Is it normal to be dying of boredom at your wagecuck job and telling yourself that you'll work hard on those side projects and take advantage of your large amount of free time when you get home and feeling smug because you're so much better than all the sheeple around you but then later procrastinating by eating junk food (as comfort food) and browsing the internet mindlessly, telling yourself that your real life starts tomorrow, and this goes on for hundreds of days in a row with the false confidence becoming a daily occurrence?
Is it normal to be dying of boredom at your wagecuck job and telling yourself that you'll work hard on those side...
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Yes. Try acting like a white man and actually doing something in your free time you loathsome atheist.
Described me word for word.
Me too. Merry Christmas brothers.
Literally me
>tfw too stupid and impatient to learn to play piano
Man, why are office jobs so soul-crushing
Don't fall into an unsustainable routine like this. Own your life. Give yourself to something greater than you. Find your calling. I would say "Be a man" but that's too cliched. Lift. Read. Study. Improve. Never stop. Fight. Never stop. Call on God and He will answer. He wants to bring you into Him.
Yes except i dont buy junk food and try to work on projects but end up getting burnt out after a few sessions and giving up and doing nothing for a few months repeat ad infinitum
Literally me mate I really couldn't be bothered improving my life
the internet is the comfiest mistake humanity has ever made
>tfw in this same position except I'm starting school in ~2 weeks
go to school and get a job that's actually worthwhile.
Tomorrow I'll quit the internet, reconnect with friends and find my passion for life again.
Just like I was going to do today, yesterday, and the day before that too.
That's been the american zeitgeist for sixty years strong.
Most people go from their bed to their car to their job to their car to their television to their bed. I'd say the majority of the western working population.
If you want to break the cycle you'll have to step out of the Comfort Zone™ for two seconds but it's gonna hurt (and it hurts real bad). You probably won't if you're throwing around platitudes like "wagecvck" and asking the political temper tantrum zone for validation but hey, maybe you might snap out of it one day.
is you me?
Out of curiosity OP, what's your job?
Me at work:
>stupid sheeple and their sports and video games. They aren't as cultured as read as me. I'm the one going places, not them.
>goes home only to browse Sup Forums for 6 hours
>Sup Forums wants to save the white race so their offspring can enjoy modern slavery
LMAO @ non-NEETs
stop describing my life for the past decade
I'm supposed to be studying for my exams, yet I'm here shitposting.
Why am I so lazy?
I wouldn't know after college I just got some investments for my ideas and work on them as my real job
Acknowledgement is the first step toward solution.
How late can you leave it before finding your life anew?
>Man, why are office jobs so soul-crushing
Because you are literally destroying your body doing work that won't be around in 30 years.
>B.S in physics
>been here for years and can't name one legitimate thing I've done
Gee real glad I took modern physics and mathematical physics. Sure helps me in excel.
What happens to a dream deferred?
this hit entirely too close to home, pls delet
this but with CS
>hundreds of days
>not aiming for ten-thousands
Right in the feels. I'm addicted to useless knowledge and politics. Every night i come home and somehow end up browsing Sup Forums instead of doing a single thing on my to do list.
You forgot the pic the leaf posted
True, but I am relatively fit considering my exercise routine, but I can see how sitting at a desk 8 hrs/day is absolutely horrible for the body.
Me exactly but I have 2 kids and see them every other weekend and fap like crazy when i dont have them and all my hobbies are centered around learning skills around fapping like graphic design, video editing and 3d graphics.
You're afraid of success because then you'll have something to lose and something you have to work hard to maintain.
Get redpilled gf, rent house or buy if you can.
Makes it much much (!) better even though problem remains.
I'm happy.
Yep, absolutely.
1) The internet is very addictive. Treat it like a drug and realize that you have an addiction.
2) Quit your job if you have enough money to not die immediately. Put yourself in a sink or swim situation where you have to do something real with your life.
What you described was my daily reality for two years. My last day at work is next week. Working at a corporation isn't living, it's dying. Please do something to save yourself user.
it remains a dream
More of your work is wanted btw.
b-but its lewd
Checked, also
Pretty normal.
>telling yourself that your real life starts tomorrow
You've already been logged into the system. I bet you paid for your 'education' too.
>my only thoughts at work are what food in getting on the way home and what ill watch on youtub/netflix
I cant say I hate it honestly. But I do think there must be more to life. I'm 23 and already sick of worklife, at one point I had aspirations of uni/careers, now I make enough to sustain my food and internet and thats all I really care about.
>babby's first white collar job
Literally me except I'm a NEET parasite.
Mostly because I used to be confident I could earn money doing something I enjoy, but lately I find it hard to enjoy anything.
>but lately I find it hard to enjoy anything
The liberal food-drugs are kicking in. Only obedience and duty, no joy.
How much money a week would you say you spend on fast food, or how many times would you say you eat fast food a week?
It's interesting to me how much of us are all the same. Info addicts and clueless NEETs who have an idea as to what they'd like to accomplish, but too easily succumb to their impulsive nature to do anything about it.
If nothing else? Take a little bit of solace in knowing that you're not alone.
>asshurt wageslave mad he can't defend how the shitty job he goes to everyday doesn't even pay him enough money to buy a shitter beater car at the end of the year
Must feel like shit, huh? You could have instead went to college immediately out of high school, applied for FAFSA, and have a job making you at least 60k a year by now. It's okay though, that'd be paying "da JEWS" so naturally it makes more sense to work at a gas station your entire life instead, right? Give me them (you)'s bois because as much as you wanna bitch and cry at me for saying all of this, the fact is almost none of you have made proper decisions in life and are now realizing what that means for your future. Makes me kek heartily, shame you all don't realize that just because you can breeze through life doing nothing and having no friends doesn't mean thats a fulfilling and rewarding life.
Fuck that. Fight it. This isn't life, it's death. You are literally better off dead than doing what you're doing right now. It's unacceptable.
That really made me think™®©, OP™
>You could have instead went to college immediately out of high school
I know plenty of people that do this and still end up wageslaves.
Colleges don't provide competence, they only sell the illusion of skill.
Your only way to guarantee a good job is to be unique and self-motivated to acquire skills.
You can get an IT cert without any college, for example, and IT is in high demand.
Stop it man, I'm already paranoid enough.
I like it that way.
I was born with potential. And I will waste all of that potential rather than give even one piece of it to any of you.
>Stop it man, I'm already paranoid enough.
Well it might be >tinfoil hat, but I have noticed a lot of depressiveness in a very similar vein.
Yeah, it's normal. Honestly there is no reason to work a full time job these days. You should be able to get by with part time work.
Are you me?
Jesus christ ill never be able to by a house fuck fuck fuck
A strange thing happened to me yesterday.
>sitting at home get a random message from a girl at work
>she's 20 and I barely know here, she's just a face in the company.
>she sent me an FBI friend request and we text chatted the whole day
>she's 20, white, pretty and has the most beautiful blue eyes.
>it's obvious that she has a crush on me and is flirting with me the whole day.
>I seize the opportunity and ask her out on a date to which she enthusiastically agrees.
>I'm a loser who shit posts on Sup Forums every waking hour of the day. I also have a Filipino chick who is obsessed with me to the point that it bothers me.
>is this my chance to uncuck myself and spread my white genetics?
But there's a catch. Although the girl at work was nice and pretty Judging by her talk she is an absolute whore and a typical western brainwashed feminist.
"I want someone who will let me go out and have my social life but at the same time someone who challenges me, not a doormat who will allow me to cheat"
"I just want someone to drink with, have sex and relax around"
"You could say I enjoy a healthy sex life"
"I've had many boyfriends"
Why are our women such fucking degenerates? I'll be pursuing her purely to fuck. Definitely not wife material, not even gf material.
It's a shame.
> Fight it.
Through what means?
it's common but it's not "normal" or necessary. make a plan RIGHT NOW and follow through on it. you can do it, user
Today, I've been on the internet and Sup Forums all day.
But usually on weekends I take a STEM or computer science book to a cafe and sit there until I start reading it. I have a dumb phone so I can't get on the internet when I'm not at home.
That's how I break the addiction and apply myself.
>ill never be able to by a house
You're in the US. Houses in the midwest are cheap. You can even get a govt grant for it if you do something with the land.
I thought it was just caused by me indulging in video games and porn for most of my teenage years which fried my dopamine receptors in return.
>I'll be pursuing her purely to fuck. Definitely not wife material, not even gf material.
Well, you could use the feminism for yourself.
Let her be the breadwinner.
Convert yourself to house husband, and have 100% free time.
It's an option.
>all dat projection
>The theoretic basis of alienation, within the capitalist mode of production, is that the worker invariably loses the ability to determine life and destiny, when deprived of the right to think (conceive) of themselves as the director of their own actions; to determine the character of said actions; to define relationships with other people; and to own those items of value from goods and services, produced by their own labour. Although the worker is an autonomous, self-realized human being, as an economic entity, this worker is directed to goals and diverted to activities that are dictated by the bourgeoisie, who own the means of production, in order to extract from the worker the maximum amount of surplus value, in the course of business competition among industrialists.
why do people have trouble being self-motivated, though? that is the issue at hand in the discussion. i've never had this problem so i don't understand it.
>I thought it was just caused by me indulging in video games and porn for most of my teenage years
Nah, probably most people do that these days.
I've just noticed people within the past year or two avoiding a lot of direct confrontation, like they have a problem dealing with others disagreeing with them in any way other than submission and avoidance.
But it could just be me.
children of single mothers
Stop procrastinating
>why do people have trouble being self-motivated, though?
I haven't had a problem with it either. I actually theorize it's the present state of Western education and philosophy.
A lot of people are hypersensitized in school, or get cowed into accepting what their told to do.
Consequently, they lose intrinsic motivation.
You couple that with a religious or semi-religious upbrining, and they end up just waiting to be told what to do and having no personal ambitions.
An 'external locus of control', they call it.
Well fuck, that's me in a nutshell.
I tell myself that once I'm debt free I'll quit my job and start living life for real, and I hope that I haven't completely ruined myself by the time that that happens. At least in college I somehow stumbled into majoring in Comp Sci and getting a decent paying job right after I graduated, so that should be sooner than later if I play my cards right. It's scary to think where I'd be right now if I majored in English instead, which was my plan when I first went to college. I'd probably be a slave to debt my entire life, instead of the decade or so that I'm looking at now.
I wonder how many thousands (millions?) of lives have been ruined by "higher education"...
Regarding junk food...
I eat the same exact 3 meals and two snacks every day. It helps me to not overeat and especially to not binge on junk food.
Things I never eat: pizza, doughnuts, sugary candy, sugary soda.
>I wonder how many thousands (millions?) of lives have been ruined by "higher education"...
I redpilled this one early.
Realized the only way to get ahead was to learn the stuff myself and get a portfolio together.
Your 'liberal arts' colleges are glorified indoctrination camps these days.
you just described my life for the last 3 years
now I have a short break and I'm totally uninspired to work on the creative projects that were my only light in the darkness
>fall for the computer science meme
>figure I'll learn to love it
>finally graduate after 6 years after fucking around on Sup Forums for the latter 2 years and hating the classwork entirely
>no job because I can't program worth a damn and no internship
>no idea what to do next
Seriously thinking about committing suicide for fucking up my own career so badly
your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.
>to work on the creative projects that were my only light in the darkness
Tell me, did you ever have an authority figure imply those projects were a "distraction"?
Or state that you should "move on with your life"?
At what point did your motivation fade?
>>no job because I can't program worth a damn and no internship
Go into embedded. Learn 8 bit PIC assembly, write industrial machines. It's actually easy, but regular programmers don't understand electrical hardware, so they get cuckolded.
No, user, I have suffered the same thing OP describes and thought this many times, and today, by good Fortune, I realized this which I knew, but forgot a while ago:
You don't stop procrastinating, you just procrastinate those things you don't want to continue. For example, I was going to jerk off, but since I want to stop no fap and all I just opened all the tabs in a private window and went to do something else, and then forgot about it. When I came back to the computer the urge was gone, and my house was cleaner.
It has become normal because of many things -mainly, that more people than you do it-, but that doesn't mean it is good for you and that you shouldn't keep challenging it.
fuck me iktf. also
>go innawoods all weekend with grandpa
>wake up early and work all day while there's light
>see real progress and change in our natural environment due to our work
>our tools and us move and mold wood, fire, dirt via our imbued effort
>drink beer and watch shitty movies and basic cable on a tiny tv at night
>sleep like a rock at night
>feel fucking masculine as shit
>come home, go to computer
>wtf is this even for lol
>go on Sup Forums
>previously receding sense of brain fog and apathy returns in droves
well, they're fucked. not like they get a second chance at childhood.
any time i want to procrastinate i think of how hard my dad worked his whole life and realize how easy i have in comparison. it's all the motivation i ever need.
find a hobby. life will always suprise you. your career is not something you shape. it makes itself, and you watch it form.
I've been waiting to die for years, it just isn't happening. Don't have it in me to do it.
Nukes when?
pray to god for the strength and resolve to do the hard and fulfilling things instead of the easy and comfortable things.
the whole conceptualization of a supreme being that wants you to win helps with problems like addiction.
Naw it's not just you m8.
>helps with problems like addiction
No it doesn't. Religious people get even more addicted to this shit.
You should see all the punk kids and emos.
Pure hard dedication to personal capability and evidence-based reason beats it.
And it beats it every fucking time.
I have many "productive" projects and hobbies outside work but have essentially abandoned social interaction or any chance of GF so I don't know if it's really worth it. I just hate talking to people and already have to too much during the day. I can't handle work and doing actual cool stuff and doing pointless social stuff.
>or any chance of GF
There are introvert girls. It's just difficult to find them, obviously.
But if you do, you can do hobbies together, stay home, and cuddle.
>Naw it's not just you m8.
Interesting. I'll make a note of that.
Read up on 'productivity' - little ways to coerce yourself to work a bit, to make it easier. One is to 'park downhill' - tell yourself you're not going to work, only /get set up/ to work. And that removes a lot of the mental block toward working - breaking up the task like that makes it feel smaller.
Anyway, read around, there's lots of advice like that. And yes, I do work on side projects - not as much as I'd like, but I do.
>Pure hard dedication to personal capability and evidence-based reason beats it.
you're not wrong
Most of my hobbies are solitary, and I don't stay out late ever anymore. I just don't get how I'm supposed to work 40 hours a week AND do anything for myself AND date and hang out with friends. And since I don't really find socializing in itself enjoyable I just don't meet anyone outside work.
if your hobbies were really so satisfying to you, you wouldn't worry about women. sounds like you need a bigger challenge than what your current hobbies are giving you.
Yes it is normal but normal isn't good. Throw out your tv, find a fulfilling hobby and read books, learn a language or in any way expand your skills/knowledge. Wasting your time on things that are non-constructive (i.e. will not amount to a betterment of your life) is the ultimate bluepill
This. You can improve/break the cycle by setting/listing small goals, completing them, and increasing their scope and time frame each new list. Planning helps. Reading/studying helps. Socializing within whatever subject or hobby you're doing help. Failing helps lots, as long as your set on observing what / why and then restarting next time to better completion; it helps to log your progress/thoughts upon it. A good one for starters (that I've set as a small goal): read at least 30 entries of the Greek Anthology vol 3. It's ripe with pessimisims, anecdotes, and points of views that can be compared with other every day experiences (like browsing /pol, but 1000+ years old). It's easy, rewarding, and it leads to desires to further self-improve oneself. And if you don't like that, move on to something else, like learning how to take apart/replace you sink pipes (they're right there and $100 bucks says you've hardly ever considered them)! Worst comes to worst, sit back in silence with your eyes closed, time yourself on how long it takes for you to get impatient with that, then do it again and again, longer each time; there's a lesson to be learned there and anywhere. You just got to do it enough times with the goal of completing it.
Here's the deal
Open your eyes
Your life is a lie
Don't say a word
I'll tell you why
You're living a lie
Your life is a lie
But you deny, you ever lied
Wondering why
Bury your life
Count your friends
On your hands
Now look again
They're not your friends
Hold your breath
Everyone left
No surprise
Living a lie
Tell your wife
This is your life
Your life is a lie
This is your wife
Now she knows, she understands
Her life is a lie
Nobody wins
Try not to cry
You'll survive
On your own
Lessons in life
Your life is a lie
Now there's no time
Wondering why
Where in the world
Is that girl?
He knows she's alright
To live a life
Waiting to die
Not knowing that
Your life is a lie
Wondering why
Nobody writes
Hollow inside
Periods in light
Fire and ice
Your life is a lie
Your life is a lie
Your life is a lie
Your life is a lie
On your own
One more time
Your life is a lie