Cucked States of America

So I guess Americans are defending this since they are employing professors like that in their universities?

I hate liberals

Objectively if you look at history the white race is evil.

wew lad did you get your ass kicked on Christmas in swissland, Ahmed?

not living in germany, so no

From my point of view the niggers are evil.

we had a thread on this
the guy is a gommie who is all
>lel its just a prank brah
>i can totally troll le ebul alt right

No more than most other races. Just about every race on earth has conquered, enslaved, and slaughtered their way through history.

We're just more successful than they are.

stay way from me


All I want for Christmas is a white Christmas.

This is correct.
Most ethnic groups have practiced slavery, genocide, war, whatever horror you can imagine. The only reason white people get so much shit for it is they managed to develop a technology that enabled them to carry out these normal activities on a grander scale, and not just on their immediate neighbors. Most groups never got their shit together long enough to successfully opress their neighbor, they essentially lost the evolutionary race and where outdone by a more competitive species who more displaced and predated on them.

LOL, no. White people are and have always been the most considerate and nice people on earth.
Other races are FAR more gruesome. Only difference is we were more successful and therefor could have more impact.

Rest assured that if any other race had our technological advancements, you would have thought white people were the angles of the world.
Ex. What was the arab slave trade.

Something you eurofags may not realize is that some states are super awesome while others are liberal shitholes.

List top 10 super awesome states.

Any bigfoot hunting this spring?

Twitter won't do anything about it either.

I am a half leaf and you made me realuze the plight of the self hating cryptojew

Went looking for them, they got pissed and built a "stay the fuck out of hear" downed tree fence.

So I built a "come get some faggot" AR in .308


Then they're probably all equally shit, fuckface

>Made a wall

Wew. Never knew Bigfoot was so MAGA

I dont worry about other states. Unlike your cucked country it's none of my business. Mine , Alaska ,god tier gun and knife laws and legal weed. We also had every precinct vote for Trump. No state or sales taxes.



he said he lived in mexico



I fucking hate leafs. They're ruining this board.

New Hampshire
North Dakota
South Dakota

Fuckin easy.

He's not even italian, his real last name is maher (jewish)

>objectively evil
pretty sure you dont know what objective means

pure coincidence.

Please elaborate.