Redpilling Your Parents - Holohoax Edition

>Want to show mum proof that the "6 million" jew number is mathematically impossible
>sit down on couch and show her linked video
>video starts, 2 minutes in she says "im not watching this racist shit" and keeps playing with her phone
>man in video explains he isnt a racist, he is just trying to dispute mathematics
>tell mum to have an open mind and to listen to it
>a quarter through the video she's no longer playing around on her phone, the video has her full concentration
>man in video gets to the mathematically impossible figure of the amount of bodies cremated in regards to how many ovens they had
>mums baby boomer boyfriend comes in the front door
>instantly starts trying to poke holes in story "yeah but he doesn't explain the ones that died before they were gassed
>mum ignores him

I have never had my mum's attention like that before.
After video retard baby boomer cuckfriend keeps trying to poke holes
Nek minnut, mum (lifelong ultra liberal) says "hes disputing that the numbers are mathematically impossible, he has evidence and you're reacting to this exactly how you're expected to act"

Well this has been a productive day.

Have any of you experienced a similar experience with redpilling friends / family?

Other urls found in this thread: jewish population

it's not mathematically impossible though, you're just taking image macros on an anime site working from false premises at face value

okay mr goldstienburger whatever you say

>hmm are the official figures for this one gas chamber off a bit?
>whole thing must be fake with millions of people in on the scam


UR mum wanted ur dick kiddo why didn't u whip it out

My parents saw TGSNT and they let me hang a pic of Hitler next to my bed

If you actually bothered to watch the video you would see him prove these points with evidence.



let me guess, the guy compared WW2 nazi germany kremas with modern day crematoriums?

You know why we should not compare apples with oranges?

yes he did

and you think his argument is good?

im sure crematorium technology has advanced in the last 70 years, the time it takes to burn a body nowdays is 2-3 hours. so unless the Nazis had alien space cremation technology, i think its a valid argument

so you think nazi germany camp kremas and modern crematoriums followed the same general principles, operated under the same guidelines, and had the same purpose?

> so unless the Nazis had alien space cremation technology
Cremation is not some crazy technology, it's just putting a body in flames. Even tribal nigger cremate bodies

There are too many jews in the world for millions to have died.

In 1939, there were 15 million jews in the world according to the World Almanac.

Between 1939-1945, 6 million jews die in the holocaust.

In 1945, that would leave about 9 million jews.

Assume for argument's sake that jews had the same population growth as whites (in fact it is lower). There were over 700 million whites in 1945. Now there are a little under a billion. Call it a 50% increase to be generous.

So one would expect the jewish population today to be about 15 million again. This is a fair assumption to make, since both the MSM

And google jewish population

make the same assumptions.

HOWEVER, when you actually inspect the censuses, there are at least 20 million jews in the world or as many as 23 million, as stated here on page 88.

This is the source of the wikipedia data on the world jewish population.

Notice that there are two figures for the total number of jews in the world (the (((Guardian))) and (((google))) of course report the lower number) with exactly 6 million discrepancy. Is this pure coincidence???

Why do they need two totals? What extra people are included in the "Enlarged Jewish Population" total?

>The “enlarged” Jewish population includes the sum of (a) the “core” Jewish population; (b) all other people of Jewish parentage who, by “core” Jewish population criteria, are not currently Jewish (e.g. they have adopted another religion or otherwise opted out); and (c) all respective non-Jewish household members (spouses, children, etc.)
>all other people of Jewish parentage

Aren't these people jews???




>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor: One third of the holocaust

>this tard will spam his tinfoil conspiracy again, but he will never tell us what "enlarged jewish population is"

> there are at least 20 million jews in the world or as many as 23 million
Source? And no, for the 5th time, there is nothing in page 88.

>calls mom's boyfriend a cuck

He's the one fucking your mom lmao
you're the one cucked getting cucked out of a father. But if I was your real dad I'd leave if I raised a waste of space like you too. Merry Christmas.

What are you driving at? Nazi's were able to burn bodies quicker because... Why?

im so confused, what is your argument?


>tinfoil conspiracy tard

You literally believe that crematoria from the 1930s outperforming modern technology by orders of magnitude isn't suspicious whatsoever
There's being a rational sceptic and then there's being a Shabbos Goy

one of the strangest things i have heard regarding the official holocaust story is how they moved the dead bodies from the gas chamber to the ovens in auschwitz birkenau. they would pack 2000 jews in the gas chamber at the time of each gassing and after they had died all 2000 corpses would be drug out by the sonderkommando using canes to a small elevator leading to the ovens.

to dispose of 2000 bodies this way would take far too much time and effort to be believable.

Pretty ballsy OP, personally I've started to get my family to hate foreigners and migration but probably a long way off the Jew business.

>it's the same old Portuguese namefag defending muh holocaust and muh ovens

Check his name in the archives before commencing to argue.

After i saw the greatest story never told i understood. My brother gave me the saboteur, hitler movies etc for christmas and conditioned me into being a nazi. I went to where my mother grew up in north norway and found swastikas and effects in the basement, our grandfather was in the SS. On the other side they hid germans in their barn when the allies invaded. I have redpilled my family, though i feel it was them who redpilled me.

What are you suggesting?

Bump, im anti-semitic but I believe in the holocaust and dont support it

He is the cuck, because that's how it works you retard. He is raising (or in this case, caring for the mother of) another man's progeny.

This isn't rocket science, guy.
>Crematorium I operated [at Auschwitz] from August 15, 1940 until July 1943. According to calculations by the German authorities, 340 corpses could be burned every 24 hours after the installation of the three furnaces.
If Crematorium I operates at 340 bodies per 24 hours, parcelled equally per each furnace (three furnaces), that is a rate of about 113 bodies per furnace per day, which is about 4-5 bodies per hour per furnace. That is not possible, it takes much longer to cremate a body than 12-13 minutes PER BODY.
>tfw Third Reich cremates bodies faster than we do with cats
>tfw cardboard caskets make up for the 2 hour time discrepancy

>apples to oranges
That which can be asserted without evidence can be denied without evidence.

It is not hard to tell your family the truth. It is the same with your friends. Everything relies on facts, and them we have in favour.

You are comparing nazi kremas with modern crematoriums. That means that nazi kremas and modern crematoriums are the same, which they aren't

>You literally believe that crematoria from the 1930s outperforming modern technology
Comparing apples and oranges.

What technology are you talking about?

>That which can be asserted without evidence can be denied without evidence.
this can apply literally to everything about holocaust denial

Exactly, German kremas aren't as effiecient as modern crematoriums. And a crematorium today would have to be running for a much longer time to reach the number of Jews supposedly burned. If a modern one can't do this, then how can a 70 yr old Krema be able to burn the 6 gorillion

you're either a troll or incredibly dim witted
how are you not understanding this?

technology advances in all areas, the nazis didn't have the technology to physically cremate that amount of bodies

a 70 year old crematorium is not going to be more technologically advanced as a new one, its either going to be the same or less effective because that is how technology progresses

Make sure to include the munitions count.

showed my mom pics of black, muslim, and jewish SS and Wehrmacht and she was like "wat"

not even a minute into it
>my movie is all based on the bible
>its all based on facts

admittedly the bible quotes make him lose credibility but the facts he presents are still valid

I never fucking get this.

Why do you guys debate the holocaust?

It's what we all want to happen, so say "yeah, and there's more where that comes from".

The oven-dodgers will have something truly to worry about, and you won't be breaking any EU countries holocaust denial laws.

>German kremas aren't as effiecient as modern crematoriums.

> the nazis didn't have the technology to physically cremate that amount of bodies

In what are you basing this claim?

>a 70 year old crematorium is not going to be more technologically advanced as a new one
In what way? Fire burns hotter today?

>Hey guise, common, it's 2016!!!

>talking about apples
>use oranges to explain why, since the acid in sour fruit can't burn through skin, apple juice couldn't have
>somehow argument is wrong because it compared apples with oranges

>>somehow argument is wrong because it compared apples with oranges
The argument is based solely on the comparison between modern crematoriums and nazi germany kremas. So if the comparison is not valid, the argument is dropped.

>a 70 year old crematorium is not going to be more technologically advanced as a new one
>70 year old crematoriums have hotter fires than modern ones

i'm basing this claim on the fact that they had 53 ovens, with only enough space for 1 human at a time. you obviously haven't watched the video yet, because you would know what sources i'm referring to if you had
go back and watch it before you reply

>this can apply literally to everything about holocaust denial
You are asking proof for a negative assertion. You are asking what shape Russel's teapot is. That is the non-argument.

forgot to add, there is physical evidence of the ovens themselves in Auschwitz

Comparison is valid. Crematoriums used today can burn the same or more bodies per hour as 70 year old crematoriums. We're talking about the nazi's ability to burn bodies.

>let me guess, the guy compared WW2 nazi germany kremas with modern day crematoriums?
Its actually the best proof possible as those old kremas were powered by shitty Coal, while modern Day Oven are operating with gas and create more effective Heat.

I've joked with my mum about the Jews before. Until last Christmas, I thought we were just joking. She actually knows about da joos. Probably a Sup Forumsack tbqfhm.

Redpilled my German nana on Hitler feels good

tried red pilling my mom on the jews lately but shes to Christianized aka grew up believing Jews are God's gift to the world and Israel can commit no crime. Had very little luck...theres potential but im not sure if the energy is worth it

Tell her the queen actually traces her lineage to David.

just curious, are you technically breaking the law by talking about this sort of stuff on Sup Forums while in germany?

im not sure how thats gonna help. but ok

I wondered that too. How closely does the Jew-Kraut poliz crack down on interent use and holocaust denial

>Nationalist View tripfag with moortugal flag
This poster is a JIDF or leftypol cuck. He constantly lies about Nazism in an attempt to sway user's own opinions.

This is now a family red pilling thread.

Been working slowly for weeks on my aunt, luckily my mother & Grandma are helping me on the aspects of Islam that aren't compatible by western society. Today, told her how Africa has never produced anything & had 12,000+ years to innovate.

Anyway, here are some great quotes from my mom & grandma who I have red pilled quite nicely on Islam:
>It's fundamentally incompatible with Western Civilization
>Muhammad was a child rapist (top kek)
>They shouldn't be in our countries
>Muslims all have 4 wives and keep popping out babies
>They make enclaves & don't integrate into the host culture!

If your mom is an intellectual blue-pilled feminist, I'd highly recommend Ayaan Hirsi-Ali's books. Super based, and the author has a vagina so believe everything she says or your sexist. (I'd highly recommend for you to read as well).

im legit not arguing against you but just the fact that you dont understand... fuck are you a dum-dum

a flame is a flame it cant burn hotter
you really are a dum-dum hahaha

Christ you guys really obsess about this shit as if taking the number from 6 million down to 2 million or whatever the fuck would change the fact that Jews own most of the major media corporations and provide a metric fuckton of political contributions.

Modern civilian crematoriums attempt to fully calcinate bone tissue for the aesthetics. Nazis didn't give a fuck about that. Modern civilian crematoriums attempt to fully separate the remains of different people. Nazis didn't give a fuck about that. Modern civilian crematoriums will only ever cremate one body at a time. Nazis don't give a fuck about that.

So you say the Nazi ovens weren't large enough to cremate more than one corpse at a time? The inner dimensions of the muffle were reportedly 70 cm wide and 80 cm high at the maximum (the top formed an arch), the size of the opening was 60 cm wide and high at the maximum (ATCFS, p. 377). Two average adults would have certainly fit on top of each other on the stretcher through the opening, also if two dehydrated, shrunken and somewhat displaced corpses were already in the inside. You could fit more if you include small, emaciated adults, and children.

Most of the burning of body material occurs within the first 20-30 minutes of cremation. It is possible to even add a new corpse after 20-30 minutes without removing the remaining body material of the previous corpse if you truly want to be efficient.

If you really think that the Holocaust, for which no Nazi offered denial when on trial and facing execution, is disproven by some back of the napkin arithmetic, and you really care about this issue, then take the precious time out of your life and read this:

If they don't give a fuck about that shit out wouldn't be a cremation... BECAUSE THERE'D BE REMAINS SMART ONE. now you just gave yourself a burden of a mountain of evidence for what should exist

The difference between 6 and around 2 million is huge

That mountain of evidence required by the 6fantasyllion number would be the reason people would push the cremation fraud in the first place

Oh fuck! You've shown me the light! JOOOOS!!

But nah, did you not read the part where I said the bulk of body material can be cremated within the first 20-30 minutes? Apparently by that point, you have less than a football sized amount of body material left. Then you can carry on cremating that as you shove another body into the oven.

So huge, it's 4 million. Take that, Jews! Now you'll never be able to control our nation's political and media apparatus.

The numbers would have been impossible if they were using individual furnaces for each body but that is NOT what they were doing

They were using huge fucking furnaces that could take hundreds of bodies at a time and doing that regularly, it's been proven

Your only theory on how it was "mathematically" impossible is a lie.

another fun little detail with the holohoax is that if the nazis where literrally hitler's cloned in secret nazi castles with occult aryan tech then why did they make the trouble of taking the valuable time, valuable resources and logistics to make gas for use in killings when they would burn them all in the end. what is some jewish screams dying of burning alive for evil nazis i mean?, they should be smiling at that ;^)

Forgot my pretty pic.

makes sense, i read they used mass cremation pits and i'll just trust that you can burn that hot enough. anyways it still seems far fetched that they dug up 700k corpses at treblinka and then burned them

Is this some sort of false flag argument? They weren't using huge furnaces. I went to Auschwitz. See pic, those are what they used. Still, I have no issue believing that they were able to cremate as many Jews as they did.

I'm not that into the Holocaust, so I can't really tell you all the details about concentration camps or whatever. I just think it's funny that Sup Forumsacks can watch a youtube video of a man selling religious DVDs doing back-of-the-napkin math and think they've disproved the Holocaust.

yeah maybe i just figured some were disposed of that way others in another way. You cant deny the zionists motive to be a bit creative, though, but i think thats limited.
It seems more strange that they would dig up 700,000 corpses but apparently it was a naive attempt to hide evidence

Didn't they change the numbers to 1.5 million some time ago (can't remember if it was for one camp or something)?

>showing your family some video of some retard spouting retarded conspiracy theories will "redpill" them instead of just making you look like an even bigger autist

Why do you little pea brains think that if someone makes a youtube video about it, it automatically means its true? Why are you this fucking dumb?

>After i saw the greatest story never told i understood.


Why don't Jews deserve me?


fuck, couldn't check the digits
do you have a copy of it?

>to dispose of 2000 bodies this way would take far too much time

based on what? That exact method is what every regime that killed a bunch of people did.

Not all of them were burned dumb shit. Ever heard of mass graves? It's what makes the forests in Germany grow so well. Jew flesh is great for plants.

>a flame is a flame it cant burn hotter

thats the exact point he is making

Rule of lawl is for statist fags. You might as well be a libtard yourself


>2-3 hours
No. Its still 8 hours for ONE body at a time.

this is your appeal to authority. Just think about that for a bit

>After approximately 2 to 2 ½ hours, all organic material is consumed by heat or evaporation.

Seems like a normal guy to me.

The Hall of cost is literally the last of the redpills you'd want to administer. It's the hardest one to swallow and it doesn't even have that much of an impact. Sure, a lot of feels politics are based on it, but immigration and socialism are much more important to discredit

>convince german friend hitler was right.
>showed him greatest story never told
>he was a cop, so i simply reminded what kind of people he finds himself arrestinng.

>israel and jew loving father
>showed him brother nathanael.
>hates jews and now names the jew at his buisness and kicked out two useless accountants.

this happened!

I'm so far right I'm on the left, so fuck off conservacuck

You do realize the shrunken heads, human soap, and masturbation machines rumors are not taken seriously by historians.

I kept my Mother informed on the goings on regarding the election, especially Wikileaks stuff and Pizzagate. It really opened her eyes.



Because the Holocaust is the primary narrative used to deligitimize white identity and European nationalism. "White people can't be proud because NEVER AGAIN!"

Typical Australian Christmas.

I've been curious how large ovens were - if they had to have someone cutting ligaments on these corpses full-time before stuffing them in so bodies didn't contract into awkward positions while being fired. Does anybody have answer to this trivia?

I've gotten my mom from "we should all race mix to end racism" to "they need to go back".
The fucking news this year did most of the work for me, all I had to say was "oh btw there was another terrorist attack"