ITT: Sup Forums decides the peace terms if the Axis won WWII
Nations will negotiate with their respective rivals (ie. Germany and France; and Japan with the Aussies)
ITT: Sup Forums decides the peace terms if the Axis won WWII
I'm willing to surrender Alaska to the japs if a mainland invasion occured.
Weak and unworthy of a nation like yours.
How did the Axis win the war? How far did they get before we surrendered?
I feel as if this belongs on /his/ t b h
If mods are okay, i'll rp along
>Weak and unworthy
I'd say they either blitzkrieg on the USSR was successful, or they beat the US to the nuke.
All good questions.
Barbarossa was successful, and Moscow was taken before winter set in, leading to the collapse of morale in the SU, resulting in the SU losing all Polish land taken, and the Baltic states to Germany.
Hess was successful in revealing to the British public that Germany was willing to negotiate peace, leading to massive unrest in the UK as Germany was now diverting all resources against her (making D-Day impossible). Essentially, mass riots occur in the UK, forcing the government to agree to surrender to Germany. And yes, the US is in at this point.
Allies are present.
Where is the axis?
But this is just what I imagine, we can go with
Oswald Mosley is made the new leader of Britain.
It sounds to me like none of our territories are on the negotiating table in this scenario. Unless Japan grabbed Hawaii.
I say do business with the Reich and pretend none of this ever happened.
Germany can have Europe, the japs are the real enemy anyway.
I say we do both for good measure.
Eastern Europe is under total axis occupation, while both Boston and Chicago are smouldering ruins.
>All territory held is to be ceded to the Reich
>Soviet Union is to give up all of their European territory
>France and Britain are to return Germany's African colonies lost in 1919
>France is to give up Madagascar; Britain must allow for German naval vessels to pass through the English Channel in return for sovereignty of the occupied Channel Islands
>Iceland is to become a Reich territory
>France is to be ruled by the Vichy government
>Brittany is to become an autonomous associated state of Germany, independent of France, governed by Théophile Jeusset
>Nice and Savoy are to be ceded from France to Italy proper
>German Operational Zones in the Adriatic are to be withdrawn and returned to Italian administration
>All of Italy is to be governed by Mussolini's Fascist government
>The 'Fourth Shore' is to be extended into much of the Eastern coastal provinces of French Algeria
>Italian vessels may pass via the Suez Canal
>Italy's sphere of influence in the Adriatic and the Balkans is not to be violated
We will never negotiate with slanty eyed rice niggers. Release the Emus!!
If the case scenario is that the US joined the allies, then Hitler had to test the nukes somewhere.
I wish they would remake Fatherland, love that alternative history shit
Do this. Europe should have medium sized countries.
In what scenario does the Reich get to successfully penetrate all the way to the Midwest with their bombers? Seems virtually impossible in even the best case scenario.
Fuck it, London and Birmingham then...
America had no way of losing though, at least in the sense that they would ever get invaded or anything like that.
They could pull out of Europe, but thats about fucking it.
The more the Axis could ever hoped for was a draw
This seems about right.
German-American here. Do my people become the Ubermensch in Amerika?
Seeing how you love der Juden so much, that you're willing to fight for them, we have decided to give you remaining ones in a sign of goodwill.
France shall be annexed into the Third Reich, Britain shall hand over their colonies, but your remaining Britannia will be left alone.
The Holy Land of Jerusalem included, from where we will uphold peace with our ideological brethren in the middle-east with the blessing of the Pope.
Your inprisoned soldiers will be returned, they have been treated well. I wish we could say the same for our soldiers.
Any person that has Germanic heritage and fought for der Juden will be considered a traitor to their race, and for two generation be expelled from the regions controlled by the 3rd Reich.
Your Negros will be sent over for the period of 10 years where they will work to rebuild our land, and after that they will be sent back.
We also expect a token of goodwill, like der Juden we offer you.
Thanks for not bullying us, friend.