Post your country in a nutshell
And don't try to sugar coat it, I'm looking at you Sweden.
Post your country in a nutshell
And don't try to sugar coat it, I'm looking at you Sweden.
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Thats a strange place to take a nap
Holy shit
lel nice played ameritard
In Mexico it's called "a siesta."
>Mexicans literally worship death and post videos on the net that make ISIS bullshit look like child's play
Yeah, I'm really getting behind the idea of a giant wall.
Well played brother
all I saw was a coca cola sign and a body and know it was mexico
It's the future we chose...
This is pretty common site
USA enslaves the world and jews own the USA
The whole Balkan region in general
>googled "australia toilet"
God damn it Australia, your fauna is more scary than narcos and ISIS combined.
>Implying Mexico isn't going to lead latin america in a comeback agaisnt islam and defeat once and for all every muslim
>implying we are not training for that since now
Yeah stay in your pussy country white boii
>tfw teacher in germantown
fucking kill me now
so bad its based
You think our toilets are bad-
Top kek
>helping educate future suicide bombers and MOVE members
You will not be spared on the day of the rope
If you don't go by our rules or agree with us, we'll bomb the fuck out of your country and take the oil.
That's a toilet, mate, ,not a snake.
how can you fucking like this cuck
So, Africa is basically a real life GTA
I just can't help but hate niggers.
I'm are probably not even a bad person but what your fucking fellow nignogs do and how they act in Germany is making me hate all blacks so fucking much.
No respect. Talking loudly. Always in groups. Looking after underaged girls and smirking. Scartching their balls/dick in public.
Acting like apes.
>stay in your pussy country white boii
You do the same and all will be well
>>No respect. Talking loudly. Always in groups. Looking after underaged girls and smirking. Scartching their balls/dick in public. Acting like apes.
I'm not Italian.
They are not evolved enough I think
You see every other race and civilization with some sort of accomplishments, except them.
not surprised coming from land of genocide
>full of muslims
fucking pure degeneracy. and to top it off, they can't merely be degenerates, they have to document the momentous occasion for everyone they know with selfies
Yeah right, go back to fucking drugged transexual dogs you silly leaf.
Those are worse than your normal garden variety paedo death cultists:
that's some fucked up shit right there
Do we still not have a solution to the leaf problem?
Well, apart from the scratching dick/balls part i'd say it describes us pretty accurately.
This, ironically, is a good portrayal of Canada because they THINK they are this image, but the image itself is a good representation for their level for delusion
Sensible chuckle.
WEW checked and kek'd
I wouldnt give a shit about niggers and arab cunts if they werent in my country fucking everything up.
>what is native americans
>what is firebombing of tokyo
>what is nuking japan
>what is korea
>what is Vietnam
>what is Iraq
>what is Afghanistan
>what is Chile
The USA has a double standard for their war crimes. No other nation got engaged in so many wars in the last hundred years. And everywhere their soldiers went they left a mess. Iraq, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and many more would have been better off without US troops. And then there are such things like Nicaragua when the US under Reagan financed, equipped and trained terrorists. Or Chile, where the US installed a facisct regime under Pinochet and let him torture a whole nation. And then, where was the US in Rwanda? Oh, yes, of course. Rwanda has no oil… So there’s no need to play “world-police”.
Que chistoso negro, piensa que es blanco.
Have I been getting memed or is Argentina actually white?
Guy in right, red helmet, blue tightie whities, my lord! So much going on in this pic, amazing!
w-what is worse?
It's sad and funny at the same time.
Argentinians are niggers in denial, they think they're white and they are very racist to anyone a shade darker than them, calling them niggers.
Pic related, this is what an average Argentinian who refers to him as "white" looks like.
We don't. Under 40% of leafs voted for the liberals and his popularity is going down.
Yeah, kangaroo, don't leave us hanging.
In "Man in the High Castle" an Argentinian is in the Nazi embassy seeking asylum because war is coming to South America. He is concerned that despite everyone looking Aryan his wife's father is half white only so they might get rejected as a family.
Genetically the majority has native DNA despite European ancestry.
Phenotypically we are white. Whiteness is also diverse, most of us are italian/spanish white but there is also germanic, polish, etc white.
We love to brag that we are white and European but in reality we regressed from first world to third world.
>everywhere their soldiers went they left a mess.
>where was the US in Rwanda?
Its shit like this that is going to make us adopt an isolationist foreign policy. Then the world will REALLY go to hell in a handbasket and we will have to fix it fucking again.
Fuck you kraut. Were going to have to invade you again too just to get rid of merkel.
Greentext Stories
Spiders in your ears when you sleep
I wonder how many anons can get what I implied by posting this picture.
Ha fpbp
Outside of major liberal shitholes such as Jew York and Los Angeles (read: Hell), it doesn't get much better.
This is more representative of India
War with a means to defend oneself is different than trying to deliberately wipe out an entire race due to delusional propaganda from a mad man.
You're probably made you're country is getting cucked by muslims and you probably lost your gf to a big black cock.
Oh and millipedes
That actually didn't trigger me as hard as I thought it would. It was actually sort of cute. Holy shit, did Sup Forums actually cure my arachnophobia?
>when electricity,water/sewer,comunications and transportation are all owned by private companies
that one bitch gorilla is jacked
Skopje is a shithole by any standards.
>you 7 spiders on average in your lifetime
>in australia your body houses at least 7 nasty insects at any time
I live in TN. These fucking turds are all over. They must get bussed in. It's depressing because these Mexicans are basically niggers; none of them work, you see them out and about wearing pajamas with 5-6 kids using food stamps at 10 am on a weekday. Please help us Trump, you are our only hope.
ya right, because the words of critics is far worse than waging wars (notice that i use the plural form since you are constantly at war with someone or something )
btw plz raid us again to get rid of merkel i'm not even being sarcastic
like serious, we would even create a few twinkie factories or whatever stuff you americans feast of
pol is always Redpillng and right, no need to fear
Tell Runestone to suck my dick
That's a silver certificate. Idgi. Or are you meming on Lincoln?
Anime is real
What the hell? Do you have links to news article about that?
We have pride of our glorious past and believe that our whiteness make us superior than anyone else when in reality we are just a third world country occupied by people who happened to be white.
Yap, we have a very large Jewish community, many of them emigrated because of crises.
Adult are gulible to the media as a religious person is to their book.
Teenagers rob more than blacks.
Kids swear more than edgy memers.
Everyone has more retardation than people with downs
You got me there m8, I'm clumsy af.
Kek, sent this to a SJW serb friend of mine