Think about it. Without non-white immigration our populations would decline, lessening our military/economic manpower, our economies are growing at a very slow rate compared to other nonwhite nations, we are also effectively being bred out of existance, and all of our politicians are pandering towards nonwhites.
Say it ain't so, is our time finished? Is it time for us to step aside and for a group of diverse people of color to take the reigns for a bit?
Honest talk Sup Forums. I don't want the white race disapear more than anyone, but on Earth, ALL races are destined to die out. It was over the minute we invented air travel. Entropy garauntees human genetics will be spread as generally as they possibly can. It could be in 100 years, it could be in 100,000, but in a limited space, genes will spread. There's only 2 ways I can think of humans will not become homogenous:
1) In-group bias is able to outrun entorpy. Most humans naturally prefer partners who are like them. This is why even in England, a small country, you have so many towns and villages where the population genetics has stayed uninterrupted by outsiders for 1000's of years. It may be inevitable that humans mix with the invention of planes/internet, but it may happen too slowly to match the rate people with in-group bias breed.
2) Before races become completely homogenized, humans leave for space and exponetially colonize planets. This will inevitably lead to population "islands", that may be all-white, all-chinese, all-black ect. The entropy of human genetics will never catch up with that. Even in this scenario however, Earth is still doomed to homogenity.
Michael Lee
> Implying the future of military/economics involves raw manpower and not automation.
We would do amazingly well with half the numbers we have. We need fewer people of better stock, not mass immigration of unemployable goat fuckers.
Adrian Cooper
I always see this thread and I don't understand it's point. None of the people "immigrating" are helping out or "replacing" us, they are just here to get a fucking handout and scrub toilets for pennies because they know welfare will balance their shit pay out. They are not the future. Not sure how hard that is to understand, I'm sure I'll see this same thread sometime next week.
Chase Jackson
What is "Whiteness"?
Brody Anderson
>Is it time for us to step aside and for a group of diverse people of color to take the reigns for a bit? It's better to burn out than fade away.
Anthony Robinson
New "blackpill" strategy by /leftypol/
Jace King
I would breed with a non-white if they were a qt 3.14
Julian Ramirez
The reason a lot of whites don't have a lot of children any more is because of how expensive it is to raise them; most black kids are born out of wedlock, they aren't planned. Whites are generally more careful, they plan these things. Reduce the cost of raising a child somehow and white birthrates will most likely increase.
James Nelson
"White race" is a fiction literally invented by America.
"White" did not immigrate from Europe. French and Ukrainian are not "white". They are Franco and Slavic (and really "Ukrainian" is its own unique ethnic group, separate from other slavic people, who are, in turn, each individual ethnic groups. Two different slavs can tell each other apart. Americans can't, because they have this idea of "white" but, again, America made that up.)