Why doesn't Russia perfectly recreate the US within it's borders so they won't be so poor and underpopulated anymore?
Why doesn't Russia perfectly recreate the US within it's borders so they won't be so poor and underpopulated anymore?
Because they dont want to import 100 million shitskins
with niggaz and spics?
how white are you
Whiter than you Tyrone, I have only Finnish and Fennoswedish ancestors as far as I know
t. temujin
It would be a lot easier for them to conquer the US
holy fuck thats a really good idea. Like whats stopping China from just recreating new york city? they have the money and the people to populate it.
2/3rds of Russia is a fucking wasteland the other 1/3th is pretty depressing as well.
It's not like they dont try..
You try living in siberia.
>chinese recreate new york
>elevator crashes into escalator and causes chinese 9/11
more like
>whiter than Tyrone
Due to unhospitable terrain their costs of development of any projects are higher and that leaves them with limited opportunities for capital accumulation and enterpreneurship.
USA has Great Plains, navigable giant river in its middle and ports that are accessable year round. That has gifted them with the opportunities Russia never had.
Without cetralised autocratic system in such a geography Russia could never exist in the first place. Resource allocation and their managment are paramount.
Nobody in the US stops to think about how nice we have it, 90% of the country it habitable land and comfortable climate
Why doesn't Canada re-instate their flag so they won't be a fucking leaf anymore?
Fuck you dad, I have my own fly now.
Everything to the right of the red line is totally uninhabitable due to hostile climate.
Though if (((globar warming))) is real, we will eventually end up with a big nice piece of clean land suitable for living
>EU member complains about refugees
What a twist!
tfw youre too pussy to move to siberia and fight woolly mammoths and meteor strikes
Except we send them all back to africa where they belong. We even triggered the UN by storing the migrants in a prison
because our land is usable, most of their land isnt.
90% fo russia is like the far north of canada, probably worse.
The line should be from west to east, not from north to south, idiot.
Based Aland doing what all lands should do.
these stupid americans probably think åland is a random island in the middle of pacific #fuckAmericans #whitegenocide