military.

Oldest Ally's France will not fall

>Lafayette, nous voilà!

We take care of our friends.

hahaha Arabs for sure (pic related)

Sandniggers are too dumb to learn anything.
99% of sandniggers are weed smokers and wouldn't even be able to read a map.
An army needs discipline, that's its best quality.

Your country is small as fuck and you are as Nordic as Sweden.
You can be flooded overnight with a bunch of niggers fed up with Germany.

Dude, you had Algiers like 50 years ago. Wasn't that long ago.

That depends on when it falls. It's unlikely to happen within the next eight years, so there's the very real (and worrying) possibility that there will be a Democrat in office when all of this begins.

France, thankfully, will swing to the right and retain its nuclear weapons so it will be free from intervention - but there's a good chance that the USA keeps it from really sorting things out.

My money was on Belgium or Switzerland to go first, in a sort of mine-canary type deal for the French.

Damn man, red-pilled French chicks?

That's the fucking dream right there.

I'm ready to stop being neutral if it involves muslim and nigger beating

You guys have the Ryder Cup in 2018 at La Golf National in Paris. I'm sure it'll be safe but the threat of terrorism would deter me as a spectator or tourist.
>inb4 who wants burgers around anyway

>as Nordic as Sweden


most chicks are red-pilled around there, thanks the sandniggers gangs roaming the streets...

My girlfriend is half Hungarian.
I don't get French hatred. I don't hate you.

Dude you are asking for help while fucking the hungarian's women and calling denmark as Nordic as sweden. haha

French people know how to do this shit.

Rather I'll fight you faggots until the last of my blood is spilled. Your "race war" isn't a war against race, it's a war against liberty and freedom, and a war against western values. Sup Forums is no different than radical Islam and I'd fight them if they came to my doorstep too.

So fuck off alt-right faggots.

Yeah but was full of sandniggers that arrived in 800 after JC.

Really? That's awesome, glad the SJW bullshit didn't infect your women.

Now if they only start going to mass again, it'd be perfection.

I see France as being like a brother. You can fall out, you can fight etc, but when someone else does it to them, it's also an attack on you.
With any luck it'll be 1789 again except this time we won't end up with complete degeneracy.

We are the most European country you can find.
Known as the people that only drink, eat and fuck.

Of course we know how to do things.

France should have kicked them all out into the Hoggar and kept the comfy coastal regions.

>he French military is permanently deployed in Africa
That what i wanted to know. How come though? Dont they sense the tension with the mudshit brewing in the homeland

Sandniggers and niggers hate us for being white.

The Algeria war was a race war.
The Bataclan was a race attack.

Probably because Francafrique is a lot of money for rich people with investments.

Never forget Philippeville!

I would gladly.


this meme needs to die though

I have to moderate the fact that French chicks are not SJWs.
They are starting to shut it up when they hear men insult arabs and other niggers for being responsible of the destruction of France. However, they are still pretty retarded over feminism and equality.
> pic related one of the most mediatised feminist

I actually think it'd be awesome to see you guys bring back the guillotine on all the socialists that have ruined your country.

sry, but fuck youuuuuu about this fact
bismarc proclaimed the german empire in versailles, after defeating you in the german - french war


anyhoo, i would support you with the kebap removal program

jet'aime france

Democracy was made with limited suffrage in mind. Universal suffrage is a modern experiment with less than 100 years old, and it has completely failed.

Universal suffrage is like putting a cat to guard a pot of cream, eventually the plebeians gorge themselves on welfare and free shit until they break the treasury.

Voting is a privilege that should be earned, not a right that should be squandered. Western values are White, Male, Landowning values.

On one hand, it's very expensive and a bit retarded.
On the other hand, it's true we still have a lot of interest there, like uranium, and the advantage is that our army is always mobilised and in mission, which means we have good soldiers with a good training.
It's not common knowledge but the French troops in Afghanistan were the most efficient ones deployed during the NATO operation.

Also France loves niggers (even under de Gaulle). I don't know why, though.

>Sixteen Danish soldiers died in the invasion, but after two hours the Danish government surrendered, believing that resistance was useless and hoping to work out an advantageous agreement with Germany.
>Questions have been raised around the apparent fact that the German forces did not seem to expect any resistance, invading with unarmored ships and vehicles


i would fight in the race war
i have a lloving wife and 2 children. i want them to grow up in a better place.
my wife asked me if i would be ok with going to the usa, i told her yes (of course).
i'm a hardworking, ethnically german with a white wife and 2 white daugthers. i want them to grow up in a better place then germany is. i'm a mechanic/welder and have a lots of experience in working with stainless steel.
getting a job in the usa wouldn't be THAT hard for me i guess.

would you welcome me ameribros?

Germany took its revenge in 1870. You were able to do so because you deeply reformed your country (Prussia) after Iena, and you were greatly inspired by France.