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Yeah because people who worship satan are pussy bitches
Except, you know, for all the satanic child abuse pedophile rings
Far more crime and abuse has been committed in the name of Science, Progress and Equality than has been committed in the name of Ignorance, Brutality and Injustice too, because people don't try to justify negative behavior by invoking the name of negative concepts.
If I shoot a man I hate because I got into a fight with him, what do I tell the police?
Do I say "I shot him in Self Defense," or do I say "I shot him because I Hated him."
This is actually one of the stupidest things that I've ever heard an intelligent person say, and the fact that Carl Sagan is saying it is frankly disappointing. It literally isn't an argument, it's just an excuse to insult religious people.
Sad shilling
Sage these Jew tier slide threads and move on
Do not reply
Let it slide
>dead delusion derping
>Implying Satan doesn't control every power structure in the world, especially religion
He's not wrong. But I'm pretty sure people are starting to realize that the Jewish gods are the worst that any religion has to offer. hopefully people will soon abandon these and go back to their European roots.
No it isn't, and no it isn't. Putting "Period" at the end of a sentence isn't an argument.
Absolutely pathetic.
>huu huu huu the Christian god rekt my disgusting pirate pagan ancestors huuu
>we should go back to our murder-worship from the pre-civilized past when our entire economy revolved around killing innocent people and taking their stuff huuu
Paganism is a corpse and it deserves to be a corpse. It will never return. It is my sincere joy that we exterminated your disgusting religion.
Just because Jews don't do it in Satan's name, doesn't mean they aren't satanic.
Every kind of child abuse has been rationalized by someone as a religious practice: beatings, dangerous diets, forced marriages, slavery, exorcism, sexual exploitation, genital mutilation, conversion therapy for L.G.B.T. youth and medical neglect.
Medical neglect may not be as sensational as other religion-related abuses but it has been just as deadly.
America has hundreds of religious denominations. We would have anarchy if everyone was allowed to act out his religious beliefs without restriction. It is well-settled case law that parents do not have a constitutional right to abuse or neglect a child. However, largely because of lobbying by the Christian Science church, states have given parents statutory rights to deprive children of immunizations, health screenings and, in some states, medical care.
>better than modern science
You can't make this shit up.
I loooove it when Christians fail to understand anything about the Bible. They really think Satan is a God you can worship. Actually ALL crime ALL corruption ALL evil has been Satan's work.
Satan embodies the dark side of humanity. If you worship Satan, you are literally worshipping human darkness.
Also, if you are worshipping Satan you are just an edgy teenager who was too edgy to just be Atheist like the other Leftists.
Religion can bring children great comfort.
It can also turn their lives into a living hell.
A religious upbringing can be a wonderful experience for a child, but it can be harmful, too. This website provides information about a problem many people don’t like to talk about—religious child maltreatment. The fact is, certain religious cultures put children at risk for abuse and neglect—even fatally. What is particularly disturbing is that perpetrators often believe their acts are righteous and condoned by God. By raising awareness of this issue, we can better assure that a religious upbringing is a positive experience for every child.
>revolved around killing innocent people and taking their stuff
>what is all of Medieval Europe
>what are the Salem Witch Trials
>What are the dark ages, where Christianity nearly cast Europe into oblivion
>What are the several wars caused over which sect of Christianity you are in
>What are the genocides in Australia and the Americas
>expendable hive minds scared into working together for a single cause
>more efficient that science subject to dumbocracy policy-change per administration
How dumb are atheists?
Most states allow religious exemptions from child abuse and neglect laws
All states have laws prohibiting child abuse and neglect. But in 34 states (as well as the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico), there are exemptions in the civil child abuse statutes when medical treatment for a child conflicts with the religious beliefs of parents, according to data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Additionally, some states have religious exemptions to criminal child abuse and neglect statutes, including at least six that have exemptions to manslaughter laws.
These exemptions recently drew renewed attention in Idaho when, in May, a state task force released a report stating that five children there had died unnecessarily in 2013 because their parents, for religious reasons, had refused medical treatment for them. The report has prompted some of Idaho’s legislators to begin pushing for a repeal of state laws that protected the parents of these children from civil and criminal liability when they refuse to seek medical treatment for religious reasons.
there are plenty more people worshiping those than Satan
fuck you Sagan
Religiously-based psychological abuse of children can involve using teachings to subjugate children through fear, or indoctrinating the child in the beliefs of their particular religion whilst suppressing other perspectives. Psychologist Jill Mytton describes this as crushing the child's chance to form a personal morality and belief system; it makes them utterly reliant on their religion and/or parents, and they never learn to reflect critically on information they receive. Similarly, the use of fear and a judgmental environment (such as the concept of Hell) to control the child can be traumatic.
>muh medieval dark age
Take a look at this faggot.
>complain about Christians "indoctrinating" their children
>groom their own children into degeneracy
Atheists often don't understand that dogma and religion are separate things. They falsely believe that just because they don't follow any particular religion, they arn't slaves to their own abusive dogmas.
more like christcucks, kikes and mudslims
real Europeans don't care about jewish gods
The convergence of two news stories should be a wakeup call to alert us to the fact that there is a brutal movement in America that legitimizes child abuse in the name of God. One story involves a judge whipping his daughter with a belt on a YouTube clip that has gone viral. The other involves books by Evangelical leaders on child rearing that advocate spanking, even beating.
But what many people don’t seem to realize is that in the Evangelical alternative universe of the home school movement, tightly knit church communities and the cult following of a number of bigtime leaders and authors, physical punishment of children has been glorified for years.
As a story in the New York Times illustrates — “Preaching Virtue of Spanking, Even as Deaths Fuel Debate” — a famous Evangelical author and his co-author wife, Michael and Debi Pearl, are being tied to several deaths of children killed by parents alleged to be using the Pearls’ “methods” advocated in their book To Train Up a Child.
And according to ABC News, a prominent Texas judge who was filmed beating his disabled daughter with a belt and cursing at her said he was merely disciplining his child and did nothing wrong. He may or may not have read the Pearls book but his “methods” and “I-was-just-disciplining” reaction to his outing as an abuser should make us all ask ourselves about just what some “experts” on child raising are not only telling people to do TO children but the routine abuse they have legitimized in far right “conservative” and Evangelical circles.
Nice ad hominem
*as well as every other real non-kikes
Christians voted 80% Trump
Atheists voted 90% Clinton
you don't belong here
>there is far less crime committed by native Hawaiians (who totally don't have a small population or anything) than whites therefore whites are better
>an actual person in judeo-christiam theology
Satan literally means "adversary".
nihilist atheists are a scum and cancer
kike-religion believers are traitors, but often redpilled enough to vote wisely
Religious Trauma Syndrome is the condition experienced by people who are struggling with leaving an authoritarian, dogmatic religion and coping with the damage of indoctrination. They may be going through the shattering of a personally meaningful faith and/or breaking away from a controlling community and lifestyle. RTS is a function of both the chronic abuses of harmful religion and the impact of severing one’s connection with one’s faith. It can be compared to a combination of PTSD and Complex PTSD (C-PTSD).
Religious Trauma Syndrome has a very recognizable set of symptoms, a definitive set of causes, and a debilitating cycle of abuse. There are ways to stop the abuse and recover.
Symptoms of Religious Trauma Syndrome:
• Cognitive: Confusion, poor critical thinking ability, negative beliefs about self-ability & self-worth, black & white thinking, perfectionism, difficulty with decision-making
• Emotional: Depression, anxiety, anger, grief, loneliness, difficulty with pleasure, loss of meaning
• Social: Loss of social network, family rupture, social awkwardness, sexual difficulty, behind schedule on developmental tasks
• Cultural: Unfamiliarity with secular world; “fish out of water” feelings, difficulty belonging, information gaps (e.g. evolution, modern art, music)
people acting satanicly dont need to say they are doing it in the name of satan you pot head
>Implying Trump isn't controlled opposition, as well as a Zionist demagogue
Causes of Religious Trauma Syndrome:
Authoritarianism coupled with toxic theology which is received and reinforced at church, school, and home results in:
• Suppression of normal child development – cognitive, social, emotional, moral stages are arrested
• Damage to normal thinking and feeling abilities -information is limited and controlled; dysfunctional beliefs taught; independent thinking condemned; feelings condemned
• External locus of control – knowledge is revealed, not discovered; hierarchy of authority enforced; self not a reliable or good source
• Physical and sexual abuse – patriarchal power; unhealthy sexual views; punishment used as for discipline
Cycle of Abuse
The doctrines of original sin and eternal damnation cause the most psychological distress by creating the ultimate double bind. You are guilty and responsible, and face eternal punishment. Yet you have no ability to do anything about it. (These are teachings of fundamentalist Christianity; however other authoritarian religions have equally toxic doctrines.)
You must conform to a mental test of “believing” in an external, unseen source for salvation, and maintain this state of belief until death. You cannot ever stop sinning altogether, so you must continue to confess and be forgiven, hoping that you have met the criteria despite complete lack of feedback about whether you will actually make it to heaven.
Salvation is not a free gift after all.
Actually you could argue that all crime and abuse has been committed in the name of Satan, even if the perpetrators did not realize it.
You can stop the cycle of abuse, but leaving the faith is a “mixed blessing.” Letting go of the need to conform is a huge relief. There is a sense of freedom, excitement about information and new experiences, new-found self-respect, integrity, and the sense of an emerging identity.
There are huge challenges as well. The psychological damage does not go away overnight. In fact, because the phobia indoctrination in young childhood is so powerful, the fear of hell can last a lifetime despite rational analysis. Likewise the damage to self-esteem and basic self-trust can be crippling. This is why there are so many thousands of walking wounded – people who have left fundamentalist religion and are living with Religious Trauma Syndrome.
Satanist do it in private
Planned Parenthood is just sacrifices to Moloch
Signs of child abuse
Children who have experienced child abuse and may demonstrate any of the following signs.
Failure to thrive socially or academically
Speech disorders
Delayed physical development
Attachment issues, such as discomfort with physical contact or difficulty connecting with others
Lags in physical, emotional or intellectual development
Learning disorders
Behavior extremes, such as appearing overly compliant and passive or very demanding and aggressive.
Withdrawn and/or overly sensitive behaviors
Increased fear or avoidance of a specific person and/or situation
Difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings
Substance use
Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
Anxiety and/or excessive worrying
Bruises, welts or swelling
Sprains or fractures
Lacerations or abrasions
Frequent physical complaints, such as stomachaches and headaches
Difficulty in walking or sitting
Torn, stained or bloody clothing
Pain or itching in the genital area; bruises or bleeding in the external genital area
Sexually transmitted infections or diseases
Knowledge of or interest in sexual behaviors that are not age appropriate
Low self-esteem
Uncharacteristic obedience or perfectionism
Strong feelings of shame or guilt
Programmed statements or behaviors
Nothing makes me more content with muslims taking over than Christians on Sup Forums.
We must acknowledge that our religious communities have not fully upheld their obligations to protect our children from violence. Through omission, denial and silence, we have at times tolerated, perpetuated and ignored the reality of violence against children in homes, families, institutions and communities, and not actively confronted the suffering that this violence causes. Even as we have not fully lived up to our responsibilities in this regard, we believe that religious communities must be part of the solution to eradicating violence against children, and we commit ourselves to take leadership in our religious communities and the broader society.
—The Kyoto Declaration: "A multi-religious commitment to confront violence against children," Religions for Peace Eighth World Assembly, Kyoto, Japan, August 2006
>there are tenfolds more Christians and Muzzies than satanists
>surprised that more atrocities are committed by the massive majority
I thought world famous scientists could comprehend basic math, but it seems like le dead cosmic weedman is not one of them
Fuck muzzies though
In the Iron Age mindset of the Bible writers, children are not individual persons who have their own thoughts, with corresponding rights. Rather, like livestock and slaves, they are possessions of the male head of household, and the biblical framework governing treatment of children is property law, not individual rights law.
The legal term chattel refers to moveable personal property, economic assets that are not real estate. In the Bible, children, like slaves and livestock, are chattel. Male children grow up to become persons, while females remain chattel throughout their lives, first as assets of their fathers, then as assets of their husbands.
The texts bound together in the Bible were written over the course of hundreds of years, and they reflect the evolution of social and ethical norms within Hebrew culture during that time span. Some express a more compassionate and dignifying perspective toward children than others. But fundamentalists and other Bible-believers treat these texts as a package, a set of perfect and complete revelations essentially dictated by God to the authors, which is why they all too often end up pitting themselves against ethical, compassionate treatment of children.
>Thinking muslims worship a prophet and not god himself
Retarded hillbilly detected
yo true that
fuck, forgot the trident
lol based.
Religious Freedom Doesn't Protect Child Abuse
An Indiana woman’s claim that she beat her son because of her faith is unlikely to succeed in court, but it could have implications for how Americans perceive these kinds of arguments in the future.
Atheists have killed far more.
Soviets killed 80 million Christians alone.
unteralterbach did a nice depiction of the consummation
Abuse is still rife in religion. Earlier this year, the Methodist Church of Britain released an "unreserved apology" for failing to protect children and adults, following a report that uncovered 1,885 alleged incidents of abuse in the Church dating back to the 1950s. Ministers and lay employees are said to have been involved in 25 percent of cases, with over half of those involving ministers being of a sexual nature. There are six ongoing police investigations.
Modern history has been riddled with revelations of religious child abuse. Almost every week brings with it a story relating to some scandal somewhere. Though not an exclusively modern problem, it's been tasked to us to fix, a task not always welcomed by authorities and religions themselves; inevitably, with many reports of abuse comes one of denial and coverup. It's because of this that, before we solve this problem, we must first tackle the link between religion and child abuse, and establish whether—with religion not going anywhere soon—we're simply wasting our time cleaning up institutions that are endemically abusive.
Lmao, this is kike bullshit to the core
>pathologizing normal and healthy behaviors
>oy vey, you are deficient if you don't like modern art and rap music goy
>in one picture
>uses 4 fucking pictures
Feel insulted?
A child is thanking us right now.
Same the proportions of white crime vs nog crime
99% of demographic A believe in God
1% believe in Satan
So let's say there are 100,000 runescape players and they decide to rape 99,000 children. The 1,000 runescape players who didn't rape children decided to kill the 99,000 runescape players who raped children. since the 99,000 children were saved, they decided to to the 1,000 runescpae players with 99,000 children. each runescape player has to take 99 children under their wing. now let's say 500 of these runescape players decided to kill their children. that means 49,500 children died. if 49,500 die, then 49,999 are left for the 500 other runescpe players. the 500 other runescape players actually have one runescape player without a child.
these remaining runescape players are the fraction of satanists vs the christians
the one with 98 children is the one who does the child abuse
Died of the very rare Myelodysplastic syndroms, Sagan BTFO
>all this cringy atheist stuff from 2006
you're late to the party man, nobody is impressed by atheism anymore. If you want liberals to like you, convert to Islam
actually, I can & will argue that. Sagan is an idiot. That old argument is fallacious. It is a false equivalence. There is no way to even compare the harm done by islam to that of harm done by Christianity & Judaism.
That argument is a lame attempt at morally bankrupt atheist to say Christians & Jews do bad shit so all of it is bull shit.
It is said in the end, many scoffers would come & many would revile the word of HaShem.....I think we are pretty much at that point.
You faggots are losing to Muslims and atheists. Thanks for carrying the torch.
litetally all paganshits
Idiot. What about Molech?
Muslims and Jews are worshiping Satan and may or may not know it. Niggers don't count as Christians since they can't read so very few crimes are committed by Christians.
Yes, and that shows how much violence is about trying to defend what they find to be right rather than fight for edgy villainy deliberately.
who created satan? and who gave satan free will?
of course your abusive version is the one we should all follow, because yours is sanctioned by the one true god, isn't it?
God. Why?
Sagan is suffering in hell. You sure he's based?
More like basted.
I did.
Old fashioned trolling by Sagan. Sagan was an atheist (actually agnostic) troll before it became cool and then not cool again because New Atheists are not as smart as Sagan.
For equivalence, take the devil of atheism: Theism. How much violence has there been committed in the name of "Theism" against atheists? Basically none. How much violence by atheists against the religious in the name of stamping them out in the last century? Incalculable and staggering.
For more, Google "encyclopedia of war religion"
TL:DR Religion is the cause of only about 6% of wars going back 10k years and half of those involve Islam.
You'd think someone that smart would understand fallacies and per capita
Just because atheists are too stupid to know they are doing Satan's work, does not get them off the hook.
um God did...Satan was an angel who thought he was better than God so God banished him from heaven. Hell is actually mentioned very little in the Bible.
Satan preys on the corruption in human nature and convinces you that this corruption is in your best interest. Normally it works for you in the short term but eventually it will hurt will and, if not kept in check, it WILL kill you.
oh boy, quoting your two thousand year old goat herder's manual as prophetic. you little troll you.
I loved the cosmos series and I'm an atheist but Islam is clearly worse than Christianity and carl Sagan isn't that all knowing, he thought testosterone was a toxin
now, pray tell, how is god not responsible for all that satan does since god created satan? god literally created evil and unleashed it on mankind and then punished man for it. some god, sounds more like a daughter raping baptist preacher or an altar boy raping catholic priest or rabbi.
Looks like there is a deep dive at the end there.
>how is God not responsible for Satan
You stated Satan has free will, so his agency is paired with responsibility. If not, you put yourself in an infinite consequentialist chain that is impossible to discern and implies determinism unnecessarily.
Why would God be at blame if there is free will?