I have a mass e-mail list. The least you can do is take two minutes to get rid of this guy.
I have a mass e-mail list. The least you can do is take two minutes to get rid of this guy.
Why? I'm a white nationalist AND I'm in academia, so I know what it's like to have to self-censor and to have these cocksuckers gloat that their ideology if the mainstream, but that still doesn't make me a little bitch who wants to censor someone's free speech.
The guy's just being ideological. That's his right. He's a stupid faggot, but that's not my business.
So...can i kill this guy? I live near there.
I'll take action tomorrow. This guy is fucking disgusting and should be working in a fucking coffee shop and that's being lenient.
Im from the UK, what can I do besides troll him on twitter?
go for it dude. Just remember to take his wallet and wear gloves so they think it's a robbery.
A carjacking gone wrong works too.
can you? yes. should you? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes you think
> Calling for people you don't like to be fired.
Confirmed authoritarian cuck.
>I would defend the rights of someone who not only actively wants my rights taken away, but would eagerly kill me
This is the point where I stopped believing in Ancap/Libertarian/egalitarian/humanitarian etc beliefs
Go make a corpse out of him. Make sure it's closed casket.
Wish I lived outside the US so I could just threaten to shoot up these schools desu
Someone ask him "Does this include us Jews?"
You know this guy has pictures of his "pizza" on his Facebook. He should be dealt with in the most harsh terms possible
you literally say the same thing here towards blacks.
that tweet is not merely speech, it's more a speech act. when language actively promotes and encourages violence, then those words constitute violence.
why do the faggot mods keep protecting this faggot by deleting the threads
Funny how only the altruists get fucked over.
clear and present danger standard doesnt directly apply here, but advocating for genocide doesn't normally fall within the boundaries of protected speech unless you take it to an extraordinary degree.
If you turn the other cheek and let your enemies kill you, you win.
Is he a Jew?
You could have before you made this post
Good. The more radical our opposition the more radical we can be.
As long as bakeries are forced by law to make gay cakes, this guy shouldn't be allowed to preach white genocide.
Stop using the "freedom of speech" argument, when clearly that freedom only applies to one side.
Indeed he is a cuck, and a liar as well. The critique of pure tolerance written by the left says that your enemy emboldens and confirms an unjust system, therefore all the rules of that system or unjust and not to be followed.
We don't need to extend our own rules, ethics and protections to people who put us in existential crisis. Do anything by any means to make people like this fear.
Execute your rights. Harass him incessantly. He doesn't need to die. He doesn't need to be fired. He needs to be made a public dunce.
holy shit you guys are really bad at the whole "Free Speech Law" thing
>not using their SJW bs tactics against them
Alinsky's rules. no more playing nice
>"calling for the genocide of the white race is completely okay for a professor to do and there would be no backlash if he called for the genocide of blacks, btw I'm a white nationalist just like you guys!!"
This guy has every right to believe and say this - just not as a university professor. Sounds like a massivley fucked up individual and he deserves to be removed from his position.
Shit, I'm a Drexel student. I thought engineering schools were immune to this? He's certainly not in the Engineering college.
Of ccourse he is go- I mean user!
Shittiest Mariah Carey cover ever
Alright, so I attend Drexel University. What can I do to express my displeasure without getting expelled?
>This guy has every right to believe and say this
Yet Christian bakeries are forced by law to make cakes for gays.
Can you faggots stop with the "freedom of speech" bullshit?
If it was applied evenly then maybe you would have a point, but clearly it is only supported when applied to the left.
Shit in his morning coffee.
Cuck response
Well you could talk about being triggered by this individual and their abusive speech. That's the "go by the system" route.
Go to a class. Get in his face and watch him back down.
I read this on reddit too!!!
t. snek
Go to the higher ups, threaten to go to the local news
Tell Tucker about it maybe he'll get him on the show
He has a point
How great would it be if we could talk about blacks and kikes in the same tone. But we can't because their is a double standard when it comes to freedom of speech and we should call attention to that.
So let's try some reverse psychology on this one. We should praise this guy for his white genocide BS, call it courage. He will still be getting negative attention for the publicity, only he won't be able to claim that the alt-right is responsible.
My fellow burgers let me down. It is a sad day to see a based koala see the truth more plainly. This bastard is a pedophile, has pictures all over facebook with a young boy on his lap who is not his son in lascivious positions. And feels he can call for our destruction with impugnity? Would our forefathers use sophistry based arguments or end this bastard? Did we meme trump to victory only for this?
Copy his tweet, email it to an administrator, and say that you feel threatened and unsafe on campus, and unless action is taken against this professor, you'll need to take legal action, as you're being denied the education you paid for
Go to the administration and them it is unacceptable for professors to advocate for your genocide. Yes, it has come to this.
Also, use the mass email link in the article.
>claims have to self censor his "hatespeech"
>claims others have a right to voice their "hatespeech"
>sees nothing wrong with this
>claims to be white
>claims to be in academia
retard larp detected
If Leftists supported your free speech them you'd have to fight back, but these people are calling for your GENOCIDE.
This is dangerous. If we do not try to fight in the ideological warfare they are waging on us the future consequences will be much worse than "self-censorship".
Keep in mind, their ideology is EVIL. I'm a white nationalist too, yet I would never ever support the genocide of ANY race. Our beliefs are that of respect for all races and a wish to preserve these groups of people. Sure, support the first ammendment so use yours to fight against their HATE SPEECH which is exactly what it fucking is.
Free Speech means he can't be jailed for what he said.
That doesn't mean private citizens can't take the matter into their own hands.
Good going. Very easy to do!
I typically try not to send emails like this from [email protected]
Dunces shouldn't be teaching at Universities.
Keep this thread alive anons.
Fuck off pussycat white nationalists are the worst. He is in a position of authority calling for socially acceptable genocide
I bet he'll be a giant pussy and say "oh, it was just hyperbole because [insert nignog name here] got blasted by the police and we were venting our frustration with the system".
He deleted the tweet and is saying it was a joke
If he's going to be a complete fag he should at least stand by it
this post was bad in 2 threads
I don't see a list of e-mail addresses in the link in the OP
Pls provide and I will use it
Son of a bitch
It's wrong because he has power over his students to force them to adopt his opinions.
>American education
Yes, a "joke" he's repeated in many different contexts.
You're quite right.
Sup Forums is exposing its laughable hypocrisy nature ITT. You're literally SJWs.
We're reaching levels of cuckoldry that shouldn't even be possible
Tfw Drexel alum (math, late 2000s). Feels bad
>act like a gentlemen while the enemy kicks you in the nuts
yeah, no thanks, I'm done with being pacified by these faggots as they erode our influence away and wait until we die
they did the same shit with christianity now they're using the constitution to do it
>hahaha you call yourself a good christian when you fight back while Jamal rapes your daughter? thou shalt not kill remember!
>hahaha you call yourself a conservative when you won't let us call for your genocide and radicalize young people into rioting in your streets and creating total lawlessness!? free speech remember!
these people have to go
That's one way to be sent directly to the spam folder and/or be completely ignored and deleted
Click the link in the article that says, "write an e-mail to Drexel University". It will load a bunch of them up for you.
All of his non-cuck white students should go to his next class open carrying.
If anyone asks just say that you have to continue studying but he literally openly advocated your murder so it is for your protection and the protection of other white students.
lol I love it when Sup Forums gets triggered.
We often give our enemies to means to our own destruction. Our kindness is killing us. >Charities and Red Cross in third world nations, only for the volunteers to get raped to death. >Sanctuary cities only for the illegals to be
about as violent as ISIS members, if not worse. >Freedom of press only for them to lie and go 1984 on us.
>Freedom of speech only for everyone to try and censor us while going on about how much they all want us to die.
I don't like it, but it seems like we're going to pushed towards an extreme. Whether it's "law and order" or "ending hatred and bigotry" it's going to get worse probably.
>I want the genocide of whites.
>Hurr durr Sup Forums is so triggered
>Blacks should be sent back go Africa
The left, everyone.
This is a great idea for anyone who lives near Drexel but is not a student. Tell him you're white and this is his big chance to genocide you. Punk him out, preferably in front of his students.
The more we make an example out of guys like this the more cultural ground we make
Wearing a hammer & sickle in public needs to be met with the same reaction as if you were to wear a swastika
He is also a researcher an ISA in the UNAM, México. Any Mexican user can help with some email contacts?
You might disagree with what he's saying but you ought to respect his right to say it. He knows what he's doing, this is a setup, he wants you to attack him so he can show your hypocrisy of free speech.
Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales.
>we believe in free speech!
you never will achieve that. the hammer and sickle is an eternal symbol of workers power.
>Christian bakery refuses to bake gay cake.
>Government comes in and forces them to.
>This fucking stupid liberal ESL teacher thinks right-wingers are protected by free speech.
Your kind just have to go and try and shit up countries that are actually doing it right.
On the one hand, I hope they see through your bullshit and kick you out. On the other, we sure as fuck don't want you back here in the west. Best case scenario, you go preaching about peace and tolerance to the yakuza.
Weird sense of humor he keeps repeating.
Eternal symbol of a failed ideology. Should be on a brown background flag to reflect the shit it is. Irony is for a workers party none of them work or have a skill other than running their dick sucker.
It's not like he's advocating there be laws restricting speech like this, just that there should be an appropriate response
>We believe in free speech.
>Except when anyone says something that goes against left-wing ideology.
>Why don't you respect free speech white-boy?
There isn't really any arguing with you.
good thing you already can't wear a commie shirt without getting gay bashed in a majority of US territory, only in gayest liberal shitholes can you get away with it
it's probably different in bongland
he'll have to pray to god for one.
isn't it a hate crime to advocate for the genocide of a specific group?
White genocide is a myth.
Not really. Say whatever you want. But don't be surprised if someone cracks your skull for spouting it. Actions have repercussions, especially when Nazis try to organise.