If Donald never ran would would've been /ourguy/?
If Donald never ran would would've been /ourguy/?
Christie and Carson are Sup Forums approved but I know who /myguy/ is.
Probably Rand. Rubio or Cruz would have won the primaries since there's Jeb still would have self destructed without Trump.
If I thought my vote would've mattered in the primaries I would've voted for Rand Paul. But after voting for Trump in the general I'm still pretty pleased with the results. Praise Kek
>right wing as fuck
Anybody saying that he wouldn't have been because of his Goldsman wife is retarded, Trump is more pro-Jewish than Cruz anyway.
Cruz/Rand are top. Jeb top meme. Carson would be liked as nice.
They're about the same, really. The Jews have such a strong grasp on American politics that they win no matter who we elect. Elect a Democrat, they get to push their Marxist multicultural agenda. Elect a Republican, they get to push their isreal first agenda. At least with the Republicans, we don't have to let in third world barbarians, I guess.
if Donald hadn't run, it wouldn't matter which one would be /ourguy/ because madame president would have won 100%.
Honestly? Ted.
From a serious perspective, the most likely to win besides Trump was Ted Cruz
Rand of course
Cruz was everyones second guy after Rand got BTFO by Trump
Then he won Iowa and everyone suddenly hated him
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Cubans are fucking garbage, they did to Florida what the Mexicans are doing to California.
>would would've
We would've went for Bernie and memed him into ending the world
Conservatives adored Chris Christie before Trump came out of nowhere completely knocked the wind out of his sails. Guy gave a speech at the Reagan library a few years ago, and people in the audience were literally begging him to run for President.
Rand is still /myguy/
if trump wasn't such an epic memer, Sup Forums would still be libertarian
The true Constitutional Conservative™ with Principled Judaeo-Christian Conservative Values™ and Protector of all Delegates™.
...jeb is a mess....
If anyone on Sup Forums says somethingother than rand, then they need to go back
Rand, and only Rand.
Cruz is too much of a jewish cocksucker to be /ourguy/
Trump turned out to be more of shabbos goy then Cruz.
Rand for sure. If he runs in 2024 ill be shilling for him
Jeb Exclamation Point. Obviously.
Kek hath consecutively spoken, making it double truth for the doubters of his words
I don't know but what I do know is that Jeb would probably have won. Then we would have Jeb vs Jeb with a vagina. The awkwardness and uncharismatic blunders would be very memeworthy until Jeb with a vagina would win.
>Trump is more pro-Jewish than Cruz anyway
>Turned out to be
He's been saying "nobody loves isreal more than Donald Trump" since August 2015. Like I said in american politics you have to pick your Jewish poison, and at least the Republican jew lovers only care about Isreal as opposed to pushing the Marxist, multicultural, """""""refugee"""""""" loving Jewish agenda that the Democrats adore.
I dont know, but fuck that fat fuck from new jersey. The bastard actually closed down half a bridge to purposely cause a traffic jam because 1 single person made him mad and that 1 single person wasnt even using the bridge.
rand obv
This. It should of been Rand vs webb. Were just too retarded for them
t b h had trump never ran, jeb might've got the nom and i probably would've voted for gary "el leppo" johnson
>Trump is more pro-Jewish than Cruz anyway.
all your post is good except this. yes trump is a kike shill but cruz is the bigger one by far
Stand with Rand
They probably would have picked Rubio. Cruz was a spastic zealot and people need to stop pretending he was this great hope. It would have been Rubio, if not Jeb. I'm not convinced Trump isn't solely responsible for the demise of Jeb Bush. He had the money.
jeb for the memes but randlet is the best candidate on that stage and one of the most respectable politicians in US history.
Randlet, and we would have lost to the Cruzlims
This. None of the other republicans would have called her out like Trump did, and none of them would have broken party lines to champion infrastructure renewal, term limits, and tariffs
Christie is not Sup Forums approved. That pos was only jumping on the bandwagon because it was obvious Trump would win. Chris "no more oreos" Christie is an open-borders globalist.
No one really. Everyone else in the primaries was either a neocon or a cuckservative.
Sup Forums would have been a lot more neutral like it was in 2012 if Trump never ran. Though I'm sure we would be mocking the hell out of Jeb! if he got nominated.
John Kasich
I always liked little marco because he's the least offensive to me sensibilities
I'd unironically vote hillary if jeb had been the nominee.
Ted Cruz
Nobody. /ourguy/ is rebbit tier bullshit. Trump is one of us. He could be reading this very same shitpost as we speak. For all you know I could be Trump.
>conservatives adored Chrispy Cream
You're funny neocon
The thing I love about this election is that it was literally "rock paper scissors."
>Clinton loses to Trump, because the only way for such a crooked, corrupted image to win is to drag the other person's image down. Trump is impossible to insult. He's absolutely shameless. He dances around the accusations with almost a bit of glee.
>Trump loses to Bernie. Both offer change, but Bernie has a more devout core with a more relatable message.
>Bernie loses to Cruz, because Cruz would have no trouble painting him as a kooky and nonviable marxist.
>Cruz loses to Clinton. Any mud-slinging that's aimed at someone like Cruz sticks like a goddamn fly on shit.
Webb was my guy for the 4 minutes he was on stage. Randlet has had his moments, Carson was a goofball that I could like and Cruz and Rubio were borderline tolerable. Ever other candidate on all aisles were dog shit.
Can't believe I ever would have said this, but Ted Cruz. He would have taken money from scummers, but I respect him.
>Cruz loses to Clinton. Any mud-slinging that's aimed at someone like Cruz sticks like a goddamn fly on shit.
Perhaps not. She was SUCH a fucking bad candidate and don't you forget it.
Donald never was /our guy/. We're all #CruzMissiles here
Bernie would not have beaten trump, only millenials like a socialist. also the RNC had a stockpile of shit on him that they never used because he wasnt the nom
>Implying anyone but Jeb! is an option
99% of Jeb's appeal is because of the ways Trump humiliated him.
Ron Paul is eternally /ourguy/, therefore Rand
>people would seriously consider voting jeb at any time
Sup Forums is such a cuckservative circlejerk
What kinda name is Jeb anyway? Is that short for Jebediah?
It's an acronym. His name is actually
John Ellis Bush
Cruz without a doubt
> thread
the delegates would have been his.
In that order.
>Jeb Bush
>John Ellis Bush Bush
what did he mean by this
I wouldnt have a "guy". It would just be two sides of the same coin. Trump is the best thing to happen to America in my lifetime at least.
it would have been like the 2008 election, weak and boring where Sup Forums is 'meh' the whole time
Webb. No competition.
I still want this dude to run in 2024
I hope this is true, im tired of him being painted as this pure clean messiah
Holy fuck this is real
You're retarded, Blacks didn't trust Bernie, and his outright communist policies would have caused a huge swath of 45+ voters to swing right. Trump would have annihilated him worse than Hillary,
this is true. bernie would have been destroyed, and if he's the dem's hope for 2020 then trump is practically guaranteed for 8 years.
and how can you fucks ignore these digits?
None of them. They are all cuckservatives that would not have changed this country to benefit anyone but the elite.
it would have been rubio
Most likely Cruz.
Although I would prefer rand.
little marco looked nervous as fuck. the guy's not cut out for politics at all.
Mike "I'll kill a cuck " huckabe was my first choice
Doesn't matter. Clinton would've won.
>would wou've
jessus christ the austism here i tell ya
Jebhead reporting
Rand always had my support, you cunts crucified him.
Rand paul is a cuck compared to his dad, rand took his son to the wailing wall gave him a yamika and sold his soul to the jews
Any other answer besides Dr. Duke Nuke the Kikes is clearly wrong.
Kill yourself asap
You're only saying that because Rato is a leaf operative
Daily reminder that the vote isn't official until the 6th and that Jeb still has a chance. Slow and steady my fellow Jebheads!!!
Sup Forums is still libertarian aside from the newfag reddit JIDF kike shills.
/myguy/ is, and always will be Ted Cruz.