Why are people on Sup Forums still denying the Holocaust? Are they retarded?
Why are people on Sup Forums still denying the Holocaust? Are they retarded?
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burden of proof is on you
Search up Treblinka.
When are you going to do your own research into "the holocaust", and learn that you have been lied to?
The more you read about the Holohoax the more a scam it becomes, this of course is why you're not openly allowed to question it. If it's all correct, why are they so afraid of a DEBATE about it?
Also, do you enjoy being told what to think?
That is why it is illegal to research or "question" it; that's why people all over Europe are thrown into prison for Thought Crime, because the Holohoax can't stand the light of day.....it can't stand for people to "look, and see the man behind the curtain". Once you "look behind the curtain", the "show" is over.
When will people at large understand that this war on Germany started even before WW2. The holocaust is A LIE. A lie that has served it's purpose. To make Germans feel ashamed and promote multiculturalism. If you have some critical thinking you should be able to see the holocaust for the disgusting blasphemy that it is. IT'S ILLEGAL TO QUESTION IT IN EUROPE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD PEOPLE CONNECT THE FUCKING DOTS!
How many times must the obvious be stated.., "Truth Does Not Fear Investigation"... The truth needs no laws, and it doesn't need to be defended. The truth stands by itself. Europe is trying desperately to keep the lid on this greatest lie of the 20th century. The Holohoax is the most protected act of treason against humanity in history. It's enabled many of the laws and wars that have caused countless acts of murder against innocent peoples. Sad and sickening.
It's been proven beyond reasonable doubt ages ago. Do you want me to assert every single historical event to you before making conversation or just this one?
people conveniently say the same thing about ""climate change""
have you ever even done your own research?
I am fairly certain jews don't exist. This whole thing is just a counter-counter psyop by the Arab States to lure the western populace into hating a fictious race. The torah was written by Henry VIII to subvert the continentals into a false religion. Clinton surely is connected to this, else she wouldn't take donations by the oil sheiks.
If the world ever wakes the fuck up and discovers the truth you can be damn sure the next time the ovens will be will. We won't hesitate to kill you fuckers on site.
Climate change is also a proven fact. What is your point? Yes, I have done my own research, which involves consulting the experts. Would you do heart surgery on yourself?
I dont think that people deny that it happened. rather many now question how it happened and the number of victims.
YouTube videos + threats = it sure is Sup Forums in here
The what?
Wrong again faggot go peddle your bullshit somewhere else
Unless you read Lubos Motl take down of global warming, you didn't read all the experts
The Holocaust, user. Educate yourself.
because it didn't happen
Because you can sell anything to an uneducated frustrated person and because many are just trolling.
My grandfather along with 5.99 million people died in the Holocaust, people who deny it are sick.
Oh I deny it fucking happened all right. But let's talk about something real holocaust that doesn't get taught in your fucking liberal indoctrination centers
Go eat shit you fucking jew supporting bastard,
If jews were gassed, why were the doors in the (((gas chamber))) able to be opened from both sides?
If the Holocaust happened the way the Jews claim it happened they would not make investigating the holocaust a crime in some European countries under Jewish control. If it were the truth there would be Jewish scholarships awarded to the study of the Holocaust and prizes would be given out to the people that helped bring out the truth.
Remember, the truth will always stand up on its own. If the holocaust is a lie then you would make it a crime to study it for fear that people would find the truth and stop paying reparations to Israel. Germany to this day is paying Israel holohoax reparations. Explain this: "Nazis killed 6 million jews" --> Auschwitz death toll had been officially reduced from 4 million to 1.1 million[even that is grossly exaggerated] -> 2016 -> "Nazis killed 6 million jews"
Actually you may be right as I've heard most Eastern european jews trace their lineage back to the Khazarian kingdom of eastern russian from 650-900 A.D
Thing is, even if it didn't happen, Germans still commited so many crimes that Holocaust is only a smaller part of it all.
Denying Holocaust, in addition to exposing their retardation, is also futile, because it doesn't whitewash Nazi regime, but most of Holocaust deniers are people like Americans who don't even know/learn basic facts about WW2.
Would you prefer a book then?
Not like you'll ever read anything longer than a Sup Forums post anyway.
>Dont forget the 6 gorillion goy!
Sure there was concentration camps but death camps? Not a chance
You clearly do not understand why Holocaust denial is illegal. It's not because your "arguments" are so strong that the Jews have to shut you down. It's because as first-hand witnesses are dying, both Jews and non-Jews, it gets easier for revisionists to deny basic fact and testimony. So the only way to protect the truth is through law. Basically the reason for this law is people who get their historical education from low-quality YouTube videos and say "Fuck the Experts". We're not afraid of your arguments, we are afraid of your stupidity.
Jews killed tens of millions of whites and Christians in the Soviet Union without a shred of remorse, yet they will keep blowing up their exaggerate tale of the "Holocaust", which they keep alive through their control of the media and educational systems alive to vicitimize themselves eternally.
Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism.
Sources on Jews and Communism
Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime
The only crime commited was the complete destruction of a people that wanted peace Hitler offered so many peace terms to churchil and to poland but they where all rejected.
In conclusion eat shit you fucking jew supporting bastard.
Investigating Holocaust is not a crime anywhere. Denying it is, in some countries. There is a difference but you are obviously too illiterate to understand it.
Furthermore, you are exposed as an illiterate because you obviously don't know basic facts.
Not all Jews were killed in Auschwitz, nor were all Jews gassed.
6 million is an estimate, drawn from the number of European Jews who survived WW2 and Nazi estimations that 11 million Jews live in Europe.
And even if they killed 500,000 people, there was a genocidal intent and execution, so that's totally irrelevant.
And even if they didn't harm a single Jew, they still commited massive war crimes all around Europe.
You can only peddle this bullshit in your echo chamber.
>concentration camps are not death camps even if millions of people die in them
O-okay, I guess.
>Gib me shekels
>tens of millions
10-15 million is the most common estimate. Out of these 5-7 million were victims of famine in 30's, and leader of USSR at that time was Stalin, a Georgian. Who was anti-Semitic and grew more and more anti-Semitic during his later years.
And while you had Jews like Kaganovich or Mekhlis or Yagoda, most of executioners were ethnic Russians/Ukrainians/Belorussians.
Fuck, at the time of famine leader of Ukraine was Redens, ethnic Pole.
And this literally has nothing to do with Holocaust you historically illiterate ape.
Unlike you I bothered to learn something instead of pasting links and parroting bullshit I heard on Sup Forums.
For many years people who question the holocaust have been destroyed by the media. Scientists have lost their jobs, Dr's who speak up losing everything. The historical evidence doesn't hold up to what these selected group of liars tell. The people who are telling you the truth can be found in jails or exiled from the careers they once had. It's not a conspiracy if it's true. The holocaust has been exaggerated from the beginning filled with propaganda and other lies. The people who know the truth can't speak publicly about it because you will lose everything you've worked for and get called antisemitic or racist. I hope one day history will be changed and corrected everyone should read the book "where are the teeth" written by a man from Canada and many others including a crematorium that debunked the gas chambers and no evidence of massive graves anywhere in the camps near all the war crimes took place. Research it and you will find that maybe 10% of what is told is truth. The rest is just lies, but it's so tightly wound that trying to convince the masses it didn't happen exactly they way we were all taught is like telling people that there is no god. They can't wrap their head around it and you are immediately labeled a white power skinhead for even mentioning it. Holocaust truth would put Israel in it's place that's for sure. They are running a modern day Auschwitz only without the swimming pool and grand piano for the prisoners like Auschwitz had.
>b-but they died from typhus
Well, perhaps they wouldn't have died from typhus if your heroes hadn't abducted them from their homes and stolen their valuables. Why would you even take the Jews from Greece to Poland if you don't intend to exterminate them?
Try harder scrub
Hitler was appeased all until 1939 when he occupied Bohemia and Moravia (go look it up, since I'm 100% sure you never heard of that), breaking the promise that his territorial designs on other countries are over.
This happened after French and British betrayed Czechs and forced them to surrender ethnic German lands to Hitler.
So tell me, why should've Poles, British and French trust a man who lied so many times before?
Should they have waited until he swallowed half of Europe?
That's not how world works you retarded fuck. You're totally skewering the historical situation.
Your grandfather and the other Jews executed by the Nazis certainly deserved it.
I don't deny the Holocaust. It definitely happened. At least 200-500 thousand Jews perished in labour camps at the end of WW2 from Typhus and starvation. A very terrible period of history.
Did the "holocaust" happen?
Yes, but nowhere near the scale nor the same agenda that they push. Jews were persecuted, deported, and locked away in labor camps, but there was no master plan or "final solution" to kill all of them. Most of them died as a direct result of allied bombing cutting off supply lines to the camps, leading to starvation and typhus outbreaks. Those that died were cremated to prevent the spread of disease.
Everything about there being gas chambers and giant electric chairs is pure fabrication by the Soviets that was used to further vilify their vanquished enemy post-war. The only gas chambers found in the camps were used to de-louse inmate clothing, as (wait for it) lice = Typhus, and Zyklon-B is a de-lousing chemical.
You know nothing
>Why would you even take the Jews from Greece to Poland if you don't intend to exterminate them?
Why wouldn't you just shoot them in their homes if you intended to exterminate them? Why relocate somebody to a labour camp, shave their head, disinfect them, give them a number and new clothes if they intended to kill them?
First, show me those people who researched Holocaust and were destroyed by media.
And furthermore, Holocaust deniers are ostracized because they are without an exception Nazi sympathizers.
I never heard of anyone denying Holocaust who wasn't also whitewashing Nazis.
Are you really so mentally challenged to not see why would people shit on someone who is a Nazi?
The existence of camps has been proved, as has a large number of deaths that occurred. Claims of planned genocide, gas chambers, and other horrific apparatuses of death do not have a single shred of evidence beyond testimony, testimony which has been admitted to be false on multiple counts.
>whitewashing Nazis
Stop spewing words you don't understand.
There is simply no way that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. And let's look at that word for a second... why did the Jews call it a holocaust? holocaust means a flesh sacrifice to god. And let's face it, all Jews are anti-gentiles. Their racist, supremacy minded culture needs to be put down like the rabid dog it is.
David Irving, Ernst Zundel...
>Holocaust deniers are ostracized because they are without an exception Nazi sympathizers.
Because you define anybody who cares about the truth of history and who rejects the lies exaggerations and distortions as automatically Nazi sympahisers?
How can you not "whitewash" somebody if the entire reason you hold them in contempt in the first place is due to the same bunch of lies that you are attempting to call into question and discredit?
It's like saying to a man falsely accused of being a pedophile that you can't clear his name without not taking pedophilia seriously. The whole fucking point is that it was never in play in the first place.
What are Einsatzgruppen? -
They did that. It was bad for the discipline, it brutalized the soldiers, even those in SS death squads.
So they took another approach. And furthermore that way you could use some as slave labor.
that's for the staff you fucking idiot goy
Because efficiency through deception. Also killer squads were a thing in the Eastern Front.
An 87 year old German woman was sentenced to two years in prison just a few months ago for being an outspoken holocaust denier. Nothing else. 2 years in prison.
There is literally no rational explanation for doing that other than trying to make an example of people exposing their lie. 1000%.
>And even if they killed 500,000 people, there was a genocidal intent
According to what? Testimony from prisoners who had every reason to lie to insure their jailers would suffer the harshest of punishments? The testimony from men who were given no option but to incriminate themselves?
There's zero physical evidence for a planned genocide by the way. Not a single document anywhere, no trace of gas chambers, nothing.
A separate group of Death Squads which roamed the land slaughtering 'partisan' merchants. Nobody denies those. We're denying the gas chambers which never existed.
>Because efficiency through deception
yeah they just made it look like they weren't exterminating people en masse to trick us, those devilish Nazis - this only proves their intentions even more! What a fucking Kafkatrap.
Good post, skyrim is for the nords
I don't deny it, I am proud of this capable attempt to rid the world of the jewish vermin
The large number of death didn't just "occur", they singled out Jews in every single country and shipped them to these camps where "death happened" (but who totally weren't death camps). That's genocide. If the Nazis didn't exist, those people would have been fine.
I am well aware of the Einsatzgrupper. And you know what I support it Communist are the real butchers no reason to let those subhuman trash live.
>Ernst Zundel
A Nazi.
Maybe not a Nazi but without a doubt sympathetic.
And neither of these two are real historians. Do you understand that? They are literally nobodies and they only gained fame because of their views.
Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Why don't we consider that it is another elaborate Jewish hoax? They lie with every breath.
Fuck your mother, fatso
Ah yes, those damn death camps!!!
>appeal to authority with david fucking irving
>actually trying to deny holocaust denial is nothing more than a neo-nazi conspiracy theory
Under a heading, “Mr. Weasel’s Miraculous Geysers of Blood,” there is a drawing of a man, presumably Elie Wiesel, who claims to see “geysers of Jewish blood which have been spurting out of the piles of Jewish bodies in this field for the last two months.”
The text at the top of this page tells the reader: “Elie Wiesel is not only a miraculous gassing survivor, he’s also an eyewitness to a wonderful miracle! ... Wiesel, who won a Nobel ‘Oscar’ in Stockholm for best tall tale of the Holohoax, has written that after the Nazis killed some Jews in eastern Europe, the blood of the Jews began to spurt out of the ground in geysers! These geysers of Jewish blood... according to Mr. Weasel...continued to flow for months! (13)”
The source cited here for this – Endnote 13 – is a book by Wiesel, The Jews of Silence, p. 48. Although I was not able to check this source directly, I did confirm that what is written here about Wiesel is not quite accurate.
Prof. Robert Faurisson, in his essay, “A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel,” relates that Wiesel did not himself claim to have seen such “geysers,” but only that he heard this story from someone else. Citing the French edition of Wiesel’s book, Paroles d’étranger, Faurisson quotes Wiesel as writing that: “Later, I learn from a witness that, for month after month, the ground never stopped trembling; and that, from time to time, geysers of blood spurted from it.”
>they singled out Jews in every single country
Because Jews were the biggest threat to them. Why would they want a second German Revolution to happen? Jew had called for open warfare against the Hitler regime. It's like complaining that the Nazis treated the Soviets badly - they were at fucking war. A war which the Jews won, I won't hasten to add.
>That's genocide
It's War.
if you show me some documentation that wasn't fabricated for the mock trial then sure, make me a believer. Jews died to disease and hunger like the german people did. Americans imprisoned all its japanese citizens, except they weren't bombed by several nations which ruined their infrastructure and food supply.
>they singled out Jews in every single country
No they took any kind of undesirable. Political prisoners (commies, traitors etc), as well as gays or other degenerates and put them in the camps. Jews were hardly the only victims. In fact in countries like Poland the holocaust is seen as an atrocity committed against Poles, not Jews, since a very large number of people sent to the camps were Poles for the sake of giving the Germans more Lebensraum.
>The large number of death didn't just "occur"
I didn't mean to imply that they are inexplicable, because that's not the case. They are very explicable. Typhus was rampant in the concentration camps during the war, and also among the armies. The Zyklon B found at the camps is a delousing powder, if you look it up you'll see for yourself its most common application is as a pesticide used against lice, who were the main carriers of Typhus and other diseases that were ravaging the camps.
The combination of unsanitary conditions and disease did the worst, but the lack of supplies caused by Germany losing the war in the last year only exacerbated the issue.
Germany WAS in fact responsible for their deaths and you could call the concentration camps as they really existed an atrocity. But the holocaust as described by the Jews is pure fiction.
wait so an appeal to Irving's authority is bad (which I didn't even do) but an appeal to a judge's authority isn't
Yeah I'm sure all those kids and women they shot in Ukraine and Belarus were fanatic communists.
It's impossible to have a proper discussion with you people.
But understand that you are a very tiny group and furthermore Nazism will never be vindicated if simply because, believe it or not, majority of Europeans aren't so mentally ill like you and don't worship German boot.
And Nazis were German nationalists. That's what's funniest here, non-Germans calling themselves "nationalist" supporting German domination over their nations. Next level of cognitive dissonance.
You are in for a ride boy
I don't think people say it didn't happen at all. I mean, it's obvious that they wanted to genocide all Slavs East of Germany to the Urals, along with Gypsies and Jews.
The problem is that the iconic death camps which everyone focus on seem to have inconsistencies when it comes to documentation.
I don't necessarily say the gas chambers were fake, but I do question whether or not the kill counts were massaged upwards to justify denazification and discredit the ideology once and for all.
I mean, the Einzatzgruppen are well documented, but that's not what people associate with the term "Holocaust".
Of course, the biggest issue I have with the Holocaust, is that people narrowly focus in on Jews, when the majority of the genocide victims of Nazis were Slavs.
They were pretty efficient at killing for not being death camps.
No it's not war, it's genocide and you're trying to justify it. Thankfully it will soon be illegal for you to do so.
W-what Holoc-
Oh wait. Nevermind.
>posting that shitty image.
according to the nazis own records, there were 11 million jews in Europe in 1942
>Approximately 11 million Jews will be involved in the final solution of the European Jewish question, distributed as follows among the individual countries:
I dont get you guys. You obviously dont even study this stuff that you are obsessed about with any real depth or honesty, you spout paranoid conspiracy shit, you sources are god awful neo-nazi blogs and neo-nazi propaganda, and you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
You behave exactly like all those illuminati fucks from circa 2007
>the man who spent decades studying Hitler and is renowned as be the world's leading expert on him is not a real historian
>Irving's authority
Irving has no authority. He is not a historian. He never studied history, he's at best amateur historian.
>Jews died to disease and hunger like the german people did
Nah, the Jews in Southern Europe had pretty good food from their livestock, they didn't die from hunger and disease. They died from being sent to Nazi concentration camps.
>Yeah I'm sure all those kids and women they shot in Ukraine and Belarus were fanatic communists.
it's fucking war nigga
>let's just leave these people who very possibly will completely overthrow and cause our ultimate ruin and destruction alone and hope they're nice to us lol
>everybody who challenges me is a Nazi
Nazism is dead nigga. It only lives on in the minds of people who see it everywhere they see somebody opposing their liberal revisionist bullshit.
>They died from being sent to Nazi concentration camps
Which were located in Germany and Poland, which were suffering from disease and starvation.
My grandmother was gang-raped by 5 SS officers in Dachau.
>WWII isn't a war
lol okay
that is an argument
>wait so an appeal to Irving's authority is bad
yes, because the image I posted clearly stated why, especially after you tried to claim he wasnt any sort of neo-nazi or nazi sympathizer.
And multiple historians calling his work shit is a much better appeal to authority. I know you cant see it, but you are reptilian level weirdos
stop posting bullshit that you dont even understand user
>they died from Typhus
And they wouldn't have died from anything if they were left on their own devices. If I take you out of your home, beat you up and leave you to die on unsanitary conditions under gunpoint, I am killing you.
There is nobody who calls out the lies and distortions of this period of history that you won't interpret as a Nazi sympathizer.
You're so mad that the Jewish plan for global domination got a few hundred thousand jews killed in the process, that because the Jews won you're gaily exacting revenge until nobody has the power to ever stand up to jewish supremacists ever again.
>And they wouldn't have died from anything if they were left on their own devices
and nobody would have died if Britain hadn't declared war on Germany, but woulda couulda shoulda