Prove how Nords compare to Mediterranean people in any way

Prove how Nords compare to Mediterranean people in any way.

Pro tip: You can't.

Fucking nordid subhumans.


>shit brown eyes
>god tier

O im laffin

I dare any one of you to name even ONE "aryan" historical figure who has come close to the greatness achieved by Mediterraneans.

stop bullying us ;(

anything but niggers is god tier m8

Rome>any nord shit hut

yeeeeeeee booooooooiiii

Celts > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Everyone else

If we look at historical achievements then the best Caucasians are south European and Middle East. Northern Europe are basically a step above negro


>implying any meds did anything besides the greeks
>inb4 muh Rome (which copied greek culture and mathematics)
>inb4 muh Spanish Empire (British Empire was more successful)

The only successful Europeans are the Anglos, the Greeks, and the Italians (for conquering the Greeks).

Ugliest women desu

>tfw why you even exist tier

I-it's not so bad

>divide an conquer
Nice to know nothing has changed schlomo.

>Anglos, the Greeks, and the Italians
None of which are aryan

>inb4 anglos
Most anglos are brown haired

Damn Mediterranean masculinity is out in force today.


you mad desu

you know..modern science n shit

> (OP)
daily jew thread to sow division between the european peoples.

Nice cherrypicking non-white.

the real subhumans are not nordid or meds, it's jews, niggers and mudslimes.

also the golden one looks like a viking on steroids, you mirin faggot?

>Mediterranean discovery's 19

>Germanic discovery's 90

What is going on here?

The Amazing Autist is Scottish-Czech. More Celto-Slavic than North Germanic.

you should be nice on christmas >:(

Actually most of those discoveries are done by Anglos, alpines, Jews etc. aryans and nords produce almost no science. Genetically they're not prone to excel in science and maths because of thousand of years as semic nomadic tundra niggers.

>its an americuck nigger shitflings episode
Can't help but to laugh at the poor fella.

Oooga booga we wuz original Aryans

>tfw you beat me to it.

Everyone, you gotta see the shills. You must unite against the juden. All other division is just jew tricks to undermine white unity.

Australia trying to make a late comeback against Canada in the shitposting olympics

They were mostly Jewish Germans of alpine Germans. Aryan Germans had very little to do with science

>tfw god tier

meds cant even drink mild haha gtfo



And French.

Name one influential blonde genius (you can't).

Still only accounts for 19 of 90 discovery's.

I'll bait.
>Amazing atheist
He's an anglo mutt

Carl Linnaeus?

Try 85/90

This 100%. The paleniggers here won't admit it tho

Master race checking in. Spanish blood gallops through my veins, best feeling in the world.

Even abos advanced botany.

Swedes aren't Nordic.

They are descendants of Trolls who grew out of trees to chase away the Vikings in order to prevent them from ever reaching Jötunheimr. The place north of Sweden where the heretic giants live.

kike thread


Has anyone ever noticed that when primarily speaking about neckbeards, fedora tipping atheists, etc. It's always the dark haired white fat fucks.

Coincidence? I think not.

Mediterraneans + Nordics =
Anglo Master Race
>Most Inventions
>Empire to Rule the Seas
>Language Spoken by the most countries in the world
>England and its fmr. Colonies have always been world superpowers
How do non-Anglos even compete?
>b-but you're not whiiiiiitttttte!!!!

fuck off Finnics are superior

>not processing the raw product into something better and safe to eat


So we're better than you

maybe that's because most Americans and Brits are dark haired?

This shit country literally had an eugenics program in the fifties to promote European immigration, mostly from Italy, Portugal, France and Spain (last because the guy believed we were too much alike) that's basically how Venezuela came to win many beauty pageants contests, the dictator at that time believed we still had too much negro blood and we needed more whites because the local culture was inferior.

I'm not exactly a supporter of his because he is associated with fedoralords and people that love the military boot in this country but yeah meds are hot.

Most Germans are also brown haired, almost half of Danes are brown haired it doesn't mean they're not German or Danish and blonde and blue eyed people from Italy aren't Nordic or Germanic just like brown eyed Scandinavians aren't Mediterranean

> He only got du bs against my tr ips
Meds have got to go.

Keep on living in your fantasy world lad. I'm not sure if you have noticed, but the germanic tribes conquered the world.

Ever heard of the anglo-saxons? The british empire, by any chance? The Dutch Empire? German philosophers, musicians, etc? Viking sea travels, etc.

I could go on and on and on. The list is endless.

That's not true. More than half of britain is blue eyed and light haired. Same in the US among the white population.

You have got to go back.

>we wuz philosophers

>That's not true. More than half of britain is blue eyed and light haired. Same in the US among the white population.
Eyes sure, I doubt that's true for hair.
back to the steppe now

Nice one, it's funny how Britain is always seen as one entity in these charts when in reality most of these discoveries were discovered by Scots, when ever Anglos refer to 'britain' it's just English people trying to take credit for Scottish success

A bit rich coming from one of the most Atheist countries eh?

Adolf Hitler

It's the same for hair.

> My meme will surely make the long history of german philosophers vanish
> It will surely change the fact that germany absolutely dominates philosophy in Europe

Of course there are the classics. But that's precisely the problem. They are the classics, there has been no proper philosophy for thousands of years coming from southern europe.
We're pagan, not atheist.

Adolf was pretty far from the Nordic ideal aka Halstatt Nordid.


what if my eyes are so obscure that people tell me i have black eyes?

Augustus, the roman emperor. Could just start counting roman emperors. But ehh, it's not worth it.

>no proper philosophy for thousands of years coming from southern europe
Evola? A Sicilian.

Molyneux? Zizek? So Germanic!
Muh German more like crypto Jews like Marx and Freud

>We're pagan, not atheist.

The first sven is preety hunky tho. 10/10 would suck.

then you're considered honorary negro. i'm sure there's some feel good website you can read that talks about how rare black eyes are and they're special or whatever.

Just fucking stop.

>Anglo Saxons
They're just slaves to the normans
>the British empire
Anglo Saxons taking credit for Scottish success, the British empire only happened after Scotland united with England for our own imperial ambitions

Why do you defend Germanics so much? Balts are finno-urgic, you don't have Stockholm syndrome, do you?

nothing Aryan about Augustus
Tommaso D'Aquino shits on every single ""person"" to ever come out of your shithole though. So does Machiavelli, Evola, Pareto, etc...

Pro Tip: They're illegals, they're rapists, they claim to be descendants of Spaniards, and they have to go back bigly.

Brits: created the largest empire to have ever existed in human history.

Everyone else: didn't.


>abbos niggers and natives
>not a single red spot in Europe
meh, even the French Empire gets more praise

No fair, you have to use the golden one's brother. Literally a 10/10 adonis

Majority of British isles has light eyes, as for light hair it's about 50-50, only about 30-35% have blonde hair, about 7% ginger hair, most people have a light brown coloured hair

you know how a bunch of insecure little bitch boys around here like to pontificate about how black people argue over "light skinned black vs dark skinned black" and a bunch of brain dead, gas huffing chumps show up to start parroting about how silly it is?

that's you right now. lmao.

There is no other race better at being humiliated than Celts

>Be Celtic
>Get cucked by Romans
>Get cucked by the Suebi
>Get cucked by Visigoths
>Get cucked by Franks
>Get cucked by Saxons
>Get cucked by Angles
>Get cucked by Anglo-Saxons
>Get cucked by Greeks
>Get cucked by Phoenicians
>Get cucked by the Norse
>Get cucked by Danes
>Get cucked by Norwegians
>Get cucked by Normans
>Get cucked by the English

Not many people remain blonde as they get older.

Fuck the kikes and their divide and conquer tactics.

He was okay tier, of course there have been a few. No one is going to deny that. It's just that it's tiny compared to what's been going on in Germany.

> Molyneux
are you kidding me right now lmao

> Zizek
You have to be kidding me.

First is definitely NOT a philosophist. He just likes it. He's so far from being known that it'd be a joke to even consider him.

Zizek brings absolutely nothing new to the table. Just keeps rehashing the old and again, is not considered that important by anyone. Sure, he might get more popular when he dies, but that's the future and not the moment.

Could you try more than two nobodies though?

Someone that could be compared to Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Schelling, Schulze, Kant. Anyone that actually affected things.

> I speak for estonia
get out.

>They're just slaves to the normans
Do you actually realise who the normans were? Are you really this uneducated? Those are literally the "northcucks" that moved to france. They are literally norsemen.

Lmao, you must be kidding me.

> Why do you defend Germanics so much? Balts are finno-urgic, you don't have Stockholm syndrome, do you?
No, I'm proud of my finno-ugric heritage. It's just that you guys are a complete joke with this utter nonesense.

You aren't even white gtfo

>he thinks it's kikes